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Thread: Cannot Find Value - *Sealed* Super Bomberman Party Pak SNES

  1. #1
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    Default Cannot Find Value - *Sealed* Super Bomberman Party Pak SNES

    I have been trying to find a value for Super Bomberman Party Pak, sealed, on the SNES and cannot find a listing for one anywhere. Ebay doesn't go back far enough to even show a listed copy and has zero new copies listed. This is the game (not my copy):

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Super-Bomberman-Party-Pak-Nintendo-SNES-NEW-SEALED.jpg 
Views:	52 
Size:	68.9 KB 
ID:	7402

    Does anyone have an idea of how I could price this?

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    I see that everyone is as stumped as I am!

  3. #3
    Pac-Man (Level 10) Blitzwing256's Avatar
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    I recently purchased the game and multitap from a game store to complete mine and the game itself is 25$ and the tap was 30$ (I had my childhood box but the game and tap were stolen)
    it's a fairly hard to come by release, there was also a much rarer version for bomberman 2 as well. I'd have easily paid 200+ to purchase it complete had i not the box, as far as I am aware the box was not sealed originally (orignial eb price tag on the box itself like with earthbound).

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    It's weird. I would normally use Price Charting but they don't have a listing at all for a new copy. Using eBay and the "completed auctions" search there are also none in the current available history. As of today there were only two complete copies sold with the most current being over $300 (

    Would you think it is fair to say a new copy is about $600? My worry is that a new version of this is so rare that it might be worth even more than that.

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    Cherry (Level 1)
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    Honestly the Nintendo Age guys can probably give you a better idea on this item.

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    Bell (Level 8)
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    Quote Originally Posted by BranWheatKillah View Post
    It's weird. I would normally use Price Charting but they don't have a listing at all for a new copy. Using eBay and the "completed auctions" search there are also none in the current available history. As of today there were only two complete copies sold with the most current being over $300 (

    Would you think it is fair to say a new copy is about $600? My worry is that a new version of this is so rare that it might be worth even more than that.
    I thought the "Party Pack" was the standard release of the game. I don't know if there was a non-Party-Pack release except maybe a Majesco print.
    I do remember renting the game from Blockbuster back in the day and the Multitap was indeed part of the rental. (I can't imagine them paying to rent out a premium edition of anything.)

  7. #7
    Kirby (Level 13) Tanooki's Avatar
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    The problem here is the problem you said, no history on ebay of the item in such shape. I don't remember it popping up on NintendoAge over the last 4 years I've been registered there and lurking before I didn't pay all that much attention. Usually I think it's fair to say if you have a really nice to amazing complete copy with all the junk still in the box (assuming the 4player part is bagged and tied?) if you had one you really could confirm is brand new it would have to be at least worth twice as much.

    Again the problem is, no record of a new one. Because of this you have a problem and that is not knowing. Seeing such things pop up over there the best advice I could give you they probably would too short of someone wanting it and trying to get a deal -- throw it up on ebay with a value perhaps triple what the sold used/great copy went for with a BEST OFFER option and take no less than double ($600) unless you get fed up with sitting on it. I hate giving advice like this as it nauseates me how much some people have driven games into being a commodity market, but that is the best way to play the angle. Let it ride, set a high OBO offer on ebay, let the offers ride and rack up, and take whatever you're comfy with, because in the end it will be whatever that guy is willing to pay which could be $50 over the used one or $500 over the used's a gamble.

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    The previous sealed one sold for 101$ it was in 2010. lol. based on my database
    I haven't seen sealed one in a couple of years.. So yes, it's rare. And a sealed one would easily fetch 200-300$ based on current CIB prices. 600? I highly doubt that.
    My Rpg Collection
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dark_Sol View Post
    The previous sealed one sold for 101$ it was in 2010. lol. based on my database
    I haven't seen sealed one in a couple of years.. So yes, it's rare. And a sealed one would easily fetch 200-300$ based on current CIB prices. 600? I highly doubt that.
    Considering that retro game prices have skyrocketed in the past 4 years that isn't much to go off of. Considering that the auction I linked to earlier is the only close to complete as it mentions it is missing the Nintendo inserts, and that one sold for $300+, having a sealed copy for $600 seems quite reasonable.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanooki View Post
    The problem here is the problem you said, no history on ebay of the item in such shape. I don't remember it popping up on NintendoAge over the last 4 years I've been registered there and lurking before I didn't pay all that much attention. Usually I think it's fair to say if you have a really nice to amazing complete copy with all the junk still in the box (assuming the 4player part is bagged and tied?) if you had one you really could confirm is brand new it would have to be at least worth twice as much.

    Again the problem is, no record of a new one. Because of this you have a problem and that is not knowing. Seeing such things pop up over there the best advice I could give you they probably would too short of someone wanting it and trying to get a deal -- throw it up on ebay with a value perhaps triple what the sold used/great copy went for with a BEST OFFER option and take no less than double ($600) unless you get fed up with sitting on it. I hate giving advice like this as it nauseates me how much some people have driven games into being a commodity market, but that is the best way to play the angle. Let it ride, set a high OBO offer on ebay, let the offers ride and rack up, and take whatever you're comfy with, because in the end it will be whatever that guy is willing to pay which could be $50 over the used one or $500 over the used's a gamble.
    Thank you for the info! I was thinking $600 is about the right price for it but I agree with you that prices have gotten carried away overall . I think there is some merit to it for sealed titles but open and playable have also gotten outrageous.

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    Not sure if you care, but one just sold for almost $600 on ebay.

    If it was yours then good job!

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