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Thread: Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle Remastered and Full Throttle Remastered

  1. #1
    Nz17's Avatar
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    Cool Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle Remastered and Full Throttle Remastered

    DOTT Remastered screenshots:
    DOTT Remastered trailer:

    Full Throttle Remastered info:

    Maniac Mansion: Day of the Tentacle Remastered is due out in 2016. Full Throttle Remastered is due in 2017. Both are having the modernization treatment with widescreen, 1080p redrawn sprites and animations (i.e. very similar to the originals, but redrawn to look good and smooth at 1080p), achievements added, cloud save game synchronization, audio cleanups, special features like concept artwork and commentary tracks, plus the original games still preserved inside the HD-ified version which you can toggle back-and-forth to at any time. I believe both of these games will be available for Linux, Mac, Windows, Steam, PS4, PSV, and XBone, though the console version will be a timed PlayStation-exclusive for a while.

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    ServBot (Level 11) BHvrd's Avatar
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    I just hope to god they don't include a hint system like the Telltale games, people should at least have to wiki.... or better yet let's start a petition to close all wiki's and any internet information on any of these games and let people have to figure it out the old school way.

    So much of the charm is lost in adventure games these days, but at least Full Throttle has some action bits that make it a bit more challenging.

    Regardless, it's pretty cool, just hope they do it right and keep the challenge somewhat intact and possibly add some new secrets or something that mixes up some of the information out there.

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    Oh, they won't be doing any of that. To see what these enhanced versions will be like, try out Grim Fandango Remastered. As you would see from that, nothing will be added or removed from the core of the original game, just some nice "window dressing" as well as cleaning up the graphics, adding bonus materials, and of course, implementing compatibility with today's modern systems.

  4. #4
    Chaos Knight

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    DotT isn't that hard either, I beat it back in the day without any hints, albeit a couple of the puzzles are a little obtuse heh...

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