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Thread: The official Nintendo Switch thread

  1. #61
    Alex (Level 15) InsaneDavid's Avatar
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    I think this sets the mood better.

    Nintendo has learned nothing from the WiiU. Better advertising? Sure. Yet it's the same BS of showing third party games that aren't actually in development for the hardware. This thing comes out in what, five months, and third party support is still in the "kicking the tires" phase? This is, in part, the same crap that got third parties to quit going in with Sega's hardware. Get serious about enticing third party support (that isn't a bunch of shovelware) or get out of hardware. Plain and simple.

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    Kirby (Level 13) Tanooki's Avatar
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    Last edited by Tanooki; 11-04-2016 at 11:34 AM.

  3. #63
    Alex (Level 15) InsaneDavid's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanooki View Post
    Seems to me you and many others are living in this armchair executive fantasy of knowing what exactly Nintendo does and doesnt have lined up. Maybe they do have Skyrim, who are you to say they dont? Can you document some current factual information that it along with the rest of the people with kits are working on nothing for release?
    Because both Bethesda and 2K said that those games are not in development for Switch. Help yourself to some public information, not NDA violations from some mysterious family member -

    “We’re happy to have had the opportunity to collaborate with Nintendo on the video. While we are not confirming any specific titles at this time, we are pleased to announce our partnership with Nintendo and support of the Switch. We look forward to revealing specific games and details in the future.” - Bethesda representative

    “We’re happy to have had the opportunity to collaborate with Nintendo on the trailer. While we are not confirming any specific titles at this time, we are pleased to announce our partnership with Nintendo and support of Nintendo Switch. We look forward to revealing specific details at a later date.” - 2K representative

    If it's such a freaking done deal, to the point where specific titles are shown in the reveal trailer, then why not confirm the titles for SOMETIME during the first year? Only one reason that doesn't happen when they are already shown and that's because they aren't in development. Instead we get the blanket "maaaaaaaaaybe..." support response from the rest of the industry. They pulled the same crap with the WiiU and the sizzle reel of all these games that never materialized. People are just being smarter this time around and are looking for solid confirmation. I have some industry connections, I don't disclose them, I respect how the business works. All the information above is public knowledge.

  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by kupomogli View Post
    I was actually thinking of making a parody, although I'm too lazy so wouldn't ever go through with recording it, but basically do just as they did and rip off the Nintendo Switch ad, with the Playstation Switch. You know how the PSP Go has a tv out/charging dock and can use a PS3 controller? Mine parody idea though was to throw it in the faces of the Nintendo fanboys who keep stating how revolutionary Nintendo is and saying "how long until Sony/Microsoft copies the Nintendo Switch." Statements about how Nintendo did everything first is already annoying, but literally everything that comes out of the mouth of a die hard Nintendo fanboy is annoying.

    PSP Go dock with the controller was the most similar. A single device that could be played portable, portable while viewing from a stand using a console controller, or on a tv. However, PSP2000 or 3000 could do to the tv just with the tv out. The Vita and PSTV and the TG16 and Turbo Express portable are similar but in these cases you had to buy the portable and the consolized version.
    You forgot the Sega Nomad, it has a TV out option. Otherwise there was the Gameboy/Super Gameboy/SNES setup but everything was sold separately, and that was more of a way to play portable games on a big screen rather than play console games portably. Either way it's not an entirely new concept, even just looking back to Nintendo itself.

    Maybe this console will actually be good when it comes out. The 3DS turned out much better than everyone thought before it got released, people just thought it was a new version of the Virtual Boy(including myself). Just hope the Switch is better than the Wii U and it should be fine.

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    Last edited by Tanooki; 11-04-2016 at 11:34 AM.

  6. #66
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    Oh, Nintendo will be fine whether or not this tanks. They'll just make amiibos and put out games on ios.

  7. #67
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    Last edited by Tanooki; 11-04-2016 at 11:34 AM.

  8. #68
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanooki View Post
    So because they said they collaborated but wont actually confirm a title, it is time to roll out the jump to conclusions mat? Real mature. Skepticism is fine, my problem is people on the whole are being assholes about the entire video playing armchair experts throwing anti Nintendo shit around and it is tiresome. They said theyd reveal in January and I for one am patient enough to wait for reality to materialize instead of being another brainless lemming jumping over a cliff of pure speculatory bullshit. Feel free by all means to be a lemming, but I intend to wait a couple months before dogpiling on them for being fuck ups yet again. I cant stand Nintendo anymore from a console side but theye never let me down on the handheld end of their business model so I am willing to give a benefit of the doubt for a little while longer. Theyve set themselves up for success or ruin in January depending on the software reveal. If it is a pile of 1st and 2nd party shit and little to nothing physically being played as a finished or near finished third party project them fuck them but if not I think some apologies around the intenet may just be in order.
    Are you actually just one person posting all this nonsense or do multiple people use your account? Here is what you posted earlier in this same thread:

