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Thread: Vectrex Controller issue

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    Pac-Man (Level 10) mailman187666's Avatar
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    Default Vectrex Controller issue

    I've had my Vectrex for about 5 years now. Just last night, I turned it on and noticed the joystick was a bit loose. Not only that, but when I played Berzerk, I could only move diagonally down-left, and down-right. Does anyone know if this is a common problem and could direct me to a good repair guide?

    I tried a google search and saw some controller repair guide, but I'm not so sure if it's for the same issue I'm having or not.

  2. #2
    Pretzel (Level 4)
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    Sounds like the spring in the controller. Sad part is you may have to heat the overlay to get to the screws to take it apart. Not good as it usually ruins it. You can get a ton of different overlays off ebay. But if you can get it apart without damaging the controller overlay, that would be an achievement. So it is pretty easy from there. Take out a couple screws to get to the main part then there are prongs you lift up with a flat head screwdriver. To replace the spring all you need is the spring from an Atari 2600 cart. There are millions of Pac-Mans and Combat carts you can use for pennies. Remove the old spring, which is probably broken in 2 pieces from ware and tare. Insert the Atari 2600 spring into the place of the old Vectrex one. You will have 2 prongs sticking out from the spring so you have to cut them off. Not completely, leave just a small part sticking out. A little less than 1/8 of an inch or so. Just eye ball it. Not a huge deal. Move the controller around and make sure it goes back to center when you move it around. You will notice it is much stiffer than previous. Put everything back together and give it a test. Should have fixed the problem.

    Also, when you have it apart there is a copper circle contact part that may have corrosion on it. Clean that off.
    Last edited by Yago; 03-12-2015 at 05:58 PM.

  3. #3
    Pac-Man (Level 10) mailman187666's Avatar
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    Thanks Yago. I have actually offered to pay a technical support guy, at my workplace, to take a look at it. If he can't fix it, I will use this as a guide. I also saw videos that explained similar things as you did, but it didn't quite seem the same as my issue. That's the reason why I asked here. It may just be that my controller isn't as loose as the videos I saw.

    The overlay is already slightly damaged, so I'm not too worried. I just want a working system.

  4. #4
    Pretzel (Level 4)
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    If you have tried everything and still have had no luck I can send you my spare. Button 1 is flaky but probably a lot easier to fix than the stick. I just have had no time to mess with it. Just pay shipping. To have a system you can't play because of a controller that costs around $100 on ebay is ridiculous to me.

  5. #5
    Pac-Man (Level 10) mailman187666's Avatar
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    wow, that is a very generous offer. If worse came to worse, I would just spring for a new controller on ebay, as it would be worth it to me to have a playable system. I'm fairly confident mine can be fixed though. A Vectrex controller, to me, is worth preserving. I wouldn't feel right just having you send me yours, unless it was a last resort. I do appreciate the offer though.

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