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Thread: What Game/s are You Playing? Daily / Whenever Check :) (GAMEPLAY)

  1. #401
    Great Puma (Level 12) YoshiM's Avatar
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    Congrats Aussie! I remember my first wife having quite the time when my first child was born. She didn't get a lot of time to do much as she had to constantly pump as our daughter wasn't able to breast feed. About the only things she did was go on Facebook and maybe get a chance with the DS with some Animal Crossing: Wild World. I did pretty much everything in the house before my daughter was born (one of the big reasons why she is an ex, but that's another story), so what free time I had was gone as I took care of things at night as I was a night owl, so I somewhat know the feeling. My son with my second wife was another story as we pretty much had a village in the house to take care of a lot of things. My wife had to go back to work in a week, so that was not fun for her as she was no where near done healing.

    Game wise I've been definitely seen what all the "fus" was about with Skyrim. I figured out how to get my game saves manually, so I was able to continue my adventure. I'm on my way to the place at the top of "7,000 steps" to visit the Greybeards. On my travels I stumbled across a cave with a bunch of bandits living in it. I didn't try talking to them as the guard pulled a weapon on me, so it's been no-holds-barred through the whole romp. I have the ability to "zoom" with my bow (at the cost of stamina) so my guy is becoming a regular ebony Legolas. I was able to play a bit that night as my wife and second eldest watched "Phantom of the Opera" on YouTube. One of my older step sons was watching me nail bandits from a distance, with him chuckling behind me when I sent one flying over a railing down a waterfall and then the other plopping to the floor as he looked for his buddy.

    Once I was done there, I traveled more and found a troll, which I remembered from D&D I needed to use fire to slow its regeneration. I got up to the town Ivarstead and finished the Barrow mission, which was pretty clever theme wise. Going through that place I picked up a lot of arrows, which I used to fell a lot of animated Daedric corpses that popped out of their sarcophagi from a distance. I was hidden, so when they were triggered they didn't see me, triggering the 2x damage multiplier. I also have that extra 40% damage perk (I think it is), so thanks to zooming, I pretty much got head shots for most of the targets, dropping them instantly. Only the two zombies on either side pedestal crypts in that room took more arrows to kill. The big bad wasn't bad either as I could pelt him as he got close (though he moved fast for being dead for so long), do a shout and then Lydia jumped in, slammed him with her shield and brought him to his knees. I did the coup de grace and that was that. In the next room I got the "Peace" shout.

    Now I just need a dragon to kill....

    Tonight the wife works late so I'll hopefully have a chance to continue.

  2. #402
    Insert Coin (Level 0) Ostin Powers's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aussie2B View Post
    I'm still just casually playing The Next Tetris on PlayStation as I wait in this awkward, in-between phase of trying to go about day-to-day life while knowing I could go into labor at any minute. I'm getting better at taking into consideration how some blocks can split apart. Still not getting much of any further, though. Sometimes I get a bad run of blocks and end up wasting too much time.
    Not long ago I watched on YT a short video from the Tetris Championship. It was the final of the tournament. While watching I found myself thinking that tetris still remains a very entertaining game I used to be a fan of Tetris some time years ago now I switched to Destiny 2. It can seem too difficult for rookies. No wonder that Bungie will make a clearer learning for Destiny 2: Beyond Light. If Destiny 2 seems unpassable you can get the help here
    Last edited by Ostin Powers; 11-10-2020 at 08:36 AM. Reason: spelling correction

  3. #403
    Great Puma (Level 12) YoshiM's Avatar
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    I tried out the free game that Sega released that was to be a reboot to Golden Axe, which they named "Golden Axed". This game had a LOT of potential from just the one level I played of it. All the control concepts you knew from the original game work here. You can only play as the barbarian. You can now attack (and be attacked) in eight directions. Sega added a "strong" attack which is slower but can be used to knock enemies back. I couldn't get magic to work, but that could be because they never set it up.

    It's too bad it got, um, "axed". This could have been a fun retro-homage.

    After that it was back to Skyrim. I met the Greybeards and got the "Ro" to my "Fus" and learned the "Wind walk" (or whatever it's called) shout. Came back down the mountain and got attacked by some cultists claiming my character was not the true Dragonborn. Wiped them up and am now on my way to where they came from to find out who set the hit on my guy. I came across a fortress on my way there, which had bandits (of course). I wiped the ones out in the courtyard but was having issues finding a way in. I could wind walk but Lydia was left behind.

    As I searched for a way for Lydia to walk up and into the fortress, a dragon came swooping down! Nearby was a small group of folks, fighters and some mohawked spell-slinger. I lent my character's bow and blade to the fray and the dragon went down fairly easily. I absorbed the dragon's soul but moved back to the fortress, not talking to the group. I found the secret "escape" cave and went in. I think I cleared most of the bandits, but I stopped after wiping out four or five folks in a large hall.

