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Thread: What Game/s are You Playing? Daily / Whenever Check :) (GAMEPLAY)

  1. #641
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    Clearing the final boss of Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness on PS4 wasn't any big deal, especially considering I had all the weapons earned from the Cathedral of Oblivion save for Fidel's, which are the second strongest weapons for each character in the game. After that I did the tedious task of defeating the final boss four more times after fiddling with affinity boosting/decreasing items to see the other four endings. Miki was the one I got without changing anything, and I also got Relia's, which is independent from the rest. It's hardly worth it, as the character endings are pathetically short. Not that they aren't in something like Star Ocean 2 as well, but at least there you could get as many as 8 solo endings or 4 paired endings in one go. Here it's just one single ending + Relia's if you qualify for it. I also discovered another annoying thing about the game. I assumed all cutscenes in the game were unskippable, but they actually *did* program in the ability to skip some scenes. I was able to skip most of the ending sequences to relatively quickly get to whatever character ending I earned. I don't know why that isn't available the vast majority of the game. The biggest time waste was the stuff before beating the boss. It's got like 5 different forms, 2 of which are invincible so you just have to stay alive until a certain length of time passes, and there's cutscenes before and after all of those, which can't be skipped.

    After I finished with the endings, I cleared the hardest rendition of the final iteration of the Cathedral of Oblivion and then started up the Maze of Tribulations (which I still prefer calling the Cave of Trials). Thank goodness I have the strategy guide because, like the Cathedral of Oblivion (which is completely straightforward), you get no map, and with the dungeon areas all looking the same, it's really easy to get disoriented after doing a battle and having the camera swing all over. You can use the blank map like a compass at least and take note of which direction you're pointed, but it's still nice to have the guide's maps to refer to. There are 3 tiers to the dungeon, each with 5 areas (and a boss for each of those) In the first tier (Chasm of Repose, I think it's called), I cleared three sections, defeating Ted, Victor's subordinates, and a weird group of 5 Pavines, haha. Now I'll have to take a break from the game as my mom is staying with us a few weeks, and I want to leave the TV free for her. So I guess I'll have to pick out a handheld game to play in the meantime.
    Last edited by Aussie2B; 09-05-2024 at 05:15 PM.

  2. #642
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    Here's a twist: played Skyrim but on the Steam Deck. I pulled my PC character out of digital moth balls to see where he was at. I decided to put him back on the main quest like my Switch character. He's like 6 or so levels higher than Chazelle, so he's got more things going for him. I set up the gyro controls and now this version has taken my Skyrim time. I'm now on my way to Riften.

    I did some rearranging of my gaming area in the basement and I now have some of my retro stuff hooked up and powered up! I downloaded the demo of "Galagon" from Champ Games for the Atari 2600 and have been playing that here and there. This game just blows my mind and I am soooo not used to using a joystick anymore. I was having a problem with my TV being too low (I moved my file cabinet over to my metal shelving so I could have the TV at the same level as my Color Computer roll-ee table) so I took some leftover wood from the porch project (phase 1), stacked it to be about 6" high and now it's literally at eye level as I sit. it didn't help my score any.

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    I decided to start htoL#NiQ: The Firefly Diary on my Vita. (The way the title is stylized is so annoying and completely counterproductive to getting sales, when people can't even read or remember it.)

