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Thread: Candelabra: Estoscerro (A new NES Homebrew) Live now

  1. #1
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    Default Candelabra: Estoscerro (A new NES Homebrew) Live now

    Candelabra: Estoscerro is the First NES Homebrew Dungeon crawler to his the market. It's programmed by Sly Dog Studios, and is being published by K3VBOT's Homebrew Highlights. The title has a ton of really cool features, including maze navigation, a unique battle system, and dual NES controller controls. If you get a chance, check it out. The Kickstarter is now live! We can use as much support as we can get, whether that be helping fund the campaign, or simply sharing it with your friends.

    Thank you guys,

  2. #2
    Great Puma (Level 12) YoshiM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by K3VBOT View Post
    Candelabra: Estoscerro is the First NES Homebrew Dungeon crawler to his the market. It's programmed by Sly Dog Studios, and is being published by K3VBOT's Homebrew Highlights. The title has a ton of really cool features, including maze navigation, a unique battle system, and dual NES controller controls. If you get a chance, check it out. The Kickstarter is now live! We can use as much support as we can get, whether that be helping fund the campaign, or simply sharing it with your friends.

    Thank you guys,
    With such a short turnover time (summer 2019), is it safe to say that the game is done?

  3. #3
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    Default Candelabra: Estoscerro

    Quote Originally Posted by YoshiM View Post
    With such a short turnover time (summer 2019), is it safe to say that the game is done?
    Yes, The game is 100% complete. Basically just need to put it all together

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