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Thread: Limited Run Games (producing physical copies of digital games)

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    Well, that's why I normally bump this topic when things are put up for sale, to give everyone a heads-up if they haven't been keeping up with the news. I also updated the first post with Siralim 2's release date shortly after it was revealed. So if somebody follows this topic, they shouldn't have to do too much digging for info elsewhere. But the short notice does indeed suck.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojay1997 View Post
    The constant complaining is really getting tired at this point. It's always some giant conspiracy or scheme and they are always the shadiest and most horrible company in the world and yet the same people complaining the loudest are always the ones that continue to buy. If you want to make a point, stop buying their stuff and walk away. You can choose to believe them or not, it doesn't really matter because nobody is forcing you to buy their stuff. As long as they deliver what they promise in the end, I'm perfectly happy to keep buying from them and I suspect most of the other collectors who buy from them feel the exact same way.
    That's the problem. They can release poop in a box and slap their label, and it will still sell. Because LRG cheerleaders will buy whatever they release. And you know this too.

    Look at the last CEs they have released. They have been quite terrible in value and a just a way to squeeze more money from the customer. Of course, to each their own: people want to spend on crap, so let them. But I've been noticing that lately, some of their CEs have either sold slowly or not sold out at all. I hope this means that people are wising up and realizing that those releases are just not worth it.

    Complaints will also linger, be it from fans or haters. I love LRG but think that some of their practices are idiotic. And I fear that those practices will eventually harm them. To say "They are doing just fine" is ignorant because we are turning a blind eye to what could eventually cause their downfall. Josh from LRG is like this, and even when given some sound advice, he totally ignores it to then later complain and say "I don't understand why this happened duh". Look at Sears and it's employees/administration: when working there they said the same nonsense and look what happened. You will probably say "Not the same...", But the core is: company makes stupid decisions that bite them on the ass.

    I will continue critizicing LRG because I really like them. I'm not going to be a cheerleader and think everything they do is perfect because that could eventually be their downfall. I rather see them improve thanks to their critical fans than fanboys who don't contribute anything other than money.
    Proud owner of a Neo 25 Neo Geo Candy Cab!

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    Quote Originally Posted by megasdkirby View Post
    That's the problem. They can release poop in a box and slap their label, and it will still sell. Because LRG cheerleaders will buy whatever they release. And you know this too.

    Look at the last CEs they have released. They have been quite terrible in value and a just a way to squeeze more money from the customer. Of course, to each their own: people want to spend on crap, so let them. But I've been noticing that lately, some of their CEs have either sold slowly or not sold out at all. I hope this means that people are wising up and realizing that those releases are just not worth it.

    Complaints will also linger, be it from fans or haters. I love LRG but think that some of their practices are idiotic. And I fear that those practices will eventually harm them. To say "They are doing just fine" is ignorant because we are turning a blind eye to what could eventually cause their downfall. Josh from LRG is like this, and even when given some sound advice, he totally ignores it to then later complain and say "I don't understand why this happened duh". Look at Sears and it's employees/administration: when working there they said the same nonsense and look what happened. You will probably say "Not the same...", But the core is: company makes stupid decisions that bite them on the ass.

    I will continue critizicing LRG because I really like them. I'm not going to be a cheerleader and think everything they do is perfect because that could eventually be their downfall. I rather see them improve thanks to their critical fans than fanboys who don't contribute anything other than money.
    LRG is a business. It's a business run by collectors and gamers. It's also a business that has generated over $25 million in gross revenue in three years. If they need advice and guidance, they can reach out to people with expertise in the areas that are creating problems for them. Receiving constant criticism from people who know nothing about running a business is frankly not productive. Companies like JC Penney and Sears have failed because they spent too much time running focus groups and trying to chase what they thought their customer base wanted. Successful businesses have strong leaders who chart a course and consider reasonable customer feedback, but don't let that feedback override their good judgment. You may think you're helping, but frankly you're just reinforcing all the negative perceptions that people who are not so invested in LRG and won't take the time to check it out for themselves are being exposed to.

  4. #1004
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    Expect Rabi Ribi to release in Summer 2017, we're finally getting it Winter 2018. Comes out this Friday. Doug made such a huge deal about it being LRG and that they were going to have the game available before PQube and then after PQube released theirs he stated it was releasing soon so don't buy the PQube version, many people I know were tired of waiting on LRG version so it's going to sell less because of that.

    Me, I was holding for the LRG release because I'd rather have ESRB ratings over the PAL ratings. If I can help it I'd never buy a PAL release. I'm a bit OCD about the ratings systems being so different. Here's what's really fucking bullshit though. LRG release is a year and a half later yet they're selling the game at premium despite being able to buy the game for $11 after conversion.