    I can see why most people aren't crazy about the controls. Even the control scheme that doesn't require touch controls doesn't feel great. There's one maze clearly inspired by Irritating Stick (or the game show it's based on, rather), so I tried switching to the touch controls for that, but then my finger was blocking my view. The game does have a lot of atmosphere, and I'm interested in learning more about what exactly is going on with Mion, the protagonist, and the world, though my rate of finding the sprouts that trigger Mion's memory scenes has dropped off. The actual puzzle platforming seems middle-of-the-road. Plenty of trial and error as you die over and over before you figure out how to progress, so it's a bit more challenging and frustrating than I was expecting. There's a trophy for hitting 100 deaths, and I've already done so in the third area. Between the controls and how time sensitive a lot of parts are, the game kind of feels less like the average puzzle platformer and more like Lemmings, where you're just trying to lead Mion to an exit before she wanders off to her doom. I'd prefer more direct control in a game like this, rather than what feels like a sloppy implementation of the controls you'd expect in a point-and-click adventure. Then again, the design of the controls does add to the feeling of vulnerability and highlights that Mion is just a little girl who has no idea what's going on and isn't particularly skilled at anything these circumstances are requiring of her.
    Last edited by Aussie2B; 10-04-2024 at 07:19 PM.

  4. #644
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    I kinda, sorta beat htoL#NiQ: The Firefly Diary on my Vita, in that I got the "bad" ending (which I believe one would have to get before being able to get the "true" ending). The trophy for "completing" the game doesn't pop until you get the proper ending, though. Right now, I'm on Chapter X, on what I assume is the "final boss". It's basically a tower defense mini game. So I should have the proper ending soon, unless this battle ends up giving me a lot of grief. The requirements to access Chapter X are pretty ridiculous, though. Needing all the Memory Fragments is fine, and I picked off the few I missed without much trouble, but having to go back to a random event to do something different and then a random stage with barely anything in-game to clue you in on that is a bit much. I would've probably had no idea what to do to fully complete the game if I hadn't already read a post about the requirements. I feel bad for all the people who saw all the memories and then refought the super annoying boss battle of Chapter 4, thinking that was the way to earn the other ending. That battle is basically the shell game + picking out an image you only get a quick flash of over and over and over. The shell game parts aren't too bad if you're decent at following the movements, but the other part basically requires mashing the start button to pause the game repeatedly to get a glimpse of what you need to see. In the end, you're probably going to rely on luck a little, and you can only screw up so many times before you have to start the long sequence all over. (I believe I read there's 25 instances of having to pick an answer.) Some people even film the game while they're playing and review the footage before they pick. There's a trophy for getting through the battle without making a single mistake, which is a huge thorn in the side for trophy completionists. Between that and another particularly irritating trophy, I doubt I'll bother with the platinum.

    Honestly, I'm not sure how I feel about the game in general, which seems to be a common sentiment among people who play through it. I don't think it's a bad game, but I'd hesitate to call it good either. Most of the time, I'd just have a feeling of relief when completing a stage, glad that I was done with it and hoping I wouldn't have to return to it. It doesn't help that the pace is so plodding. Even when you know exactly what to do and can do it without issue, it feels like Mion takes all eternity to go through the motions. It kind of feels like playing a game in slo-mo, which often makes it feel like a chore. I just hope the true ending is satisfying because, even after seeing all the memories, I feel like the story is still extremely vague. I can take some guesses at what's going on, but I'd love to see something a little more concrete.
    Last edited by Aussie2B; 09-23-2024 at 01:40 PM.

  5. #645
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    Though the tower defense final battle in htoL#NiQ: The Firefly Diary on Vita was a pain, I did end up clearing it a day later. Unsurprisingly, the true ending of the game is just as ambiguous as every other cutscene in the game. I read some fan theories after I finished, and I also learned there are additional story details that, annoyingly enough, aren't given in-game or even in the limited edition's art book but are in Japanese trailers, which have been fan-translated. I seemed to have completely misinterpreted one of the main plot points, which made everything after more confusing. That said, it's all speculation, so there's no real "right" or "wrong" interpretation. Just some theories seem to make things fall into place better than others. But some speculation I'm not buying at all, like people who think the boss of Chapter 2 is the corgi. Some people love these kinds of cryptic stories, but I find them underwhelming, as if there's no real story to begin with. When I get into a story, I much prefer for there to be a lot I can sink my teeth into and then speculate on the deeper meanings of things and psychoanalyze the characters. I'm way more inclined to speculate profusely on a good visual novel than the story of an intentionally unclear game where you not sure about what happened at all.

