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I thought I loved the SaGa games, but it appears to me the only SaGa games I can really get into are the ones that are more linear in their approach, and I do include SaGa Frontier when stating this as there are a few major side quests but the game itself is very linear otherwise.
For many different reasons I didn't like Romancing SaGa Minstrel Song, Romancing SaGa 3, Scarlet Grace, and Emerald Beyond. Emerald Beyond it was too linear, but at the same time it was heavily trial and error because let's say you fight a specific enemy and bam, that enemy was far more powerful than you and you just couldn't even hope to win.
And that's the problem I had with Romancing SaGa 3. The prologue of the game when I played it was great, but then you get past the prologue and you start doing these side quests. So I'd get to the side quest with this horde of rats, you can go back to the one person to get an item that will damage them every turn, but even then, I couldn't kill them, I even came back later and still couldn't kill them. I do this other side quest where I get brought into this dream world, can't defeat the boss. Another side quest where I go to this glacier area and fight this giant fish boss with the Minstrel, can't beat him, I actually defeated the other element but when I went back to Undine I was required to fight her too for some reason and couldn't beat her, I couldn't beat this dragon.
Like, the game did not tell me where to go and I had no clue what to do so I kept going to every location and spoke to everyone and started doing all these side quests and bam, brick wall.
I honestly think that Romancing SaGa 3 is a terrible game because you either know exactly what to do or you don't and the game is massively, MASSIVELY trial and error. And I absolutely can't stand when games make a game trial and error because that means that every time I can't progress I have to leave that area, get all the way out of the dungoen, a dungeon where the enemies were all stupidly easy but I could not progress because an overpowered boss. When I get more powerful I go attempt it again, fail, and again have to make my way all the way back out again. So each time I'm wasting huge chunks of time going back and forth, back and forth, back and forth because. It just isn't fun going through this massive amount of time wasting trial and error.
If it was possible to actually win, then sure, I wouldn't mind the game. Think of a Bloodborne or a Souls or whatever, where it's a hard battle but you actually overcome it, but in Romancing SaGa 3, often times it's not even remotely possible to defeat the boss because of sheer numbers. You can't exact win if enemies deal AoE damage that defeats your party in one or two hits. The only reason I did so for the fire element is because I did a formation in the front row and the AoE didn't hit everyone, just that front row, and I focused on healing that character and eventually won, but every other boss just had an insurmountable amount of HP and damage that it just wasn't happening.
I will even state that let's say that I did suffer through all the trial and error. Let's say that I eventually memorized everything, memorized exactly how to play through the game without any trouble whatsoever. My opinion would be the same and if I was to give sort of an explanation on my feelings of the game, even if I can finish the game without any issues afterwards, I actually rarely ever forget anything, and my thoughts on how good a game is remain based on all of my experiences. I would definitely refernce how the game is better during replays and at that point it "may" be a great game, but I'd say that overall it is a bad game and that's my opinion on Romancing SaGa 3. The opinion won't change but maybe one day I'll replay it, skip all of these side quests until I move beyond and find where I should actually go(which btw I couldn't find out where to go either despite feeling like I've been on every map I possibly could. Again, more trial and error. But that would be my opinion of the game an absurd amount of trial and error of a game that may or may not become good.
I have the exact same opinion I did of Dark Souls way back when. It's the only Dark Souls that I don't like, replayed it, thoughts are the exact same. This is despite liking Demon's Souls, Dark Souls 2, Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, and aside from the open world, Elden Ring.
Anyways, thought I'd just give a reply to that.