    And since according to Bojay, I don't ever post anything negative about LRG in their forum, I've decided to link my post there so Bojay can see it.
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    Quote Originally Posted by kupomogli View Post
    Expect Rabi Ribi to release in Summer 2017, we're finally getting it Winter 2018. Comes out this Friday. Doug made such a huge deal about it being LRG and that they were going to have the game available before PQube and then after PQube released theirs he stated it was releasing soon so don't buy the PQube version, many people I know were tired of waiting on LRG version so it's going to sell less because of that.

    Me, I was holding for the LRG release because I'd rather have ESRB ratings over the PAL ratings. If I can help it I'd never buy a PAL release. I'm a bit OCD about the ratings systems being so different. Here's what's really fucking bullshit though. LRG release is a year and a half later yet they're selling the game at premium despite being able to buy the game for $11 after conversion.

    And since according to Bojay, I don't ever post anything negative about LRG in their forum, I've decided to link my post there so Bojay can see it.
    I saw it. You finally had the guts to post a criticism on a forum where LRG might actually see it, so credit where credit it due. Unfortunately, your argument was completely idiotic, but small steps I suppose.

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    Unless you stalk me on LRG or something, you don't know what I post. I've actually criticzed a lot of stuff over there. Ninja Senki DX when Doug asked people if they would buy it for $25 for example.

    And yeah, LRG is releasing the game for $30 instead of $35, or $40 that you might normally expect, and we all know why that is, all the recent criticism they got, like the $99 special edition, or selling each title of Outlast individually despite being able to fit on one cart. Which btw, I started The Banner Saga and there's no UI on that to choose between games, you choose to download each game individually from the systems UI, so LRG could have easily did the same thing instead of the developers creating and coding a new selection menu and then recoding the old data into a single game.

    The PQube version is $11 right now, and it's the same game. Yes LRG version is completely patched, but like I stated in a later post the patches are more than likely insignificant, and it's not like LRG put any effort on prior releases to make sure all games were fully patched outside of Cosmic Star Heroine and Salt and Sanctuary which the developers themselves stated they wanted the games to be fully patched before being put on disc. N++ for example is missing 50% content that the developers announced long before LRG made the announcement and got the rights to publish the game.

    Fair is fair. Diablo 3 gets criticized by Switch owners for being $60, as do many other releases, but this game was never on the Switch before, so a $60 price point is fair compared to the $40 that PS4?XBO could buy it for. The Reaper of Souls edition has been $20 for a long time, almost no one would have bought the $60 Eternal edition on those consoles. The difference with Rabi Ribi, the difference with Caladrius Blaze, the difference Ys Origin, the difference with any and every game that LRG publishes that is more expensive than the competition is going to get criticized. Not expecting a $30 game when the game has been out for a decade is legitimate. LRG might be an American company, but it's not a brick but there's almost no difference than ordering from LRG and an import store. And while this is more as a joke, I've actually had shipping confirmation emails from LRG that came around the same time Play-Asia orders have shipped.... I got the Play-Asia versions first. Yeah, not a funny joke huh? That's because it's pretty pathetic in LRG case, more like LRG is the joke.
    Last edited by kupomogli; 11-06-2018 at 01:14 AM.
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  7. #1007
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    You can't blame LRG for the Rabi-Ribi delays. That's all on Sekai Project. They're the ones who have kept LRG in the dark half the time and stringing them along with promises of "soon" that don't actually end up being soon. It's the same reason all the Sekai Project visual novels LRG is scheduled to release have been delayed forever too, and why the Vita versions of all those were cancelled. None of the others have even made it to PSN yet, and it's questionable if LRG will ever be able to release them. So the fact that Rabi-Ribi even made it to PSN and got these physical releases from PQube and LRG, including a physical Vita version before the end of Vita production, is a small miracle.

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    Quote Originally Posted by kupomogli View Post
    Unless you stalk me on LRG or something, you don't know what I post. I've actually criticzed a lot of stuff over there. Ninja Senki DX when Doug asked people if they would buy it for $25 for example.

    And yeah, LRG is releasing the game for $30 instead of $35, or $40 that you might normally expect, and we all know why that is, all the recent criticism they got, like the $99 special edition, or selling each title of Outlast individually despite being able to fit on one cart. Which btw, I started The Banner Saga and there's no UI on that to choose between games, you choose to download each game individually from the systems UI, so LRG could have easily did the same thing instead of the developers creating and coding a new selection menu and then recoding the old data into a single game.

