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Thread: My entire SMS collection going up for auction; 150+ cart NES collection to be posted throughout the coming weeks

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    Strawberry (Level 2) Custom rank graphic
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    Default My entire SMS collection going up for auction; 150+ cart NES collection to be posted throughout the coming weeks

    Hi all,

    Putting my entire SMS and NES collections up on eBay over the next week or so... I currently have around 20 of my SMS games listed, but the best (Phantasy Star, Ultima 4, Moonwalker, RC Grand Prix all CIB, etc...) is yet to be posted. My seller ID on the 'bay is "jimax_300" if you wanna check my stuff for sale. You can also try this link, but I don't know if it'll work for other people or just me?

    Anyway, some highlights of the NES collection will include:

    Adventure Island 1-3 (2 is boxed, 3 is CIB)
    Dragon Warrior 1-4 (1 is COMPLETELY CIB, 4 has a kinda beat-up manual)
    Megaman 1-6
    Gargoyle's Quest 2
    Ninja Gaiden 1-3
    Tengen Tetris
    Adventures of Lolo 1-3 (1 & 3 are CIB)
    Felix the Cat MINT CIB
    Uninvited (boxed)
    Princess Tomato CIB...ish (has a butchered plastic rental box but the manual is there too)
    Rockin' Kats
    Darkwing Duck w/manual
    Maxi 15
    EarthBound (Repro)
    Ghost Lion w/manual
    ....AND MANY MORE!

    I do really need to sell via ebay because I'm in a situation where I need to get as much as I can for these (need a new roof on the house); I just wanted to give you guys a heads-up. I'm trying to keep starting bids reasonable, too. Hopefully I'm doing OK so far.
    Thanks for looking!

  2. #2
    Strawberry (Level 2) Custom rank graphic
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    BUMPing to let everyone here the rest of the rarer SMS stuff has gone up for bids! Moonwalker, Phantasy Star, Ultima 4, RC GRand Prix, Space Harrier 3D, Ys, and more!
    Thanks again for your patronage.

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