    Anyway, I picked off a handful of trophies after earning the true ending but stopped at three left (not counting the platinum, or "platinium" as the trophy list spells it). The remaining ones are just too time-consuming and tedious for my tastes. The game did end up being the perfect length for me. I wanted something to play while my mom was staying with us, and I got the true ending the night before her flight back home.

    My plan was to resume Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness on PS4, but then I came down with a cold. I always use headphones when I play games on our HDTV, as I play after my daughter is down for the night and the TV is right outside the bedroom. But I don't like the pressure of headphones on my head while sick, so I picked out a short game I could play through on my SP. I decided on Sailor Moon R, and I'm already up to the fifth and final stage. I'm playing the main mode, which includes a lot of walking around, interacting with other characters and playing optional mini games, but there's another mode that cuts out the story and is only the action segments. The game has you select your gender, and I picked that I'm a boy, haha, as that's actually the difficulty selection. Go figure that a series that many people hold up as female empowerment has a sexist difficulty selection where picking you're a girl gets you the easier difficulty. I get the mentality behind it, though. There were probably a lot of girls who got the game just because they were fans of the manga and/or anime but weren't very experienced with video games, whereas the boys who got the game were likelier to have more gaming experience. Both modes are quite easy anyway. The game roughly tells the story of the Black Moon arc, and it's got anime-exclusive characters, like Yuichiro. The game isn't at all anything special, but it's not bad either. It was a good choice for something relatively mindless to play while sick.

  6. #646
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    Not much going on in the retro realm. I'm still totally absorbed in Skyrim and mainly on the Steam Deck. I've gotten as far as capturing a dragon and getting the location of the big bad "world eater" Alduin from him. I gather this is nearing the end of the main quest BUT I do feel like I'll actually go through my back quest log. I've got a civil war to fight, probably buy some property, who knows?

    I pulled out the OG Xbox again to give Morrowind a go. Man...some 3D games just don't age well. It looks well enough for its time but the game play feels so clunky compared to Skyrim or even Oblivion. I didn't get very far before I shut it down.

  7. #647
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    Finished Julius mode in 25 minutes on AoS, if this was the only mode AoS would be trash. Playing Julius mode on AoS sucks all the fun out of the game.

    Almost 200% on Maxim mode on Castlevania HoD with Maxim mode. Maxim mode is actually more enjoyable than playing the base game on HoD. You're still just filling out the map on Maxim mode, even more so this time, but it's just a lot more enjoyable this time around with how Maxim controls and he takes consistent damage to and from enemies throughout the game.
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    After beating the standard mode in Sailor Moon R on my Game Boy Advance SP, I did run through the action mode just for the heck of it. People who have zero knowledge of Japanese (even more so if you're unfamiliar with the IP) would probably like it more than stumbling through the exploration and story parts in the main game, but it's also extremely short and kind of unsatisfying when it's only the action segments.

    I finally started up Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness on PS4 again, after not touching it for over a month, and it was actually quite easy to jump back in. With how button mash-y most battle are, there's not much to readjust to. I beat Der-Suul in the Maze of Tribulations, and with the treasure chest behind him, I was able to learn the last spell I needed to have every skill/spell in the game.

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    200% on Maxim mode and finished Circle of the Moon on magician mode which is cool that you start with all the cards just not exactly that enjoyable to progress through when you're using the invincibility to run through everything and then killing the bosses. After seeing just how long one level was to grind out I just kept rewinding on the last boss didn't even want to beat that mode legit.

    Then today I started and quit playing Star Wars Jedi Outcast within the hour. I heard a lot of praise for these games and no, these games are not good at all. I get games can "age poorly" but I think so many people use "aging" as an excuse for bad games because even if I played it at launch there's no way in hell I'd have praised this game. There's nothing about poor aging about it, this game is trash.