  4. #404
    Great Puma (Level 12) YoshiM's Avatar
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    Still on my Skyrim kick. I got through that fort and apparently took care of a mission for that group of people that were camped outside. I continued to the place where those cultists came from in order to take care of that end. I sprinted through the rocky hills and down the mountain, nimble as a goat. I came across this sprawling valley with pools of water here and there. It was quite the sight. Then I noticed a dragon circling the sky and attacking. Lydia and I were off to the rescue!

    When I got to the battle site, I noticed three things:

    1)the dragon's target was a spriggan.

    2)both the spriggan AND the Dragon were targeting ME

    3)Lydia was no where in sight.

    I was able to windsprint away, staying close to any cover I could find. I made it to an encampment, but by that time the dragon left me alone. I slept the night but Lydia did not appear. I went to the city where the cultists came from, stayed the night there and no Lydia. I saved and decided the next time I played I'd go look for her. The next time I could play (yesterday) I fast traveled back to that fort and there Lydia was, hanging out at that camp. We fast traveled back to the city, which was beautifully disorientating due to its delapitation. We hopped a boat and took it to an island in the area of Morrowind. There we discovered the inhabitants were in a trance, building something around this earth stone. We were directed to this temple and met with a warrior named Frea who wishes to free her people. We were attacked by cultists and the fight was on! Now we're in the temple and that's where I saved until hopefully tomorrow.

    As I play this, I noticed that Zelda: Breath of the Wild seems to borrow quite a bit from Skyrim. If possible, using the environment to do your combat (like rolling bombs down hills at baddies while hidden or shooting a flaming arrow at an exploding barrel in Zelda is not unlike shooting the rope on a lit lantern and dropping it on a pool of oil at the feet of bad guys). Cooking food to help boost your heath or stamina. Things like that. The difference is Zelda's dungeons and explorations are more "game like" puzzles whereas Skyrim has puzzles that are logical for the situation. The better side with Skyrim is that the bloody weapons don't break after a few uses!

  5. #405
    Great Puma (Level 12) YoshiM's Avatar
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    Still been playing Skyrim, but it's like the magic is losing its luster. I'm in Morrowind and I met this new "great enemy" and freed these huge elemental stones from his influence and now I'm looking for these black books that has more info on this creep. I get to this Dwemer fortress (i.e. Dwarven, who are basically tinkerers in this world who made steam powered mechanisms) and I need to get these cubes to unlock where the book is kept. These cubes are used to activate doors (logical) but also used to power these pedastals which control the flow of water in various rooms, as the building is under ground.

    Now, seeing as I've owned but never played much of any Elder Scrolls game, I wanted to delve into Skyrim more as the puzzles and exploration felt more "adventury" more so than "video game-y". I think I mentioned before how Zelda:Breath of the Wild befuddled me with its wanting to be like a Skyrim (with a bit more realism in various areas) but its adherence to "video game puzzles" (like the shrines, the towers, the four guardians and moving through them, etc.) and weird inventory system (I can carry triple Link's weight in food, bug and monster parts and such yet I can only carry 7 weapons, that break rather quickly) made the experience a bit jarring for me. The breaking weapons thing especially. I've arrived to a point in Skyrim where the puzzles just went video game-y with the Dwemer fortress.

    Here's a race of people who crafted great machines, devices and automotons that have lasted a millenia. These people were the engineer's engineer. So why in sam hill did these people, who relied on water to power their devices, put in control pedestals that control the water level in areas THAT ARE OBVIOUSLY MAIN THOROUGHFARES? What if one of these things glitched and suddenly the staff meeting on the floor below suddenly turned into an Olympic swimming pool? Dwarves in this series, I'm assuming, were short and their metals are heavy. These poor folk would be stuck at the bottom of the pool, drowning as the tech up top yells down "whoops! my bad!". I'd hate to see their accident chart. After all the things I went through, this didn't make sense other than to give you something to solve. I want to say Rapture from "Bioshock" had more sensible puzzles than this regarding control of water (though I could be wrong as it's been a while since I played it).

    Sunday I tried to get my son interested in some TG-16 action with the Turbo Mini I picked up. No go as he said it was "too hard", even though he didn't try. He wanted to play Bubble Bobble but again I did not feel its call, even though we plowed through a lot of levels last time. He opted for Kirby's Adventure on the NES Mini. He played most of it while I jumped in when he needed help. After a while I could tell he was getting about "done"as he'd try to snatch the controller from me just as I beat something or would litterally toss it at me when he can't get passed a section. Of course that happened when the big bad was bearing down on Kirby so I had to quick respond. This really showed me that there really is delay on the NES Mini as the moves I tried to do didn't always respond or do it fast enough. Next time, the CRT is coming up for NES games.

