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Thread: Atari 7800 S-Video Mod Tantalum Capacitor Polarity Question

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    Cherry (Level 1) OdSquad64's Avatar
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    Question Atari 7800 S-Video Mod Tantalum Capacitor Polarity Question


    I'm working on doing the Atari 7800 s-video mod found here:

    For C3 and C4 he specifies 1uF tantalum capacitors and I got the ones found here:

    In the circuit diagram he doesn't specify the polarity of the capacitors and the description makes it seem like they shouldn't be polarized, but as far as I can tell all tantalum capacitors are polarized. I emailed him, but I have no idea if he ever checks that email, so I figured I'd ask here. Can anyone tell me which way around the capacitors should go, or if I got the wrong thing, or if the polarity markings on the capacitors don't matter in this instance.

    Thanks for your help!

    Edit: Looking at other similar mods that specify polarized caps show the negative side towards the output jack, so I think that's what I'm going to go with.

    Edit 2: That seems to work.
    Last edited by OdSquad64; 07-02-2016 at 07:24 PM.

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