Quote Originally Posted by JSoup View Post
I'd imagine that's due to how many made their way out into the wild years before collectors prices set in or just the act of price checking and then selling online.
I knew a guy when I was in middle school who had copies of Sculptor Cut and Beast Wars Transmetals on hand. He rented then, then never returned them. His dad canceled the credit card when the late charges came in (as yet another family of the time that never used credit cards and only had video rental cards for the kids). I'm given to understand that this wasn't a rare practice when it came to rental exclusives.

I had no idea people actually did that. I was actually shocked when my older brother rented NBA Street 2 from Blockbuster for the PS2 twice and thought doing that was illegal (which it wasn't since it was paid twice). It makes me kind of wish I had done that with Worms Armageddon... but then again, it was over a decade between the last time I played the game and bought it on eBay (August, 2014) so it's not like I would have been old enough to get away with it anyway.