    The PQube version is $11 right now, and it's the same game. Yes LRG version is completely patched, but like I stated in a later post the patches are more than likely insignificant, and it's not like LRG put any effort on prior releases to make sure all games were fully patched outside of Cosmic Star Heroine and Salt and Sanctuary which the developers themselves stated they wanted the games to be fully patched before being put on disc. N++ for example is missing 50% content that the developers announced long before LRG made the announcement and got the rights to publish the game.

    Fair is fair. Diablo 3 gets criticized by Switch owners for being $60, as do many other releases, but this game was never on the Switch before, so a $60 price point is fair compared to the $40 that PS4?XBO could buy it for. The Reaper of Souls edition has been $20 for a long time, almost no one would have bought the $60 Eternal edition on those consoles. The difference with Rabi Ribi, the difference with Caladrius Blaze, the difference Ys Origin, the difference with any and every game that LRG publishes that is more expensive than the competition is going to get criticized. Not expecting a $30 game when the game has been out for a decade is legitimate. LRG might be an American company, but it's not a brick but there's almost no difference than ordering from LRG and an import store. And while this is more as a joke, I've actually had shipping confirmation emails from LRG that came around the same time Play-Asia orders have shipped.... I got the Play-Asia versions first. Yeah, not a funny joke huh? That's because it's pretty pathetic in LRG case, more like LRG is the joke.
    Bud, I don't stalk you, but I am active on the LRG forums and I frequently see your walls of text that nobody reads. In any event, there is not a single person who has agreed with your argument on the LRG forums, so while you are entitled to your opinion, it's not something that most people share. Anyway, you seem to hate LRG so much that I can't for the life of me understand why you would ever buy their products or spend time on their forums. Must be some kind of mental issue to cause you to expend so much time and energy attacking something that nobody is forcing you to buy or spend one moment thinking about.

  9. #1009
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojay1997 View Post
    Anyway, you seem to hate LRG so much that I can't for the life of me understand why you would ever buy their products or spend time on their forums.
    Almost no one posts at Digital Press, so while you see me ranting about the bs that LRG does, that's what I do, I criticize gaming companies when discussing on video game forums. However what you don't see is how much I defend LRG at times, to people who might dislike LRG for no reason whatsoever. I have a friend that says LRG is shit and hasn't released a single good game, and I know the only reason for that is because of the limited releases and nothing more, a friend who has the Play-Asia version of Ys Origin mind you.

    It's all about perception, what I say online, what LRG, Sony, Nintendo, etc, does. LRG looks like they run their business with little to no regard of their fanbase. Fans request earlier release announcements? Nope. Fans request a less bloated release schedule? Nope, or even when they do listen next month it's back again.

    Infact, I'll even admit that I was wrong about LRG Rabi-Ribi release, and to be fair it wasn't much my fault but because of the lack of information from LRG. It wasn't until Doug posted in my thread that they've included not only the updates but the additional DLC AND the soundtrack that I kind of fucked up with that post. Hell, even most of the LRG members in the thread were responding about "it includes a soundtrack CD and the DLC as well?" So if the people who follow this stuff night and day didn't know that about it, how do you expect someone who is "out to troll LRG(atleast in your opinion?") Which I am going to edit my original post and then post a response to bump it to the top to reflect this.

    Last week was the first time I've ever missed a game I was interested in and it was all due to an announcement that was in the middle of the week that I didn't notice. Yes, I got the PS4 version of Siralim 2, but I missed the Vita version and I had stuff to do, I couldn't guarantee I'd be able to be there at 5PM to make sure that I ordered the PS4 and Vita copy, so I ordered the PS4 copy and left it at that. That right there really pissed me off as I'm sure a lot of people who miss copies of games they're interested in get pissed off, but in my case I never knew about the announcement because of its structure.

    LRG could easily turn their perception of the company around. For a start they could actually announce games more than a week out. No one releases as many games as LRG, but all of them announce their releases far in advance, which really gives the perception that lately LRG has been announcing these games the very week they have contracts signed. No other publishing company announces this stuff at the last minute every single week, so there's really no other explanation for it.

    And I buy LRG titles because I'm interested in the games. N++ is one of the best platformers released in a long time, so why wouldn't I buy it. Shadow Complex was an excellent last gen game that was digital only, released later for free to Steam users as Shadow Complex Remastered, and then later to the PS4 and Xbox One. I loved playing One Way Heroics on Steam, I really wanted a physical release of the remake, a game that I never expected to come retail(my most played LRG by far.) Oddworld, what PS fan doesn't love Abe's Oddysee? Etc, etc, etc. Do I shit on LRG when they release garbage like Pixel Gear VR and a bunch of other pretty trash releases? Yes, but to be fair, I do also own between 10 and 20 LRG titles that I do consider good.

