I picked up a fat ps3 ceche01 for $10 at a garage sale. The guy said the drive wasn't reading games. I was able to power it up and see that it worked.

I was looking at swapping out the drive of a ps3 I got for free into this one, but I'm not sure if it will work. The one I picked up is a ceche01. The free one of mine is a ceche01mg and has ylod. I'm trying to figure out if I can swap out the drives or at least the lasers. The MG model had a KEM-410ACA. The regular ceche01 model had a KES-400A. I'm trying to figure out what is compatible.

I did note my controller wouldn't work with the controller. I ended up swapping wireless unit and that is working at least. That part was uncharged between the two models. The power button also doesn't work, but I think that could be from the case not being closed well. It was opened before, and I don't think I closed it any better in that corner.