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Thread: Dead cartridge

  1. #21
    ServBot (Level 11) Slate's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by fluid_matrix View Post
    Check out Retro Repairs on YT. He does a good job of showing step-by-step the proper way testing with a multimeter.
    Quote Originally Posted by Slate View Post
    Thanks, I watched his Another Conker's BFD vid as shown below. I opened my copy of Paper Mario and by using the conductivity tester, I found that pins 36 and 40 are missing traces on the board in easily accessed points much like this Conker cartridge was and it was also for the same reason. I'll see what I can do about that.

    I tried checking out my copy of Landstalker on Genesis by this same method and I'm not yet sure why it's not working. Its battery still holds a charge.

    - Austin
    Fluid_Matrix, this worked on my copy of Paper Mario; traces 36 and 40 were gone. I'm soaking the RF Shield in Vinegar now. Thanks!

    - Austin

  2. #22
    ServBot (Level 11) Slate's Avatar
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    Minor update, almost 3 years later. The game worked (and works) fine after that fix, but I should detail how I de-rusted the RF Shield, since I mentioned it earlier.

    1: Dremeled Rust.
    2: Soaked Shield in Vinegar (edit, after Niku-sama's post below: this was for longer than a day, to remove rust. Now, original post: ) (in hindsight, I could have simply done this, and nothing else. Dremeling wasn't necessary.)
    3: Rinsed Vinegar off.
    4: Dried.
    5: Coated with 2 or 3 coats of VHT Rust Converter, let cure.
    6: Coated with 2 or 3 coats of Zinc Weld Through Primer, let cure.

    I also did this to a few spots of exposed metal on my old Explorer's hood in late 2018, and I have not seen any rust come back even now, so that's why I went this route.

    - Austin
    Last edited by Slate; 06-21-2022 at 03:52 PM.

  3. #23
    Great Puma (Level 12) Niku-Sama's Avatar
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    incase you come across more rusty bits:

    would help you skip a few steps up there, is good stuff

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