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Thread: Share your pickup loot and finds

  1. #401
    Great Puma (Level 12) Niku-Sama's Avatar
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    There was a swap meet in portland last weekend. Formerly PRGE swap meet, now its Sidequest games Expo... still a swap meet really though...

    anyway i got a few things:

    I got this stack o stuff:
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ID:	10979
    Namco Museum Vol 1 (PSX) $5 Complete
    DS Browser (DS) $1 Loose
    SMB/duckhunt (NES) $5 Loose
    Metal Gear (NES) $5 Loose
    Daganronpa Decadence (Switch) $40 Complete
    Super Bomberman R (Switch) $10 Complete
    School Girl Zombie Hunter (PS4) Complete $18
    Shiren The Wanderer (Wii) New $15 minus a stack of trades
    Midtown Madness 3 (Xbox) No Manual $5
    Munch's Odyssey (Xbox) No Manual $3
    2x Jampack (PS2) Complete $8
    Maze Runner 3d (MS) Complete $4
    F-16 Fighting Falcon (MS) No Manual\Sleeve $4
    Rocky (MS) Complete $4
    Lotus II (Gen) Complete $4
    Gunship (PSX) Complete $20

    Most of this stack came out of dump bins with random crap labeled $5 ea but when you get a whole stack of them you can usually get a few bucks off. Both NES carts, all MS games, the Gen game and Munch's Odyssey came from these bins. I also had a stack load more but i actually traded them to other sellers for more than what i paid and even more than the $5 they were asking. Most of them went to one seller who was kind of an asshole. I traded most of what i got not even 30 minutes before, plus a stack of doubles i brought with me, mostly wii and PS2 common but desirable games like KoF and Mario games twards Shiren the Wanderer. This guy didnt have anything priced, was looking all the prices up on pricecharting, which is ok but dude they wont sell them selves and so many people dont know about pricecharting still, price your shit. He then asks what percent i am looking for with them and i told him 50%, which is very generous for any thing at this rate and they are games that sell, he says he'll do it but he normally only does 35% on credit to trades and then preceeds to say this stuff wont sell and that it'll sit around (see again dont be a lazy shit and price your crap). at that point i shoulda walked but i was like what ever.
    then after he asks what pricecharting says for Shiren, i tell him about $105 as new. Suddenly hes asking $125 for it and saying hes going to give me $90 for my stack. Uh no i say, i'll do an even swap. he says no and i countered with +$15 or i'm walking and he takes it. I'm certain 50% of of that stack of games was a bit more than just $90 but what ever. As i am leaving he is just stuffing the cased games into his stock, never checking any of them. I coulda sold him a dvd case with dog crap in it at this point. wont buy from him again.

    most of the rest of the deals were cool people except who ever i bought gunship from. I check discs religiously but i totally missed something on this one. For one theres a clear sticker on the top side that had tiny printing on the edge that i only noticed after i got home. I thought oh crap, so i flip it and check it in decent light and sure enough theres a crack in the disc, no mention about it anywhere or in person, nothing. Dick move. Going to have to start taking a flashlight with me i guess, it was pretty dark in there.

    Most of these were impulse. i seek out longbox games, and dagonronpa i hear has a board game game as one of the 4 included games. been itching for a good new fortune street type game. Super Bomberman R looks like a misprint, my other copy was plain white text like most other games and it was cheap.

    I've been getting into OG xbox games lately, theres an interesting array, probably because they were new and willing to take the risks on games that were different or out there, plus licensing was probably pretty cheap. Plus they are cheap now but i dont think they will be for much longer. they seem to be picking up. Wii is picking up too

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    Swag\lanyards $10
    Broken Anikin 43¢
    Murlok Skylander $1
    Loose Xbox games $4 ea.

    Broken Anikin was sold as a flatware knife at goodwill, skylander murlok guy was at the swap meet. i got them to mess around with a RFID programmer i found at goodwill a few months back. i also kept the hotel room keys for the same reason.
    I was hoping to use one of the figures as a RFID key to get into work with but my work key is a different frequency than the skylander and hotel key and the infinity figure isnt a supported frequency at all on my device.
    I blew the mind of the guy i bought the skylander from. he hadnt thought of that and thought it was a great idea

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    FLAT KIRB $25 New
    i'm gonna frame it like this, like how taxidermists will frame pelts of animals in the big gawdy frames

  2. #402
    Great Puma (Level 12) Niku-Sama's Avatar
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    Bravely Default II was on clearance at BB the other day so i grabbed a copy, i think it was $41
    I also unfound (see returned) my Mar10 day switch bundle since it hadnt opened it yet and i just happened to come across a zelda nuts and bolts (i cant remember the name) switch preorder.
    dont care much about the game but i liked the design plus a console with zelda on it becomes an investment and i'll always get my money back out of it if i decide to get rid of it.

