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    RACES MINI MOTORCYCLES Videogamerdaryll's Avatar
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    Default What Game/s are You Playing? Daily / Whenever Check :) (GAMEPLAY)

    What Game/s are you Playing? Daily/whenever check 2017 & 2018 Edition (GAMEPLAY)

    Happy New Year..

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    Last edited by Videogamerdaryll; 12-14-2017 at 03:59 PM.

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    Cherry (Level 1) WulfeLuer's Avatar
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    Still tearing my way through Final Fantasy XII, with just a hint of Borderlands 2 TVHM.
    RPGs: Proof that one you start done the dork path, forever will it dominate your wallet's destiny.

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    I wanted to get Corpse Party on my Vita finished off in 2016, considering I started it in, what, summer, but that didn't happen. At least I got my first end in the final chapter, but it was a wrong end of course, so no actual beating of the game. I kinda don't know what I'm doing anymore, haha. It's not helping that I'm going long stretches between playing. I have no idea what I could've done differently outside of way back near the beginning of the chapter. Everything else felt pretty linear, unless I was supposed to avoid picking something up or switch who I was controlling at earlier points. But, yeah, I know that when Yuka is being chased, you can have her caught or successfully run away. Everything I did before that wrong end was after letting Yuka get caught, and I know if I have her run away, there's then an option in the long cutscene after that which results in a pretty significant diversion, or so it seems. That seems like the "right" thing to do, whereas with the course of events that led to the wrong end, everything seemed to be going to hell, haha. So I guess I'll start way back with my Yuka save and see where that takes me.

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    RACES MINI MOTORCYCLES Videogamerdaryll's Avatar
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    Looking back I played Fallout 4 for over a year -forced to start over twice due to saving issues,now I am at nothing else to do in the game so I started Battlefield 1 ...
    Having played nothing else but old school games and racing/arcade games my feel for a FPS is way off being so accustomed to Fallout 4.
    I am enjoying Battlefield 1 playing the tank levels over and over"milking the game out for as long as I can.

    Otherwise I'm playing ZOOKEEPER

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    I went to MAGFest last weekend, as I do most years, but I can't say I played much while there. Practically every machine in the arcade was occupied whenever I checked it out, and when I managed to get on a machine, it was half-broken more often than not. I did play a little Centipede. They had like 3 or 4 cabinets of it, but only one had a trackball that was working properly. I really wish the attendees would show more respect and not beat on the machines or play them with gross, sticky hands or whatever.

    Back at home, I've been totally exhausted since (so far I'm not sick at least), and since I powered through all my work before MAGFest, I've had the luxury to be a lazy sack, haha. So I've been playing more Corpse Party on my Vita. I got another wrong end, and now I have the key to the principal's office. I don't know how close I'm getting to the end, but there are still something like 4 or 5 wrong ends I've yet to get in this chapter.

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    I got two more wrong ends in Corpse Party on my Vita, and I suspect that I'm reeeeaaally close to the end of the game. In fact, it seems like I'm up to the last scene, but who knows, maybe there's more. I did get a wrong end on it, and that seemingly leaves two more wrong ends that are either concurrent or follow. Then there's one other wrong end that seems to be close to the beginning of the chapter that I missed. I've found name tags for most of the corpses in Chapter 5 (the game especially dumped a bunch on me just a bit before where I'm currently at), though I think there's around 7 or so that I'm still lacking. No idea if I somehow missed them or if I haven't even gotten up to them yet. I have heard something about a corpse in the game being glitched, such that it'll never add itself to the list, but that wouldn't account for so many anyway. I also unlocked another extra chapter, which was just another short cutscene.

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    Cherry (Level 1) Custom rank graphic
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    I just finished Yakuza: Like a Dragon and loved it. Currently working on Dragon Quest 11 which I am in love with as well. It really brings the old school rpg that has been lost for a few generations. I am also working through the entirety of the Dreamcast library. Working on Time Stalkers, which was the first rpg I played on the system back in the day. Not the best game but still enjoyable.

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    I just beat Mega Man 2 with a little help from GameFAQs. When you know the boss weaknesses right away, it makes the game a lot faster so you can avoid trial and error and repeating levels. It's the first and only Mega Man game I've beaten. I don't count Mega Man 3 since I used Game Genie to beat it as a kid.

