Aside from the kids arguing, the thread is a great source of informed opinions.
Would be great to see Skyrim released on Switch and would be great that Bethesda finally can release a finished version
Aside from the kids arguing, the thread is a great source of informed opinions.
Would be great to see Skyrim released on Switch and would be great that Bethesda finally can release a finished version
Las calles no son basurero, POR FAVOR TIREN LA BASURA EN SU LUGAR !!!!
Last edited by Tanooki; 11-04-2016 at 11:36 AM.
Nope. Not sure why it started like it did here to begin with.
This thing is an interesting machine to me. I'm starting to get more curious as to what kinds of games will end up on it long term. There have been distinctly different styles of portable games from their console counterparts in recent years with a lot more 2D stuff. Playing that kind of stuff on my TV is appealing to me.
Last edited by celerystalker; 11-04-2016 at 11:22 AM.
Because I can not back up what I am told because theres no way to pull any tangible proof given where it comes from and it rotted out from there.
As it is now I no longer will be helpful with things here since it gets me nothing but shit for it. Anything of benefit I had printed here I have access to is no more. And yes i did meh my posts here despite the fact some were quoted, do not care.
Last edited by Tanooki; 11-04-2016 at 11:41 AM.
I am a bit more interested in PC Gaming now, too many interesting stuff that can be easily published but I imagine the quantity over quality games is very similar on PC. I have problems with the current licensing options, not very fond of DRM and the new "service provider" trend on games that the companies can easily turn off your service whenever they want to.
I hope that Nintendo with the use of physical media can control the state of a released game and force companies to release finished games for a home console. I am tired of 6GB updates in the same week or month of release ... well, when I wrote 6GB its obvious that I don't own a PS4 where the updates are much bigger ...
Sony its still a player and I love that the can take a few risks, like The Last Guardian, they finally game Ueda San a bag of cash to finish the game and hope he can now have something to eat if the game does well in retail.
This is probably the last new home console that I will ever buy. Fortunately got my PS1, PS2 and still there are fantastic PS3 games ... hope to finally learn japanese to have a huge new library available on my Saturn and PC Engine Duo.
Las calles no son basurero, POR FAVOR TIREN LA BASURA EN SU LUGAR !!!!
Again, where is the portability? Looks about as portable as a Virtual Boy or Nomad. Sony did this shit already. It's called Vita/PSTV and it failed miserably.
How the fuck is this thing impressive? Where's the dpad? Those look like buttons and not a proper dpad to me. Nintentards will pump their fists. Everyone else will wonder what they're smoking. Typical cocky-ass NOA.
March? My dick. Nobody believes that target date. It's simply impossible to roll out a console in that short a time. These motherfuckers can't even keep up with plastic figurine demand and are warning of classic mini shortages.
You really think they're capable of pushing out a new system in less than 5 months? Put the pipe down.
You should realize by now Nintendo shortages are all manufactured. While the Wii sold as much as it did, it was all because of manufactured shortages. Wii U sold like crap at even the beginning of the gen but it was a few weeks that it couldn't be found. Compare this to the PS4 which has been selling as much and at times even more than the Wii, but they've always been readily available. The only Amiibo's only have shortages for the ones Nintendo doesn't think will sell well, the more popular characters are easy to find, and the Animal Crossing ones that no one wants Nintendo made too many. How about Xenoblade Chronicles and the "shortages," but Nintendo kept releasing them on a regular basis. Devi's Turd even had manufactured shortages so Nintendo could sell more of the game than they would if they had a well enough supply.
If people think the item is going to be hard to get, they'll pick it up, and Nintendo often uses this tactic. Very often. They create fairly low print runs and they keep their games priced as high as possible, this way if the games don't sell as well as they expect, they discontinue them at full price rather than ever dropping the price. Nintendo isn't friendly, they're one of the most money hungry in the industry. The only plus side of them is they do make quality games for the most part. Imo, they're they've got the best releases now of the big three now days. Sony has better PS1, PS2, and PS3 games than the gens that coincide, but Wii U has better first party games than the PS4 imo. What does it matter though when the Wii U has no third party support, the only games on the Wii U aren't first party, so including Bloodborne, Uncharted, and LBP3, there are a large amount of third party games that dwarf the amount of content Nintendo had on the Wii U. The Wii U is my most disappointing console purchase, and I purchased the Vita, another Vita, and two PSTVs, didn't think anything would top that kind of disappointment.