  3. #403
    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    I've been on a much needed vacation, two weeks off. I've picked up a few games, a few PS3 games to keep my collection from sitting at the number 666 (I'm not religious but still...) and a few GameStop purchases. I generally have stayed away from them for the past 15 to 20 years but honestly there's not a lot of places to buy games left in the area. One I picked up was Dynasty Warriors Gundam 2 for the PS3, mainly because I had been looking for that one for almost a year, and now a random GameStop had one sitting with their older generation games for $9.99. I also picked up Kung-Fu Rider for the PS3 because my copy was faded and this one was cheap. I also had Terra Trilogy for the PS4 but I bought it sealed and I picked this one up so I could play it without opening that one, it was only $4.99.

  4. #404
    Great Puma (Level 12) Niku-Sama's Avatar
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    oh i didnt know dynasty warriors gundam came out on PS3, i thought it was a 360 only one. I gotta grab that one

  5. #405
    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    I drove back from my vacation week today, stopped at a few places. Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage 2 never came out in the US, I have a sealed copy that I haven't wanted to open but this one was cheap. The other Japanese game is Gundam Breaker 3. The top 3 PS4 games came from a GameStop. Cotton Fantasy is new, but not sealed. I hate buying new games that are open, but who knows when I'll ever come across it in the wild again.

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  7. #406
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    Once the hail storms finally passed over, I went to a Half Price Books and picked up a boxed copy of Star Fox. Unfortunately it's the Mythicon game for the Atari 2600. Yeesh. I've never owned a boxed Mythicon game, and it cost me double its original launch price. That location had lots of Atari boxed games, about half were Sears rebranded. It always warms my heart to see boxed Atari stuff.

    I was very close to picking up a halfway decent copy of a Terran Trade Authority - Great Space Battles book. But it's easier to look at a free PDF version that will last longer than a worn out book with a slightly ratty cover for $30.

    Edit: sorry for the oversized picture, didn't mean to do that.
    Last edited by Steve W; 04-02-2023 at 09:56 PM.

  8. #407
    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    While I was out today I stopped at another Half Price Books and bought Toradora Portable and Pop N' Music Portable for the PSP, both Japanese imports. I now have a few PSP games (but no console to play them on) but I don't think I have any US released games, just foreign.

    They had a couple Japanese boxed Fate Excella collector's editions, one for the Vita and one for the PS4. The Vita one was only $49.99 but the PS4 version was huge and cost $150. I always wonder how on Earth did they get into a used book store in Texas. It's so bizarre to me.

  9. #408
    Bell (Level 8)
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    I've come to the realization, after cracking open my DVD collection, what I had heard a couple times before. That leaving plastic wrap on IS technically worse for the condition because it sticks. It is only "better" in the sense of collectors who plan to never, ever open it and somehow that has been considered "preferable". For the purpose of, if they do anything with it, sell it to a like-minded individual who has more money.
    Also, stickers like those HPB make huge damage to the boxes if not removed ASAP. I also really hate those DVD top side "pull here" stickers. I never could remove those without damaging the case outside around the "pull here" tab.
    Worse, finding a handful of the DVDs have read problems. Hasn't happened on any of the discs I know I've watched previously (even a few I've loaned out and came back smudged to hell, those still read fine when I made personal backups to ensure future watching).

  10. #409
    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    I had jury duty yesterday - I've been working midnight to 8am, then have to report to the Dallas county courthouse at 8am the next day, I managed to get maybe an hour of sleep that night. It was the 6th time I've been called for jury duty, on the 6th of April, and my assigned juror number was 666. Talk about a bad omen. I was incredibly anxious (I've never actually served on a jury before, something's happened and I've gotten out of it each time) but then they announced that all their juries were carrying over from the previous day and they had no need for any new jurors. They sent us home. I celebrated (after a four hour nap) by hitting a ton of game stores, but left nearly all of them empty-handed. I guess I've stripped all the good games off the shelves everywhere in the area. Picked up Tokyo Ghoul at a Movie Trading Company, and hit a GameXchange to get Lord of the Rings: War in the North for PS3 and the steelbook collector's edition of Metro Exodus for the price of the regular edition game, $11.99. A lot of driving without a lot of reward, but at least I felt happy not having to deal with some heinous court case for days.

  11. #410
    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    Finally I have a day off and money in my bank account, so I went game store shopping. Didn't find much, sadly. Kingdom Majestic for the PS4 and Need for Speed Undercover for the PS3 were from the first game store, and Signalis for the PS4 was from a Movie Trading Company. Found squat anyplace else.

  12. #411
    Apple (Level 5) Gamevet's Avatar
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    You do know that if you don’t show up for Jury duty, that they’ll stop sending cards, right?