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    Trying to play Faxanadu. not a terrible game. basically a poor man's Zelda II. I might come back to this one...

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    Great Puma (Level 12) YoshiM's Avatar
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    Still chugging away (ha!) At Spirit Tracks. I had to haul ice to the fire realm to put out some lava geysers, which was a little maddening. You pretty much have to take the long way on thd map to avoid the evil engines and then play the throttle on turns to not sump your load. I had enough to press forward and open up the tracks to the fire temple. I got the keys from the three bird monsters and now I'm about to startvthe dungeon delve. I mentally complain about this game but I still go back to it. If this was D-Pad controlled, I'd be singing praises.

    I also got in a little Animal Crossing:New Leaf. I didn't time travel to Toy Day or New Years, but that's ok. I FINALLY got a new axe. I really got yo work at acquiring a golden axe.

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    I decided to go get some '00's gaming love, so I fired up the Dolphin emulator on my laptop and get some Gamecube play in. I picked up an official Switch Gamecube controller yo give me a more authetic play experience. And dang, did it ever! Besides not having rumble or analog triggers (which I can't say I noticed the difference on the original) it plays dang well.

    Today I got through the Ruby cup in F-Zero X (on Novice-been years since I played) and then dabbled in some Animal Crossing. I used my soft-modded Wii to transfer my 15-or-so year game save to my thumb drive and ported it onto my laptop. I turned on progressive scan mode to clear up the 2D imagery and proceeded to play a round of "Punch Out!" In my newly cockroach cleared home. I did a little weeding and sent a fossil to the Faraway Museum for identification. Ah the simple life of patience.

    My residents told me it was 60 months since I last played, which sounds right. I fired up the game to show my then young stepkids. My ex-wife's house is still there with all the trimmings (first to pay off, fish weather vane, first to reach a million bells in the bank) , so I'd hate to see the animals' reactions if I fire it up using her account! I also don't have the heart to demolish it, as I'm sure our daughter might want to putter around as that character.

    I was going to attempt some Skyward Sword, but I'm not sure how well a control pad will translate. I started out on it last weekend or so but I haven't attempted flight.

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    Cherry (Level 1) jammajup's Avatar
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    I have plans to sit down with the original arcade Donkey Kong tomorrow and see how far I can try, I am not an expert or anything but I really want to get good at it. Playing arcade Metal Slug 1,X, 3 and Dragons Lair downloaded off Steam, remember Dl in the arcade but trying to play it now with no memory of the patterns is brutal.

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    ServBot (Level 11) Tron 2.0's Avatar
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    Granida HD Collection

    I been playing the first grandia again for fun for rpgs that came out in the 90's it's still one of my all time favorites.I got my physical copy of it from lrg recently,so it was time to sit down and play it.

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    Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee (PSP) - I bought it based on the fact that its sequel is either the highest or second highest rated golf game on GameFAQs. Easily the best golf game I have ever played. I refuse to play this sport in real life just because I think it's such a massive CO2 contributor but I love playing the games.

    I use the term "sport" very loosely because if Donald Trump can play it, it's not a sport.

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    also playing the Mummy Demastered on the Switch. great game so far. The art style reminds me of the Metal Slug games.

    just beat Castlevania. Had to pause the game for about a day due to work. Level 5 kicked my ass. I lucked out on Dracula's 2nd form. He dropped a II thing so I just spammed the holy water and stun locked him. I depleted about half of his health while he was frozen there. This game is beyond difficult. Some of the enemies are impossible to dodge. On stage 6 I just ran past most of them. thankfully it lets you start at the beginning of the final battle if you get a Game Over otherwise it wouldve taken me another evening to beat this
    Last edited by gbpxl; 01-26-2021 at 10:35 PM.

  17. #16
    Cherry (Level 1) fpbrush's Avatar
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    I don’t know if we cover Switch games here, but I am currently enjoying Metroid Dread. It’s a nice combination (so far) of Super Metroid look and feel, plus stylistically like Metroid Fusion—which I missed out on awhile back. Also, it’s almost like a 2D Metroid Prime, kinda weird.

