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Thread: Bloodborne Reactions

  1. #1
    Cherry (Level 1)
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    Default Bloodborne Reactions

    I am super interested in getting Bloodborne, mainly because my PS4 hasn't had anything worthwhile to play in a long time, and the game has gotten great reviews. Somehow, someway, however, I did not play any of the Souls games last gen; this is why I come to you, oh trusted members of Digitpress: do you like this game? Could a noob like me get into and enjoy the game? I don't mind games that bite, and I really enjoy non-party rpgs. Have at it.

  2. #2
    Bell (Level 8)
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    I would be but Amazon fucked up on the Collector's Edition and it was delayed. Very pissed off but they gave me a $10 credit for my trouble. I am super hyped though.
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    Peach (Level 3) PreZZ's Avatar
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    I am not a fan of the soul series, but i managed to at least get to the second boss in demon souls in about 5 hours. Bloodborne is so boring and repetitive IMO, i bought it and refret it. Some will say that I Suck, but its just too damn difficult and frustrating, im 6 hours in and still at the same place i was the first 5 minutes in. I just cant enjoy it, try renting it first.

  4. #4
    Bell (Level 8)
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    Alright well I have my copy now finally and have played it for a bit and if you are not a fan of the souls series there is no reason for you to buy this game. I don't know why you would if you didn't like the others. Anyways, I love the Souls series and this is the best one to come out since Demon's Souls. I loved Dark Souls but the second one just felt off to me for some reason. I still played the hell out of it for PVP.

    This feels like when I first loaded up Dark Souls. Everything was different but still felt the same. The mechanics are similar but different enough to feel fresh to me. The other great thing is they were not able to reuse any of the old stuff so everything feels new. I wish it was 60fps but you can't have everything when you are playing on a potato.

    The game is not hard it is just more styled after retro games. It doesn't just hand you everything and let you pretend to be a bad ass. You have to earn it and that is what makes the "souls" series fun. No hand holding. If you don't like having to try again and again then you will be frustrated quickly and will be crying in the corner for "wasting" your money.
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  5. #5
    ServBot (Level 11) Tron 2.0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by kai123 View Post
    Alright well I have my copy now finally and have played it for a bit and if you are not a fan of the souls series there is no reason for you to buy this game. I don't know why you would if you didn't like the others. Anyways, I love the Souls series and this is the best one to come out since Demon's Souls. I loved Dark Souls but the second one just felt off to me for some reason. I still played the hell out of it for PVP.

    This feels like when I first loaded up Dark Souls. Everything was different but still felt the same. The mechanics are similar but different enough to feel fresh to me. The other great thing is they were not able to reuse any of the old stuff so everything feels new. I wish it was 60fps but you can't have everything when you are playing on a potato.

    The game is not hard it is just more styled after retro games. It doesn't just hand you everything and let you pretend to be a bad ass. You have to earn it and that is what makes the "souls" series fun. No hand holding. If you don't like having to try again and again then you will be frustrated quickly and will be crying in the corner for "wasting" your money.
    This is for how to look at bloodborne.For any one that's a fan of the souls serie,will have no problems with bloodborne.The most difference i found with bloodborne was how you have to be offense more instead of defense.

  6. #6
    Crono (Level 14) Custom rank graphic

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    If you haven't played Demon's Souls or Dark Souls, then you should purchase those, not because they're better or worse, but because of the cost in general. I haven't finished Bloodborne, but I'm near the end. I think that it has some things that make it better than Demon's Souls, but overall I think Demon's Souls is a better game.

    There's no bow and arrow and no real attack magic like there were in the previous games, but if the game did include them, then it'd be way too easy. Almost every weapon in the game has a regular and trick version. While people make the comment that it's two weapons in one, it's not like the move set is much larger than weapons from the previous games. On the previous games you can put away your second hand weapon and hold the weapon in two hands, giving you a different moveset so it's not like you really get a larger moveset. For the most part, you get less of a moveset because you can dual wield weapons on the other games as well, but aside from that it's the same, except for weapons that you do hold in two hands when using them in trick form. Bloodborne also has only 15 weapons in the game, almost all of them trick weapons. The dungeons in Bloodborne are like Dark Souls, but during exploration, most of what you find is consumables so exploration doesn't matter as much.

    What's better in Bloodborne is the difference in weapons. The weapons have more versatility than the previous games and every trick version is completely different than the regular version. Most weapons on Demon's Souls that you hold in two hands work similar to holding them in a single hand, where it's mostly the same attacks with quicker speed and higher damage, while few like the straight swords have a completely different moveset while holding in both hands. Aside from the regular version of the stake driver, saw cleaver, and saw spear which are the same, every trick weapon in the game is completely different from the next. So where as you get more powerful versions of the same weapons in Demon's Souls, slightly different weapons in Dark Souls(or sometimes weapons that have two single attacks,) the weapons in Bloodborne are completely unique in reguluar and trick form.

    I've never played Dark Souls 2, planning to play it once the PS4 version drops in price, but while I haven't finished Bloodborne and only nearing the end, I think it's as good as any Souls game. I prefer Demon's Souls, Bloodborne, then Dark Souls. I'm not going to get into the things I dislike about Dark Souls, but if it didn't have some issues, I'd prefer it over the rest.
    Everything in the above post is opinion unless stated otherwise.

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    Bell (Level 8)
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    Quote Originally Posted by kupomogli View Post
    while I haven't finished Bloodborne and only nearing the end, I think it's as good as any Souls game. I prefer Demon's Souls, Bloodborne, then Dark Souls. I'm not going to get into the things I dislike about Dark Souls, but if it didn't have some issues, I'd prefer it over the rest.

    That is exactly how I feel about it. To be honest Dark Souls 2 was so easy it didn't even feel like a souls game. Everything felt disconnected and didn't make sense. It was just a cash grab for Namco.
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    Mindbender The Adventurer's Avatar
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    If they took Dark Souls II interface and control scheme and combined it with Dark Souls I. It would be the perfect game.
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  9. #9
    Strawberry (Level 2) CDiablo's Avatar
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    I suggest renting/borrowing BB or getting a game like Demons/Dark Souls on the cheap. I love Dark Souls 1 and its possibly one of my top 5 all time games. With that said I have multiple friends that have bought Demons/Dark and Bloodborne at $40-$60 and quit on the game after a few hours because they arent into that style of game.
    Bury me with my money......*dies*

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