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Thread: Power Cord for Phillips CD-I 220

  1. #1
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    Default Power Cord for Phillips CD-I 220

    Found one in the wild for a steal, but it didn't have a power cord. Anyone know what standard types or common ones that might work for it? Not very well versed on power supplies and didn't want to blow the thing up making a goof. Thank you and sorry if this has been posted before. I couldn't find it while searching.

  2. #2
    Great Puma (Level 12) jb143's Avatar
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    If it's the model with the standard AC cord jack on the back then any standard AC cord should work. Like the cord for a PS1. I think a lot of DVD and blueray players use the same chord as well. If it's a model that needs an external power supply then you'll have to look around on Ebay or something because they are non-standard and I don't think there are any others that will work.
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  3. #3
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    Thank you so much. Really appreciate it. I was confused with the different models. Made my day! Thank you!

    Quote Originally Posted by jb143 View Post
    If it's the model with the standard AC cord jack on the back then any standard AC cord should work. Like the cord for a PS1. I think a lot of DVD and blueray players use the same chord as well. If it's a model that needs an external power supply then you'll have to look around on Ebay or something because they are non-standard and I don't think there are any others that will work.

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