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    Feel free to post about Switch games and other modern games in this topic! As long as topics aren't created in the Classic Gaming section solely for discussion of modern gaming, we're not picky about topicality.

    I'm still chipping away at Mario Kart: Super Circuit on my Game Boy Advance SP. It took me a number of tries to finally get first place in the final cup on 150cc and unlock the sunset title screen, and now I'm unlocking the 150cc versions of the extra cups. I've also started dabbling in the Time Trial mode. I beat the top default times for eight of the tracks so far.

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    Time trial modes can be nice to dip your toes into once in awhile. The MK version on SP is enjoyable with the mode7 and all, I haven’t played that one in a bit.

    Still brushing through the MD here…still very early in the game, but the level puzzles so far are keeping occupado.

    Quote Originally Posted by Aussie2B View Post
    I'm still chipping away at Mario Kart: Super Circuit on my Game Boy Advance SP. It took me a number of tries to finally get first place in the final cup on 150cc and unlock the sunset title screen, and now I'm unlocking the 150cc versions of the extra cups. I've also started dabbling in the Time Trial mode. I beat the top default times for eight of the tracks so far.

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    I got the top times on some more tracks in the Time Trial mode of Mario Kart: Super Circuit on my Game Boy Advance SP, but I stopped keeping track of how many. I've been struggling a little to get gold on the last couple Extra cups on 150cc, but I'm not playing that much at this point. My night routine lately has been to play a tiny bit of Mario Kart (like sometimes only 15 minutes or so) and then watch an episode of Sailor Moon off of the Blu-rays I bought several years ago. I'm just about done with the second season, so I think that's a decent point to take a break and finish up with Mario Kart too. It would just take way too much effort to get triple star rankings on everything to earn that nighttime title screen, so I can save that for a later point. I just wanted something to play for a bit that wouldn't be too involved, but I'm feeling ready to get into a meatier game now, once I'm done splitting my free time by watching anime too.

    Other than that, I picked up another small, cheap lot of DS games and briefly tried them out: Disney Fairies: Tinker Bell, Disney's The Little Mermaid: Ariel's Undersea Adventure, iCarly, and Mario Kart DS. I think it's pretty obvious which game I got the lot for, haha. I'm pretty satisfied with my Mario Kart collection now, as I'm only lacking the two most recent physical releases (and don't even own a Wii U or Switch, so it'd be pointless for me to get MK8). Well, unless you want to count the arcade cabinets, haha. I played some of the Mushroom Cup on 50cc in Mario Kart DS, and boy does it feel slow compared to Super Circuit. The tracks are huge in comparison, and the Super Circuit tracks are already long compared to the tracks in Super Mario Kart. But I'm sure it's faster and crazier on 150cc. The rest of the lot screams preteen girl, haha. Most people would just assume they're shovelware, but I was surprised to see Tinker Bell had a way more active board on GameFAQs than I expected. I guess it has its fans, and the publisher did go above and beyond with all the stuff they packaged with the game (stickers and such). On the flip side, iCarly has probably the sorriest manual of any game I've seen that has an actual paper manual. There's literally only a single page of barely formatted plain text about the game itself (and the standard few pages with health warnings and legal mumbo jumbo). It reeks of "If Nintendo didn't require us to include a paper manual, we would've included nothing." So I got a chuckle out of that at least.
    Last edited by Aussie2B; 08-14-2023 at 03:48 PM.

  21. #20
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    Started a new character on Tactics Ogre Reborn, I didn't know there was an emblem for getting no incapacitations, I just wanted no incapacitations. I would have actually quit no incapacitations if I didn't find out there was an emblem for it so I figured I'm going to go the whole way and get the emblem for that and no chariot uses on the same run. The game is much harder than the original Tactics Ogre and much less grindy than Tactics Ogre PSP, so it's way harder than getting no deaths on the original. I'm about to change to the lord class on chapter four so pretty close to the end of the game. I plan on going atleast one other path in the game before doing the side content afterwards so I can get both lord and princess(especially since Lans and Warren require the princes ending to get on your party.) A lot of content, wouldn't matter if it wasn't all great content within an amazing game.
    Everything in the above post is opinion unless stated otherwise.

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