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Thread: who repairs bricked PS3 consoles these days?

  1. #1
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    Default who repairs bricked PS3 consoles these days?

    So my PS3 was bricked with the last firmware update (4.60) and now doesn't show any video output at all. Have tried several things on the interwebs to bring it back but no dice. Any recommendations on a reputable place or three I could send the console to get fixed? I've already swapped out the hard drive, so likely Sony won't touch it. And it's the original 60gb backwards compatible model that am still rather fond of. The first place I thought of was OSG in Edmonton, had a few consoles repaired there many moons ago, but unfortunately Steve closed up shop at the end of 2013. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!

  2. #2
    Apple (Level 5) xelement5x's Avatar
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    Considering Sony made the HDD user swappable I'd bet they will still cover it if you call.

  3. #3
    Strawberry (Level 2) dendawg's Avatar
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    What I've heard is that Sony will replace whatever HDD is in there with an OEM drive, so maybe you could get away with tossing in a drive you really don't want?
    Don't go away mad....just go away!

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