    I looked up the release date of Star Wars Jedi Academy and it was in 2003. So let's see, Nightmare Creatures(1997,) Soul Reaver(1999,) Sword of the Berserk: Gut's Rage(1999,) Soul Reaver 2(2001,) Devil May Cry(2001,) Castlevania Lament of Innocence(2003.)

    People really need to get that shit out of here. Aging poorly, psh, it's a terrible fucking game. There's nothing poor about the games age when games years and years before were mechanically and functionally better in all aspects of design.

    I wouldn't score the game higher than a 2/10, DMC2 is a better game, that's how bad it was.
    Last edited by kupomogli; 10-11-2024 at 11:19 PM.
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  10. #650
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    Quote Originally Posted by kupomogli View Post
    Then today I started and quit playing Star Wars Jedi Outcast within the hour. I heard a lot of praise for these games and no, these games are not good at all. I get games can "age poorly" but I think so many people use "aging" as an excuse for bad games because even if I played it at launch there's no way in hell I'd have praised this game. There's nothing about poor aging about it, this game is trash.

    I looked up the release date of Star Wars Jedi Academy and it was in 2003. So let's see, Nightmare Creatures(1997,) Soul Reaver(1999,) Sword of the Berserk: Gut's Rage(1999,) Soul Reaver 2(2001,) Devil May Cry(2001,) Castlevania Lament of Innocence(2003.)

    People really need to get that shit out of here. Aging poorly, psh, it's a terrible fucking game. There's nothing poor about the games age when games years and years before were mechanically and functionally better in all aspects of design.

    I wouldn't score the game higher than a 2/10, DMC2 is a better game, that's how bad it was.
    Back in the day, I thought Jedi Outcast earned its ratings. I praised it pretty highly on these very forums back in 2003. I loathed the phrase then and it still leaves a bad taste in my mouth to say it and an uncomfortable itch in the fingers to type it, but you have to "play it for a while before it 'gets good' ". That always got me as games progressed at the start of the 3D age forward-developers seemed to not kick the "cool" into gear until you ground through the first hour or three. In hindsight it was probably because they had to hold your hand in order to show you how the game works, which made sense as a lot of the concepts were still new and growing. However if you had a few of that particular game type under your belt (like I did with FPS style games) it was just damn annoying. Same thing with Metroid Prime and its "First Person Adventure" concept-you had to stick with it to give it a chance to potentially click with you.

    Now is Outcast a good game? To *ME* 21 years ago, I was enthusiastic about it. At that time, the game made me feel like a Jedi. But again, that's 21 years ago. There's been a lot of changes to game play since then and I played a lot of that genre through those years. Would I be just as enthusiastic about Outcast now as I did then? I have no idea. I'd almost have to spin it up on the Xbox and give it a go. After advances in 3D gaming, I might be in the same boat as you.

    Jedi Academy though....that was dirt even then. Sure it had the guts of Outcast but the game just felt so uninspired. After Outcast I wanted to like it but it just felt so flat to me.

    In my case with Morrowind-for its time it was definitely a leg up over Daggerfall and Arena. For starters-you could use a controller! Second-wandering around the world wasn't bland! It was a visual feast back then and more so on the PC (though my rig at the time coughed and wheezed trying to play it). Yet back then it would not click for me. I remember it being brutal and I did explore for quite a while but I think I just got tired of it. I couldn't even tell you where I left off and I never went back to it. I dug Fable more so than Morrowind (and still do as I have been playing it, though pissed that my game didn't save so I'm back to my young self just getting out of the fire in the village).