    "Then they show Skyrim, EA basketball and 4 of their own titles too and this all in a 3 1/2 min tease. Going along side you hae the press release which shows dozens of developers, quite a few on Wii or WiiU that left Nintendo for dead on the console side with SquareEnix, Capcom, Konami, EA and more...hell even pathological haters at Epic Games are signedup on this which stunned me seeing that on a list -- plus a couple dozen mobile developers from games to backbone stuff seems to indicate they finally extricated their head from their rectum finally and are serious about appealing to not just Nintendo fanboys yet another generation who gets all apologetic over their stupid moves just because theyre Nintendo and their IPs."

    You basically are speculating that not only are all of the shown titles getting a release on Switch, but that somehow everyone who signed up for a dev kit (and therefore appears on that list) is going to develop or release software for the Switch. I will remind you that Nintendo has shown a massive list of developers "supporting" its hardware each time it releases a new platform and most of them never release anything. You need to take your name calling, thin skin and insults elsewhere. You are just as guilty of jumping to conclusions as anyone here and you constantly claim to be done with the discussion only to return with more insults and weak arguments.

  9. #69
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    Last edited by Tanooki; 11-04-2016 at 11:35 AM.

  10. #70
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanooki View Post
    Fuck you moron seriously. You want to take what I said out of context that is fine if you want to spin have at it.

    The whole point is we know not much, just what is shared, and to jump on them and get all hateful right now is just cheap and petty. That is it.

    I dont know why you are so infatuated with me you just keep repeatedly attacking when I make posts but its pretty damn childish, and it is also pretty telling why this place keeps shrinking in user base if that kind of shitty harassment is allowed to fly.

    I speculated nothing other than saying what they show and that they have as a line up for people who are licensed developers. I did not say they hae a kit you WILL get games. I wont take my attitude and walk, but if youre fed up with me get me banned if you cant handle it princess. There are other places out there, less trolling, and more active, yet you are right I keep coming around and that is because there are a few people here I do like to talk to. Nothing I have said it week and what I have put out there is pretty much already known and I am not sorry that offends you.
    And there you go again. Name calling, playing the victim card and claiming that everyone else is taking your own words out of context. Anyone who disagrees with your poorly written posts or dubious claims of a family member willing to break an NDA to share "insider" information is somehow harassing you. Just because people disagree with your opinion doesn't give you the right to call them names or attack them. It's getting old and frankly, I think very few of the forum members in this thread agree with you and yet you continue to act like only your opinion matters. If you're not willing and able to have a civilized discussion, you really do need to move on as nobody wants to be part of a forum where dissenting opinions are met with insults and attacks like you keep spewing.

  11. #71
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    Last edited by Tanooki; 11-04-2016 at 11:35 AM.

  12. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanooki View Post
    Blojay because in my time here I have learned you're not worth arguing with once you get started as it does no good. You'll persist in shoveling bullshit to stroke your own ego. Do the favor of just dying already. Yes sure everyone always agrees with you. Its so fun trying to discuss things when someone has no use for reality. I have no reason to be civil when you do as you do and I'm over caring to be.
    And yet rather than walk away, you have posted again and dropped more insults and wished me dead. I don't say this often, but you are truly a disgusting individual.

  13. #73
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    Last edited by Tanooki; 11-04-2016 at 11:35 AM.

  14. #74
    Pear (Level 6) OldSchoolGamer's Avatar
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    My DP Refs MaximumRD Classic Gaming and Computing Me in a Nutshell (NOT LITERALLY!)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanooki View Post
    I dont either but you truly are a pig fucker. Id be surprised if you functioned well in society the way you handle yourself since you seemingly have issue with facts and differing opinion. Tired of walking away and would rather stand my ground against some pathetic forum troll and insults are all it is worth anymore as nothing better registers.
    Again with the personal insults. I'm guessing you have trouble with basic critical thought as you seem to immediately resort to personal attacks and insults when someone proposes and supports a different opinion than your own or points out inconsistencies or weaknesses in your opinion. Nothing you have presented here is a fact. You have simply formed an opinion based on what you believe to be true based on a promo video and a purported conversation with a family member. My opinions are based on 30+ years of buying and owning Nintendo products and following very closely how they operate, as well as various Internet sources that have been pretty accurate to date about what the Switch was going to be down to very specific technical details. A troll is someone who starts conflicts on a forum for the sake of the conflict. I'm only interested in discussing the Switch with people who may have differing opinions. While I may take issue with those opinions, I certainly don't believe that your opinion or my opinion or anyone else's opinion here is "factual" even if elements of fact inform how those opinions are formed. If you can't handle someone having an opinion different than your own and calling you out on weakspots in your arguments or claims, you have no business posting on a discussion forum and should stick to pure news sites.