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    just started Breath of the Wild. its decent enough. The graphics arent that impressive. the game is massive and all but it just feels like a lot of empty space. crafting, weapons that get used up. meh. I'll play through it but once I beat it I'll probably sell it. I knew when I played Twilight Princess I could see the direction the series was heading in

    The other game Im playing is Marble it Up. pretty fun

  7. #407
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    I played BotW for a while until one of my step sons was interested. I didn't realise that you vould have multiple profiles on a Wii U so I blew my progress away so he could play. Then I found out later about profiles. Doh!

    I didn't get that feeling of bored wandering. After playing Skyrim I kinda miss the ability to climb and such, along with the fact I care more about the Zelda mythos than Skyrim's. While Skyrim has exotic places with a feel of different cultures, it kind of feels the same. And I really don't care about my character. It doesn't have the humor (IMO) BotW does.

    I just bought it digitally for the kids for Christmas. Don't care that I paid full retail. At least the disc won't break like before

    I played a little bit of "My Life in Portia" which is ok. Not fond of the "must end day to save" though. I got back into Zelda: Spirit Tracks when waiting for my wife to get done with a medical procedure. I just cleared the ocean temple, which had pretty clever puzzles.

  8. #408
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    I just finished Yakuza: Like a Dragon and loved it. Currently working on Dragon Quest 11 which I am in love with as well. It really brings the old school rpg that has been lost for a few generations. I am also working through the entirety of the Dreamcast library. Working on Time Stalkers, which was the first rpg I played on the system back in the day. Not the best game but still enjoyable.

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    I just beat Mega Man 2 with a little help from GameFAQs. When you know the boss weaknesses right away, it makes the game a lot faster so you can avoid trial and error and repeating levels. It's the first and only Mega Man game I've beaten. I don't count Mega Man 3 since I used Game Genie to beat it as a kid.

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    Trying to play Faxanadu. not a terrible game. basically a poor man's Zelda II. I might come back to this one...

  11. #411
    Great Puma (Level 12) YoshiM's Avatar
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    Still chugging away (ha!) At Spirit Tracks. I had to haul ice to the fire realm to put out some lava geysers, which was a little maddening. You pretty much have to take the long way on thd map to avoid the evil engines and then play the throttle on turns to not sump your load. I had enough to press forward and open up the tracks to the fire temple. I got the keys from the three bird monsters and now I'm about to startvthe dungeon delve. I mentally complain about this game but I still go back to it. If this was D-Pad controlled, I'd be singing praises.

    I also got in a little Animal Crossing:New Leaf. I didn't time travel to Toy Day or New Years, but that's ok. I FINALLY got a new axe. I really got yo work at acquiring a golden axe.

  12. #412
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    I decided to go get some '00's gaming love, so I fired up the Dolphin emulator on my laptop and get some Gamecube play in. I picked up an official Switch Gamecube controller yo give me a more authetic play experience. And dang, did it ever! Besides not having rumble or analog triggers (which I can't say I noticed the difference on the original) it plays dang well.

    Today I got through the Ruby cup in F-Zero X (on Novice-been years since I played) and then dabbled in some Animal Crossing. I used my soft-modded Wii to transfer my 15-or-so year game save to my thumb drive and ported it onto my laptop. I turned on progressive scan mode to clear up the 2D imagery and proceeded to play a round of "Punch Out!" In my newly cockroach cleared home. I did a little weeding and sent a fossil to the Faraway Museum for identification. Ah the simple life of patience.

    My residents told me it was 60 months since I last played, which sounds right. I fired up the game to show my then young stepkids. My ex-wife's house is still there with all the trimmings (first to pay off, fish weather vane, first to reach a million bells in the bank) , so I'd hate to see the animals' reactions if I fire it up using her account! I also don't have the heart to demolish it, as I'm sure our daughter might want to putter around as that character.

    I was going to attempt some Skyward Sword, but I'm not sure how well a control pad will translate. I started out on it last weekend or so but I haven't attempted flight.

  13. #413
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    I have plans to sit down with the original arcade Donkey Kong tomorrow and see how far I can try, I am not an expert or anything but I really want to get good at it. Playing arcade Metal Slug 1,X, 3 and Dragons Lair downloaded off Steam, remember Dl in the arcade but trying to play it now with no memory of the patterns is brutal.

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    Granida HD Collection

    I been playing the first grandia again for fun for rpgs that came out in the 90's it's still one of my all time favorites.I got my physical copy of it from lrg recently,so it was time to sit down and play it.

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    Hot Shots Golf: Open Tee (PSP) - I bought it based on the fact that its sequel is either the highest or second highest rated golf game on GameFAQs. Easily the best golf game I have ever played. I refuse to play this sport in real life just because I think it's such a massive CO2 contributor but I love playing the games.