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    The universe really doesn't want me to complete the post-game dungeon in Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness on PlayStation 4, haha. I attempted the fight against Daril, got my butt whooped, did a tiny bit of skill point grinding and allocation in preparation of another attempt, and then my whole household caught another bug. So I've barely played anything since we all started getting sick again, and even when I've had the time and drive to do so, I again wanted to just play something simple on my Game Boy Advance SP. I started up The Jetsons: Robot Panic, which my husband bought me at random back, I believe, when my daughter was still an infant, or maybe 1. I imagine he probably tried it out on our flash cart and thought it was something I'd like (despite neither of us having much interest in the IP itself). But I was hesitant to play it much prior to this because it's got no saves or passwords, and getting enough time to play through an entire game in one sitting, even if it's short, can be tough for me. What's nice, though, is that you can pick the first three stages in any order you want, so I started with short sessions just to learn each of those. Once I could get through those relatively quickly, I tackled George's stages. I ran out of continues on my first go at those, but I beat the game the next attempt. It's not a tough platformer, but it's not braindead either, and I like what the different tools bring to the table. Also how the game introduces them with the initial three stages with Elroy, Judy, and Jane before combining them together. It's also a fun twist that the two George stages each have a trap that make things tougher until the stage is completed, but if you're careful, you can avoid triggering the traps. Anyway, it's a solid little Game Boy game. Hanna-Barbera made a good choice licensing out their IPs to Taito.

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    @YoshiM I played the first one, the ship gets shot down, you start off by escorting this other person, you having a light saber, the other person didn't, it just didn't feel fun to move around, explore, or fight, but I absolutely love Nightmare Creatures to this day and that's more than half a decade older. If it's the first one that you say is the better game, I'll look at it again sometime later, I'll go back to it and try and progress further.

    I mean, I will state what I don't like about it PLUS my vision could be an issue. They still don't know what the issue is but I have flashing spots everywhere, darker spots are darker, brighter spots are brighter. At some part of the tutorial that I couldn't make out what was the ground what wasn't that I kept dying over and over restarting at the checkpoint having to kill the same screaming monsters. So of course some of this is going to be based on my effectiveness of actually playing the game, but for the most part I can see everything, just didn't care for the control, how it played, light saber combat just felt incredibly meh, though I did realize that if you stand still facing the enemy you'll deflect shots automatically with the lightsaber. Left and right with the lightsaber did a very slow wide attack, repeatedly using the lightsaber was quicker, it just didn't feel good.

    I'm not sure if you've ever played Nightmare Creatures for reference, but here's a video, it's quick to get into the game.
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    I feel really drained after being sick practically twice in a row, but I'm basically back to normal now and resumed Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness on my PlayStation 4. After my prep, I cleared Daril no problem and then pounded out the first four bosses of the second section of the post-game dungeon. Now I'm sitting ready to take on Gabriel Celeste. I'm curious if this battle will actually be challenging, since I'm just mashing my way through most of this dungeon so far.

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    I guess Gabriel Celeste in Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness on PlayStation 4 is kinda, sorta challenging? I beat him on my very first try, which I can't say for a handful of other battles in the game, but it's the only battle so far that had me blow through all 20 Fresh Sage resurrecting items I was carrying. I used most of them bringing Miki back, so once I was out, I switched to her in order to keep her out of danger and manually heal and revive everybody else as needed. Now I'm in the third and final hub of the post-game dungeon, and even the regular enemies are quite a bit more difficult, placing me in some dicey moments. I haven't even attempted any of the bosses of this section yet. I think it's time I make a conscious effort to level grind some on the Metal Scumbags in the second area. I made note of a spot where a battle with three of them is easily accessible, and I can use the Ocarina speciality to bring them back repeatedly. Unfortunately, it appears the best you can get is a battle with three + one other type of enemy. I was hoping I'd come across a battle that was exclusively Metal Scumbags and/or contained more than three of them. In preparation, I made a big batch of Shortcake and maxed myself out on the ingredients to make more, so with those and roles boosting my EXP gain, I should be able to rapidly gain more levels.

