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Thread: Who else here collects Pong style games?

  1. #1
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    Default Who else here collects Pong style games?

    Recently picked up an arcade pong variant arcade curiosity: Allied Leisure Hesitation
    The thing has a unique cabinet design and numitron scoring. I wrote up an article about it with an embedded video demo. If you have a weird pong game, I'd be interested in seeing it.

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  2. #2
    Alex (Level 15) Custom rank graphic
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    Very cool. I don't actively collect Pong style games but I do enjoy playing them, I just don't have the space or cash for actual cabinets and finding home type systems hasn't been easy. If I can eventually find a real Pong console or a Coleco Telstar I'll be happy.

  3. #3
    Strawberry (Level 2) AdamAnt316's Avatar
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    As part of my so-called 'museum', I've acquired a number of the early dedicated Pong-type consoles over the years. The first game system in my collection was an Atari Super Pong Ten which I found in a trash pile near my house. Soon after that, I found a Bentley Compu-Vision at a yard sale for $10, and it's kinda snowballed from there. Just last week, I found a boxed Atari Ultra Pong Doubles at a retro video game store; probably paid too much, but it's in mint condition, and should go nicely with my boxed Atari Video Pinball:

    Probably the centerpiece of my collection thus far is the original Magnavox Odyssey, which is mostly complete (no box or packing materials, but just about everything else except the light gun). I got to meet Ralph Baer several years back, so it's nice to own an example of his creation. I also have three examples of the later Odyssey Pong systems, along with their original boxes, and I got one of them signed by Ralph during the aforementioned meeting. Here are some pictures:

  4. #4
    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    When I would thrift store shop I would pick up Pong consoles. After maybe fourteen or so, I decided to stop bothering since they're essentially all the same machine. In a lot of cases, using the same General Instruments chipset across multiple companies. I don't do very much in the way of thrift store or flea market shopping nowadays, but I keep an eye out for any other kind of plug-and-play console from the '70s. I have an Atari Video Music (which the previous owner sliced the power supply off so I have no idea if it works), two versions of Atari's Video Pinball (one black and woodgrain, the other off-white), Atari's Stunt Cycle (in box!), and so on. I think my dream find in this category would be to find a Coleco Tank plug-and-play. I remember seeing them in catalogs and rarely in stores back in the day, and I always wanted one.

    The last Pong console I've bought was a Coleco Telstar Arcade. That was another one I recall lusting for back in the days before the Atari 2600 blew all those kinds of machines away. And now I have one of my own, with two cartridges.

  5. #5
    Great Puma (Level 12) Niku-Sama's Avatar
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    I pick em up as i see, price permitting of course.

    Latest one was an APF tv fun, probably been a year or so...

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