    I use the term "sport" very loosely because if Donald Trump can play it, it's not a sport.

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    also playing the Mummy Demastered on the Switch. great game so far. The art style reminds me of the Metal Slug games.

    just beat Castlevania. Had to pause the game for about a day due to work. Level 5 kicked my ass. I lucked out on Dracula's 2nd form. He dropped a II thing so I just spammed the holy water and stun locked him. I depleted about half of his health while he was frozen there. This game is beyond difficult. Some of the enemies are impossible to dodge. On stage 6 I just ran past most of them. thankfully it lets you start at the beginning of the final battle if you get a Game Over otherwise it wouldve taken me another evening to beat this
    Last edited by gbpxl; 01-26-2021 at 10:35 PM.

  17. #417
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    Quote Originally Posted by YoshiM View Post
    I decided to go get some '00's gaming love, so I fired up the Dolphin emulator on my laptop and get some Gamecube play in. I picked up an official Switch Gamecube controller yo give me a more authetic play experience. And dang, did it ever! Besides not having rumble or analog triggers (which I can't say I noticed the difference on the original) it plays dang well.

    Today I got through the Ruby cup in F-Zero X (on Novice-been years since I played) and then dabbled in some Animal Crossing. I used my soft-modded Wii to transfer my 15-or-so year game save to my thumb drive and ported it onto my laptop. I turned on progressive scan mode to clear up the 2D imagery and proceeded to play a round of "Punch Out!" In my newly cockroach cleared home. I did a little weeding and sent a fossil to the Faraway Museum for identification. Ah the simple life of patience.

    My residents told me it was 60 months since I last played, which sounds right. I fired up the game to show my then young stepkids. My ex-wife's house is still there with all the trimmings (first to pay off, fish weather vane, first to reach a million bells in the bank) , so I'd hate to see the animals' reactions if I fire it up using her account! I also don't have the heart to demolish it, as I'm sure our daughter might want to putter around as that character.

    I was going to attempt some Skyward Sword, but I'm not sure how well a control pad will translate. I started out on it last weekend or so but I haven't attempted flight.
    I just bought F Zero X. Its not an easy game. gonna pick it up later in the year most likely

  18. #418
    Great Puma (Level 12) YoshiM's Avatar
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    I haven't really played much of anything lately. I recently got an Everdrive for the NES and I played a little bit of Castlevania 2. It's a hacked version with better translation, an actual save mode and a map screen. Tuesday I replaced the thumbsticks on my Wii U pad and tested play with Zelda:Breath of the Wild. I had to start over as my third eldest stepson played on my account as I didn't know you could have multiple profiles. He beat the game so now it's my turn.

    I did try playing Zelda:Skyward Sword on emulation with a gamepad. Paaaaaiiiinnnnn in the rear. I'm going to try to link a Wiimote to my laptop and see how that goes.

    The only other game related thing I've been playing around with is NESMaker. I'm learning it genre by genre and right now I'm learning the "action platformer" (think maybe Bubble Bobble meets Donkey Kong-you can jump through platforms but walk on them and climb ladders). That's been interesting. Will I actually make a game? Who knows?

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    Beat Metroid today for the first time. With the help of a map I printed off. My whole life, I never knew how to get the Ice Beam til recently when I looked it up. It's not a terribly hard game if you have the Varia Suit. I found all items except for 1 energy tank and 2 missiles. Not worth the hassle of trying to get them. I didn't die til I faced Mother Brain. Got her on the second try. Beautiful game that set the precedent for so many games to come.

    whats kinda funny is the second time I faced Mother Brain there was a glitch that prevented the laser door things from appearing so I saved a ton of missiles by not having to blast through them

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    I linked a Wii Remote to my laptop, powered up a wireless Iar bar and gave Skyward Sword a bit of a try. The controls worked pretty well but I was just not in the mood for Zelda. So I fired up Skyrim again, see if my interest in that got rekindled.

    Oh my...did it ever.

    I got trounced a bit when trying to fire up the steam generators in the dwarven fortress due to controller fumbling. Once I got my 360 controller fingers back I and my virtual partner in death wipe out the mechanations, started the generators and took out a "master" automoton, which looked just incredible.

    We got the dark book unlocked which, upon reading, took me to this dark realm of Hermaeus Mora-the Dedric prince of fate and knowledge. This was a creepy-ass place that dripped with atmosphere with surroundings made with fused pages from books, tentacles and bending pathways. I also bumped my 3rd person mode, which I thought the game did on its own which was a neat effect. I got through the different chapters and then spoke with Mora itself...a big eye with a bunch of bubbly smaller eyes appearing in greasy greenish-yellow mists.

    I exited the realm and saved at a point where I have to fight a dragon. This should be fun.....

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