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Thread: Reserved Investment video

  1. #1
    Apple (Level 5) ScourDX's Avatar
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    Default Reserved Investment video

    This isn't my channel, but it goes over the speculative market regarding collectables item in relation to pop-culture items. He point very interesting thing which a lot of youtuber aren't talking about. It is one of the few channel I listen regularly to educate on WATA and CGC grading.

  2. #2
    Pac-Man (Level 10)
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    Im not gonna click on those videos because I refuse to support anything that promotes encasing video games in plastic, rendering them useless, as well as anything that makes my hobby more expensive simply because someone wants to hoard a game, not play it, and then cash out years from now.

  3. #3
    Apple (Level 5) ScourDX's Avatar
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    It isn't really about how to gain quick profit by buying up rare titles. Rather he discuss about why people shouldn't put all your money into videogame just to profit off. It is more education to see other market have the same effect as videogame collecting. He also goes on and said limited run games are waste of money. Don't be fool by his channel name.

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