I think the discussion about the best RPG entry games is exaggerated. There are only a few RPGs I wouldn't recommend to beginners, but all the games in the OP are suited for RPG newbies. Actually, the vast majority of RPGs aren't a hindrance if you are a bit interested in the genre.
In 1990, I had little experience with videogames. I had only played Life Force, Mega Man 2, Ninja Gaiden and Zelda 2 before I tried a strange game called 'Final Fantasy'. They called it a 'Role Playing Game,' Nintendo Power and other game mags had explained in detail what kind of a game genre that is when in 1989 Dragon Warrior on the NES was released. I knew that Dragon Warrior despite a huge marketing effort by Nintendo didn't sell well at all, but I was curious and tried this Final Fantasy game. (Supposedly it was successful in Japan) Result: I wasn't overwhelmed, the game was not too complicated for me as Nintendo was afraid of for European and American players, and I appreciated RPGs from my first FF on.
I think if you have a dispostion to like RPGs, not a lot of games can throw you off.