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    I suppose unsurprisingly the boss battles of the third hub of the post-game dungeon in Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness for PlayStation 4 are an even bigger difficulty spike than the regular enemies, or at least I'd say so for the one I've been attempting. I've been trying to beat the Anima forms of my playable characters (that is, I have to battle shadow versions my own party, minus Relia) in the first of the Terpsichorean Interlude areas (that's seriously what they're called; the game's pretentious vocabulary strikes again), but I keep losing practically as soon as the battle begins. I've repeatedly gone to the Metal Scumbags to grind, so now all my party members are roughly around 180-190 (out of 255, the traditional max level in Star Ocean games). It's annoying because, unlike the fifth and final boss of each hub, I can't save right before the boss fight. I have to navigate four floors populated with regular enemies to reach the Anima fight, and after using my gaming time for a few nights on the same sequence of events (traverse the floors, lose on the boss fight, gain some more levels), it started to all feel rather tedious. So I decided to take a break from that and finish off the last three outstanding quests I had.

    I finally started using Synthesis, which itself is...not so great. To get anything good enough to make it worth your while, you really need to max out the specialty and fill all six slots with stuff. Endlessly scrolling through the menus to pick things out is also tiresome. It's best to just use stuff you can buy (after you've racked up so much fol that money is no object). Filling the slots with items you can buy 99 of at least gives you a fair number of attempts before you have to mess with more menus. The results are random selections out of whatever range of items the quality and impurity values of the items you picked qualify you for. So basically, it's like the random item creation of Star Ocean 2, but instead of only using up one or two items at a time, you're blowing through six items, and you don't have songs to improve your odds of getting something good. Gotta love when, for your six items, you get one of those six items back or some cheap item you can buy in any town, like a Fresh Sage. But Synthesis is the only way to get a number of things. I needed Marbled Meat and Empyreanase for quests and item creation, and now I'm trying to get enough Lezard's Flasks for all the recipes needing those.

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    I continued filling out my Item Creation menu in Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness on PlayStation 4 these last several days. Some of it involved more Synthesis, while, for others, I was grinding for particular item drops. There aren't a ton of recipes I've yet to do now. Most of the remaining ones require items you only get from bosses in the post-game dungeon. So I decided to get back to that and lost again against the Anima enemies. I did last a good bit longer, probably because I used Sukiyaki before the battle, rather than Grilled Steak. (The latter gives a boost to attack, while the former gives a boost to both attack and defense). I know I need to take down the Miki Anima first, but I was struggling to do so. She heals so damn fast. I tried using a couple Reserve Rush attacks on her, but I think the target may have switched on me. I need to review the controls and see if I can lock on. Generally, it's been fine to just approach whichever enemy I want to target and attack, but this battle is way too chaotic. I would definitely say it's the most challenging one I've encountered thus far. If I remember correctly, I was around level 120-130 when I started this third section of the dungeon, and now I have everybody over 200 and I'm *still* losing this boss battle.

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    Playing a little bit of Kirby Super Star Ultra lately on the NDS. Funny little game, not too far along in the gameplay, yet. Enjoyable and not a huge time commitment.

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    I managed to clear the Anima battle in Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness on PlayStation 4. It wasn't the most illustrious victory, but frankly, I was getting sick of being stuck on that battle and just wanted to move on. I'm starting to conclude that the strategies for boss battles in the official guide are kinda useless. At least for my style of playing. Their suggestions are way too micromanage-y, and trying to pull off their convoluted approach distracts me from properly keeping an eye on the status of my full party. The huge amount of levels I gained didn't seem like they were making a significant difference, and trying to execute a combo of Reserve Rush attacks wasn't working for me. So I just used items to max out my Reserve Rush gauge prior to the battle and then unleashed all of it with Fidel on the Miki Anima. I finally took out her out, though, like usual, nearly my entire party was wiped out by the time it was done. I gave up on even trying to keep my Miki alive (which would then give me a chance to keep everybody else alive), and just switched to Anne, using the Dead Man Walking role.