    As I stated above, I criticize stuff. As big of a PS fan I am, I often criticize how incompetent the leadership over at Sony is. Infact, if I wasn't much of a fan, I probably woudn't care. So you could think of my criticism towards LRG the same as criticism towards Sony, "because I want to see them thrive as a publisher."


    Nvm, the DLC is part of the PS4 version at the base value, it's only available as purchase from Steam.
    Last edited by kupomogli; 11-08-2018 at 04:51 AM.
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  10. #1010
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bojay1997 View Post
    Companies like JC Penney and Sears have failed because they spent too much time running focus groups and trying to chase what they thought their customer base wanted.
    They only started running focus groups because they were losing business to start with. It's like when Target tried to enter the Canadian market, they were just out of touch with what people wanted. Same when Krispy Kreme entered Canada(it's still around in like one location), or when Radio Shack failed to adapt to changing times, etc. Tons of businesses just go under or severely lose market share because of various decisions they make or because people start to perceive them differently, it's easy to go from a top company to rock bottom. LRG might actually be doing fine now but they still need to pay attention to how they're perceived as just searching various forums online there's tons of negative comments all over the place, much more than I thought there'd be.

    Anyway besides Fangamer there's several other competitors to LRG, I'll just list them below in case anybody wants anything from them as well. It's not just Play Asia. You did mention a couple of these by name previously, I didn't overlook it. I don't know if there's any I've overlooked, just trying to keep track of everything out there.

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    Today LRG is selling their second PSVR release, To the Top. Good luck to those who are interested.

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    Noticed the Vita version of Siralim is still available, I already purchased the PS4 version, if I have them add the orders together it'll still cost me most of the shipping costs. I'm planning on getting Rabi Ribi this Friday so hopefully the Vita version lasts until then.
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    It's been a long, long wait, but Rabi-Ribi is finally on sale for Vita and PS4. There's no CE like originally planned, but there is some separate merch available. Battle Chef Brigade is also being sold for Switch and PS4.

    I grabbed a Vita copy of Rabi-Ribi. The bundle of merch is a little tempting, but I decided to pass. Copies of the game already come with a soundtrack, so that's nice. Once again, LRG has price matched a PS4 version of a game but not for its Vita version, which stinks, but I can't complain too much when the Vita version is only $5 extra over the PSN price rather than the usual +$10.

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    Purchased Rabi Ribi for the PS4. Up until now, any game I've purchased on the PS4 I've also purchased on the Vita, but since I had about 10 minutes before the sale went live, I was looking at my bank account before making the purchase, thinking about how much money I'd be spending this month on games got me thinking how much money I'd be spending on each Vita title including two today, Siralim and Rabi Ribi. Removed Siralim 2 from my cart and purchased only the PS4 title of Rabi Ribi.

    It's not like I'm ever going to play these Vita versions when I have them available on PS4 and I'm always complaining that I'm throwing more and more money at the Vita, and it's just port after port after port. I really want to like the Vita, but I'm so disappointed and actually kind of hate it, throwing more money at it was the only way I justify owning the console because it really has so few retail exclusives I care about, but throwing more money at it just gets me more disappointed. So decided I'm never going to buy another multiconsole Vita title again unless it's something along the lines of CSH where I'm extremely hyped for the game. I actually once made this decision long ago, but ever since LRG, I was buying the LRG Vita titles because they were games I was interested in but they were also never able to be purchased again. It only took me missing out on a Vita release and having the ability to purchase that same Vita release the next week that another PS4/Vita release was being sold, the same month I'm going to be spending a couple hundred on just PS4 and PSVR titles, to finally break out of this habit of feeling the need to purchase these titles.

    So I was right about people not being able to help themselves from purchasing games they might not simply because they're collectors. In my case, I still only purchased games I wanted, but kind of felt I needed to purchase the Vita titles of those same games because never being able to get them again, paired with my wanting the Vita to be able to somehow redeem itself, I was throwing hundreds and hundreds of dollars at the games. There's still those people who feel the need to buy every version of every game, which may or may not include the collector's edition, or at the very least every game period. This isn't anywhere at all the same, but there's a reason that microtransactions and loot boxes are popular with developers on mobile and console these days to suck more and more money from consumers.

