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Thread: Good games that run on Windows XP?

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    ServBot (Level 11) Edmond Dantes's Avatar
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    Default Good games that run on Windows XP?

    I just built a Windows XP gaming comp. Its a 2.80ghz Pentium 4 (so single core), 512 ram (though the motherboard can be upgraded to 2gig), with a Geforce 4 ti4200 and a Soundblaster Audigy 2. In other words, a comp I would've considered a powerhouse at the time, but it can only run Doom 3 on medium settings.

    But ya know... got new hardware, wondering what games to run on it.

    Games I already own are Doom 3, but also the Myst series (I got all of them in a box last year) and Medal of Honor: Allied Assault. But this was the period where I basically stopped paying attention to PCs so I'm not sure if there's any underappreciated XP gems to look out for.

    (EDIT: It just occured to me that in my "list" I forgot to mention Windows 98 games that also have XP compatibility, so I probably have more than I think I do).

    So, suggestions?
    Last edited by Edmond Dantes; 07-05-2018 at 10:09 AM.

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