    Now, some people consider this role "cheating". When the role isn't fully leveled up, it's basically instant death for the character using it, as it makes HP tick away, but with it maxed out, the rate of loss is slow enough that you can manage to stay alive with regular healing. The character is otherwise invincible, so it's basically this game's version of Star Ocean 2's Bloody Armor. But only one character can use the role at any time, so unless you control the character yourself and constantly stop to heal, then you're reliant on a character who isn't invincible to do the healing. In other words, it's not necessarily some insta-win thing. I've been using Dead Man Walking on Anne since the Daril fight, and it certainly hasn't kept me from seeing the Game Over screen. In fact, Anne has been dropping a lot, just because Miki is knocked out or otherwise can't pull off a heal when needed.

    But this time, I did control Anne myself, while everyone else was out, spamming skills briefly and then using an item to recover HP, over and over. A bit tedious and cheap, yes, but not as tedious as losing the battle repeatedly and traveling through the floors before it time and time again. If there was a save point right before the boss, that'd be different. Honestly, from what I've read, it sounds like very few players beat this battle without Dead Man Walking. And anyway, I'm not above taking advantage of overpowered stuff or cheap tactics in Star Ocean games, haha. I'm pretty sure the only way I ever beat Freya in Star Ocean 3 was by taking advantage of the MP rollover bug (which only exists in the original Japanese release). I only got one Moonstone drop out of the Anima battle, but oh well. Wasn't in the mood to reload and try for better drops.

    I think one thing that's probably working against me is that I've barely dabbled in Synthesis and have yet to touch Augmentation at all. This deep in the post-game dungeon, they probably expect you to have pimped out your equipment with good augments, but I've just been coasting along with whatever I've been able to buy, find, or make in Item Creation. And for the vast majority of the game, that's more than enough.

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    All the remaining battles of the post-game dungeon in Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness on PlayStation 4 were a breeze, including Ethereal Queen. The official strategy guide makes a comment that the Anima battle could very well be the toughest battle in the entire game, and for me, it definitely was. It's kinda weird that a random boss battle with no story or series significance that occurs two thirds of the way through the post-game dungeon is harder than the final battle of said dungeon. Granted, I can't say how Gabriel Celeste and Ethereal Queen are in their six-wing forms, let alone on the hardest difficulty (which would also make the Anima battle harder anyway). The post-game dungeon has three iterations, so I've only cleared the first, but all that happens is that the bosses respawn, the angels get more wings and stronger, and Santa sells more stuff. I'd like to do more Item Creation before I retire the game, and I need more drops from the bosses, so I've started working my way through the second iteration. Since treasures don't respawn, I don't have to waste time going after the chests, and if I make a beeline toward the exit of each floor, I can blow through things pretty quick.

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    So I've played everything on Dominus Collection since I downloaded it from a friend's account. I still purchased the physical version, it just won't be here until February. I'm currently one fifth of the way through the last area in the game so I'm at the very end.

    After finishing Dark Souls which I've realized that I still don't like as a game, the only Souls game that I don't like actually, I've been replaying Bloodborne again. I'm replaying the game again building a Strength and Skill build which I probably already had before but I don't have a save data for it. On The Old Hunter's version of the game which doesn't read the US save data, I've got a Strength/Arcane build, a pure strength build, a pure skill build, a skill/bloodtinge build, and now a Strength/skill build. I'm going to make a strength/bloodtinge build next, but also a pure bloodtinge and pure arcane build also. Maybe one day I'll work on a arcane/strength, bloodtinge/strength, and bloodtinge/skill. There's really no need for a skill/arcane build because there's no weapons that scale from both outside of the paper enhancements.

    Granted there's really no need for all of these builds, just min maxing each build for level 120 the way I want to play them. Every build that's doesn't include bloodtinge has terrible bloodtinge making guns rather ineffective. The pure strength and pure skill build atleast include smome since going over 50 doesn't do much at all so extra points in Vitality, Endurance, and Bloodtinge or Arcane.
    Everything in the above post is opinion unless stated otherwise.

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