    All that being said, I don't blame not being able to stop purchasing the Vita versions of the games on LRG. The games had Vita versions available, so of course they're going to release both versions. I still only purchased games I was interested in.
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    Enter the Gungeon is up at SRG.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gameguy View Post
    They only started running focus groups because they were losing business to start with. It's like when Target tried to enter the Canadian market, they were just out of touch with what people wanted. Same when Krispy Kreme entered Canada(it's still around in like one location), or when Radio Shack failed to adapt to changing times, etc. Tons of businesses just go under or severely lose market share because of various decisions they make or because people start to perceive them differently, it's easy to go from a top company to rock bottom. LRG might actually be doing fine now but they still need to pay attention to how they're perceived as just searching various forums online there's tons of negative comments all over the place, much more than I thought there'd be.

    Anyway besides Fangamer there's several other competitors to LRG, I'll just list them below in case anybody wants anything from them as well. It's not just Play Asia. You did mention a couple of these by name previously, I didn't overlook it. I don't know if there's any I've overlooked, just trying to keep track of everything out there.
    Sears went under because baby boomers keep dying. They were trying to rely solely on that specific demographic which is a horrible idea.

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    I just want to point out something that Bojay keeps stating is impossible to do. Mutant Mudds Collection. All the games together in a single release. Not only did another publisher do it, but a knock off of LRG, you know, the LRG who is far more popular because they've been around longer. But no, it'd be waaaaaay too expensive to be profitable right?

    There's also N++ Ultimate Edition, something LRG should have waited on. They knew the Ultimate Edition was going to be released, the game wasn't even in print yet and the devs already showed off the trailer for the Ultimate Edition adding double the content. LRG even had many people questioning them if they can wait for the Ultimate Edition because this was one of the few games announced the month before release. Or considering since the game wasn't in print should I say "pre-order?"

    Anyways, Fox n Forests and Sayonara Umihara Kawase are both coming out soon through Strictly Limited Games. The limited edition versions have already come and gone(sold out.) The regular versions are releasing November 25th. Fox n Forests is 24.99€ on PS4 and 29.99€ on Switch while Sayonara Umihara Kawase is 29.99€ on Vita. I'll be getting both, but I'm more interested in Sayonara Umihara Kawase because the only place I've only ever played the game on an emulator for SNES, this latest release being an expanded version of the PSP game but also includes the SNES release as an extra.

    This Friday though, I'm not going to bother getting Race the Sun through LRG, looks like the bottom of the barrel bullshit that LRG is usually known for on a weekly basis. I will however be getting a standard edition version of Cosmic Star Heroine, will be my first Switch game. Furi would have been my first Switch game, but there was nothing else I was interested in the whole month so I didn't bother. I'm thinking of getting Butcher, not sure yet.
    Last edited by kupomogli; 11-19-2018 at 06:28 AM.
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    Super Rare Games didn't bundle the Mutant Mudds games together themselves. That's the only way in which the games are available digitally on Switch, so Super Rare Games is in the opposite situation. They couldn't sell them individually even if they wanted to. It'd be like trying to separate the games on The Bit.Trip. On PSN, even if you order the "Double Pack", functionally, it's no different from buying the games individually on PSN. To release them together physically on Sony platforms, LRG would've had to either include two discs/cards in each case or have a programmer create a new build of the games with a GUI to allow the player to select a game. The latter is pretty much out of the question, and Super Rare Games is never going to do that either. With the former, I don't know if that would've been any cheaper than the $50 for the games in separate cases. I know there are PS4 cases that can hold two discs, but to the best of my knowledge, there is no Vita game case that has held two cards, at least not among US releases. I'm also very skeptical that Sony would manufacture specially designed cases for LRG, given how little Sony cares about the Vita. Just getting a manual as thick as Cosmic Star Heroine's in a Vita case was a problem.

  19. #1019
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    As I type this, I have 4 different games in transit (Bastion, Late Shift, Golf Story, Exile's End). They weren't kidding when they said they were really going full steam ahead with getting people their games. It was hard for me not to get annoyed with how long it took to start getting these games shipped. Out of all the common things that people online bitch about when it comes to LRG, the ONLY thing I honestly care about is to improve upon the time between selling and shipping. I feel like they will eventually correct this though, as they probably don't want to be put in a situation again where they have 80,000 packages to send and probably just as many impatient customers.

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    I hope the wait times improve too. I just got my Cosmic Star Heroine and Antiquia Lost recently, and my Bastion and Exile's End are currently on their way to me. But it feels like for every order that's fulfilled, there's two more I place, so my backlog of unfulfilled orders only keeps growing. Granted, I would have fewer orders if LRG was better about how they've been grouping items together lately. It used to be that, more often than not, I could order at least a couple games at the same time, but lately it seems like everything is spread out, such that I'm buying one single game practically every week.

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    By Some1 in forum Modern Gaming
    Replies: 29
    Last Post: 01-24-2014, 12:52 PM

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