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Thread: Let's Taco 'Bout Games

  1. #81
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    Is the Nintendo Wii U worth buying in 2017? Released back in 2012, the Nintendo Wii U had a lot of innovative features, but unfortunately did not sell well. However, with the launch and success of the Nintendo Switch, is there still any reason to purchase a Wii U? Find out on today's buyer's guide!

  2. #82
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    Let's talk about YouTube demonetization. This widespread issue has been affecting YouTubers big and small, with its impact being harshest on those that use the platform either to make a living or to supplement their income. Not much is known about the bot that flags videos as "not suitable for advertisers", its own algorithm and how it affects the regular YouTube algorithm, or what makes it go off, thus James and Rawman performed an experiment to test it. If a channel that has been demonetized before uploads a video of a blank wall, will that still be flagged as offensive? Thus, on today's video, we go over how we tested the bot, the results of our experiment, questions we have to those in charge at YouTube, and some ways we think the platform could be improved.

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    Pokémon Ultra Sun and Ultra Moon have just been released, so let's take a look at three GREAT potential bootleg Pokémon gifts, from toys to apparel to video games, for Christmas 2017!

  4. #84
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    The Xbox One recently gained backwards compatibility with original Xbox games, but what does this need to be a success for Microsoft? Is there still demand to play original Xbox games? Find out our thoughts on today's Stuff We Play discussion video!

  5. #85
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    We passed 2,000 subscribers last month (and, at the making of this video, are at 3,500!)! To celebrate, let's answer YOUR questions, no matter how weird they are! But along with that, we were giving away a Nintendo 2DS console with New Super Mario Bros. 2! Did you win? Find out on today's Stuff We Play Q&A video, as James answers fifty questions and announces the giveaway winner!

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