Hardware and software shortages are a common practice by Nintendo since the original Nintendo Entertainment System, always has worked for them, too bad for the people that has to spend more of the retail prices online to get a system.
In Mexico the retail price of the NES Classic will be MX$2000 (104 usd incl. tax) and several people of my twitter timeline are complaining but I and a lot more agree that the price is ok for our market ... and those people that complain about the price and will get their NES classic online are not accounting the shortages and quite possibly they have to spend much more to get it on christmas ...
Las calles no son basurero, POR FAVOR TIREN LA BASURA EN SU LUGAR !!!!
I kinda get a feeling that this may be one of their more misleading in purpose thing l things.
Like that helmet thing they showed as their next console before the wii came out to just throw people off
SO ive been following the news, rumors, leaks whatever but what are the thoughts of RAM being only 4GB. A lot of people stating what Sony and Microsoft have on their consoles which apparently is 8GB but the games only using 4GB and the rest being used for other applications
Predictably - it looks like it's goodbyeeeeee for the WiiU -
They're handling this a bit different for each region. It's ending in Japan first from the look of it.
North America is on the rocks, carefully phrased for a slim chance of more units next year.
Despite the Internet rumor-mongering, Nintendo has yet to announce production ending in Europe, Australasia, South America, or anywhere else.
Edit: Then again the situation in Brazil comes to mind.
Last edited by theclaw; 11-14-2016 at 03:50 PM.
Lum fan.
Flipping through the channels and seen the Nintendo rep guy on Jimmy Fallon showing off Super Mario Run. Looks like nothing more than a forced scrolling New Super Mario. I guess Nintendo invented the mobile runner game now?
Showed some of Zelda on Switch with Fallon acting like a complete tool. I thought he was going to kiss the rep guy on the lips. Doesn't look impressive or portable, I don't get it. The only neat thing about the presentation was Miyamoto sitting in with The Roots and playing the Mario theme.
I think miamoto sitting with the roots would be worth it
Yup it was, also him playing that kind of roman emperor thumb of disapp...approval! thing on Jimmy was funny enough.
I get it. It's really not hard at all to get the Switch unlike the WiiU. If someone fails to understand what they're after, it's just not meant for you and that's really about it. They know consoles are waning and they're getting out of it, just not entirely. They've created basically an android tablet that happens to have a built in normalized controller around it or breaks off it with a spacer, and it so happens can be docked into a slot that sends a higher resolution image to a full size TV. That's it. It's basically the Nvidia Shield 2 both tablet and microconsole rolled into one.
You have to love, like, or at least understand what Nvidia was doing with the shield to get the point and know that is what you're getting and it happens to be Nintendo branded with their IP exclusively thrown on there. Nothing more, nothing less. It doesn't try and be the baddest badass on the block. It tries to be the most common sense and useful tool in the shed who wants something that is a solid experience, something that doesn't just mind blow you to nuts with a bunch of fluff and foof, but does it by doing what it does itself best.
That's how I see it and I feel a lot of people do who aren't Nintendo crackheads, blinded haters, or corporate stooges or suck ups to the other guys in the same general space. If you go in expecting a box that'll rival the existing (non-pro) PS4/One experience you're likely going to look like an idiot and be disappointed. If you expect something somewhere between the last and this generation, closer to this one, then I think it's a bit more realistic.
I'm anticipating the 12th of next month. If they have good games then I might bite, but I don't doubt them under shipping stores.
I don't either because the WiiU was shipped heavily because of the Wii shortage, and it took them a long time to sell through that crap because they bombed it hard by their own bungling of the device. Their next system, it was the New 3DS and then the NES Classic Edition and both have come up short, drastically more so the NES but also I think higher in demand as the New3DS was just an upgrade to most. Amiibo would be another example of their self made brutalization of their fan base.
So further specs are starting to leak and unfortunately, it looks like a lot of the early rumors about the Switch being close in performance to the current Xbox One/PS4 generation were just plain wrong. In fact, in some respects it's less powerful than the Shield TV and performance takes a huge hit between mobile and docked mode meaning that some developers may choose to develop for the lowest common denominator rather than essentially creating two different game performance options. Pretty disappointed.