Yo, Mega Drivers! How's tricks?

So we have this new website up over @ www.superfighter.com for you to take a gander at.
Yeah, it was a long time coming. Sorry about that. Life tends to get in the way of these things, y'know? But anyway, there it is.

In reflection, I actually couldn't remember how many different revisions of the website there have been, over the years. I did remember working up the second revision during an exhibition at the Classic Geek Expo (err, Classic GAMING Expo) back in '05 -- from the relative comfort of my hotel room -- using an HP Omnibook 900 (Ad Lib compatible!). But anyway, I looked into it and the answer was 4. 4 revisions, ah ah ah. So this would technically be version 5.0 of the whole Super Fighter Team online experience. And as usual it's been beautifully hand-coded by yours truly using the "MS-DOS Editor" ... because that's how I roll.

Aaaaaaand, you'll either like it or you won't. Either way if you've got a couple seconds you can shoot me an e-mail with your comments. I'll appreciate that. Note however I don't make it by these forums much any more (or most any other forums for that matter), so if you PM me I may not get it for, like, eons.