  16. #76
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    Last edited by Tanooki; 11-04-2016 at 11:36 AM.

  17. #77
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanooki View Post
    No I just have a problem withyou and I feel no reason to waste brain power on anything other than flinging it at this point as nothing else clearly registers. You formed an opinion based on being a consumer and watching Nintendo from the outside. I put forth info both based on that video but also factual information from an employee who is a licensed developer working with the kits and knows as such far more than you or I about it. Yet somehow I am dead wrong and open to ridicule. So yes I am going to get shitty when I am effectively mocked and called a liar when I do not deserve it. It makes me wonder why bother even sharing info if crap is what Ill take for it. Effectively you made yourself to me the troll with the digging responses and behavior and that is that. I have no problem head to head with opinion but when I am given facts, and told they are not facts but lies and opinion and need to back off it I am going to get annoyed.

    See it from my side if you are told something does X, the public does not know this and has opinions, you throw out some data, and I tell you youre wrong and history and opinion says this is the case or likely so... I am sure you would not appreciate it. Lets say you know someone at Apple and in the Spring next year they have an upgraded iphone7 coming with a 6core processor but know nothing else, and you share it among peoplehere. Then me or someone else comes along and says youre throwing around uninformed opinions or lies. I doubt youd be thrilled. You are trolling working to discredit facts as opinion. I have no issue with debate well beyond a lot into both of what we do not know but the few things I did learn that at the point of that information are fact and may likely remain so to the end I have an issue with it.
    Yes, a developer who, if he has shared the information you say he did, violated an NDA that could subject him to civil and criminal penalties. Regardless, what you portray as "fact" is also that developer's opinion since you haven't shared information about specific components of the new console. Saying things like the Switch is more powerful than the Xbox One and PS4 is highly subjective. What measures are being applied?

    On paper, the NVIDIA Shield (which by all accounts shares a design philosophy with the Switch) is a powerhouse, but its architecture has very real bottlenecks and shortcomings that prevent it from competing on par in a number of measures directly with consoles like the Xbox One or PS4. Similarly, your example of knowing the iPhone 7 has a certain processor is interesting and had you shared information about the Switch being based on certain components would have been "factual", but that's not what you presented here. You instead presented an opinion without any factual support other than that your brother told you so.

    The Switch is apparently based around a SOC using the ARM instruction set and a custom NVIDIA GPU. That's a lot different than a more traditional and robust PC style architecture like the PS4 and Xbox One utilize. I'm sure by some measures, the custom SoC may meet or exceed the performance of the processor and GPU of the now outdated Xbox One and PS4. That doesn't mean that the Switch is going to be "more powerful" than those consoles as we don't know what specific architecture choices are being made and what compromises will be made to hit a certain cost point. It just isn't an "apples to apples" comparison. It's literally like comparing an iPhone or iPad to an iMac or MacBook.

    The thing is, none of us other than you know your brother, nor do we know what level of access or experience he has in hardware design or performance. He may legitimately believe what he told you and it may even end up being pretty accurate. That doesn't mean, however, that all of us just have to accept it as fact, particularly when other reputable sources are saying different and contrary things.

  18. #78
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    Quote Originally Posted by OldSchoolGamer View Post
    They got the itch to ditch the switch to bitch, which is a stitch.

    Edit: I don't mean to exacerbate things. We're off the rails pretty good here, though.
    Last edited by celerystalker; 11-03-2016 at 06:59 PM.

  19. #79
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    Quote Originally Posted by Tanooki View Post
    I put forth info both based on that video but also factual information from an employee who is a licensed developer working with the kits and knows as such far more than you or I about it. Yet somehow I am dead wrong and open to ridicule. So yes I am going to get shitty when I am effectively mocked and called a liar when I do not deserve it.
    Is this like when you knew an employee who worked on the Retron 5 and provided you with inside information? And a lot of that information was later proven wrong? I'm mostly remembering how he claimed the emulators were written from scratch, only it was later proven from other sources that the code was stolen, and he later claimed he didn't personally work on that part of the project for the console so he couldn't confirm it either way, etc. I don't want to read the entire Retron thread again to refresh my memory on the exact details but that's pretty much what I remember from it.

    Anyway, if your source is working for a developer, how would he know what all the other developers are working on releasing? He would only know what his own company is working on. Unless he works at Bethesda how can he say Skyrim is coming out?

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    In light of recent developments I would like to say that I stand by my previous statement which is found on page one.
    Thank You.

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