  13. #412
    Great Puma (Level 12) Niku-Sama's Avatar
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    Last friday i finally got a place of my own to live after over one very long year, its under budget and has a bunch of new stuff just installed (appliances, carpet etc) but i cant do some of the other things i like to do (cars, refinishing etc) because its an apartment above a business in the middle of the town. so just collecting and really getting life going again. i dont have any furniture so i'll be on the hunt for interesting stuff that doesn't cost a fortune

    last weekend i went to almost all the thrifts i could to get stuff for the new place.
    on saturday i Crash Team Racing for PSX for $1 and Battle Rage (Wii) for $5. kind of a bust for anything else/
    sunday came around and i know goodwill changes their half price color and i need a router for the new place so i went to see if it was that color and i found one of those Playstaion 3d gaming monitor things for $25.
    i saw it from the end of the aisle and with one fluid movement walked down, grabbed it and headed twards the register with it. its not mint but its in ok shape and needs a clean. pics when i get internet at the new place after i am finished moving.

    my router was not half off yet, maybe this week will change to yellow

  14. #413
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    I found this little gem at a HPB in Midlothian Texas.
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  15. #414
    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    Well, I was going to post about how a couple of days ago I picked up 50 Cent: Blood on the Sand for the PS3, but since it was the only thing I picked up that day I decided to set it aside to add to another finds post. I come home today and find it missing. With pretty much all the games I've posted here since the 1st of April. My brother's been by with his white trash girlfriend, and suddenly a bunch of my games are gone. She must have grabbed them off the shelf and sold them. The last time she'd been here maybe a week ago I had a bunch of games vanish too, but I didn't think much about it then, I thought I'd just misplaced them. But a game I bought two days ago went missing, along with stacks of others. She's most likely grabbed random games to sell off. I just had a confrontation with my brother and his girlfriend, and she won't admit it or tell me what store she sold them off to. There's probably about $400 to $500 worth of games that I doubt I'll be able to get back.

    Edit: I just realized the stack of games I posted on March 31st that I bought during my vacation were almost all gone. All except one, which was in a bag with controllers and stuff I brought back from vacation. Dammit.

    Apart from that trauma, earlier today I went to a game store and bought Star Wars: Racer Revenge (new) and Poison Control (new) for the PS4.

    There's a GameXchange nearby, I'm going to have to drop by and see if any of my games are there. And then try and figure out how to explain this to the employees, maybe ask them to set all of them aside and I'll end up re-buying them once I get the money together (which I don't have much of, especially with my car insurance payment coming up). Also a lot of them have shot up in price, which is going to sting.

    Last edited by Steve W; 04-30-2023 at 01:14 AM. Reason: Updated the stolen stuff.

  16. #415
    Apple (Level 5) Gamevet's Avatar
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    Your brother and his crack ho need to get a job. I wouldn’t let them anywhere near my place.

    I picked up these 2 gems in the past week.
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ID:	10990  
    Last edited by Gamevet; 04-30-2023 at 12:03 PM.

  17. #416
    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    There's a Game Xchange not too far away, down the parking lot of where I work. I was waiting for my lunch break to finally arrive so I could go over and see if my games had ended up there, and my boss just told me to take my break early and get the anxiety out of the way. So I went over, and the lady behind the counter was looking through my games. That damn woman had just dropped them off along with a bunch of my Blu-Rays and had left the store while they figured out a price. She must have been across the street at a restaurant and saw me enter the store, and she called in telling them that they were not my games, they were my brother's and she was authorized to sell them. I called the police and called my brother to come by to confirm they were stolen from me, gave the officer some information but couldn't get an official theft report filed until I had a list of the value of everything taken. I've got to do that and call the officer tomorrow. I'm really glad I took an early break and got there at just the right time - I had to clock out for something like an hour while I talked to the cop. Meanwhile she kept calling the store asking when she could get paid for all the stuff, even though she'd seen me go in there and a police officer show up. Brainless idiot.

    Here's the thing... I noticed a huge swath of games missing from my shelf, but maybe a week ago a few games went missing out of a bag that I took with me when I went on vacation, but I didn't think much of it. I think she's a cleptomaniac and just steals because she just wants to steal. She noticed that I didn't react that time so she took even more yesterday. After I called my brother and told her to leave, she insisted that she doesn't steal. When she left the house she went to the GameXchange and sold off that first group of games she had taken. They were all PS3 games, but Folklore was in there, so she should have gotten a decent amount. They lady from the GameXchange called me and told me they only gave her a little over $19 for all seven games. In there was the Japanese Godzilla game (that goes for $90 on Amazon now) and a sealed Euro release called The Cube (over $40). They wouldn't take those because they're foreign and not in their system, so she just tossed them on the counter and left them. So I can get those back tomorrow at least.

    My brother isn't really dating her, she's just hanging around with him because she doesn't have a driver's license and lives in Henderson, TX and comes to Dallas to get various cancer treatments. He has sometimes driven to pick her up and bring her here. She applied for and received disability because of all her illnesses, and my brother has cancer (he had his gall bladder, spleen, and most of his pancreas removed) but has been rejected for disability multiple times for some reason. They told him he'd only get it if he was at stage 4, which means he'd have to be terminal, and by the time the first disability check would get to him he'd probably be dead. So she's been helping him wade through the red tape and get him disability. I kind of assumed he was dating her because he's attracted to women who turn out to be psychos or evil or both.

    There's a bunch of games that I just accept I'll never see again, she'll find some other store to sell them at. It's the stack I photographed for the finds thread on May 31st. Still don't know what she did with the two Japanese PSP games or the Starfox Atari 2600 game. My brother started looking through all his stuff and started noticing a few little things missing here and there. He's still trying to stay friendly with her, hoping he might be able to get some of my stuff back. That, and she has some really scummy friends that she could sic on us. Sheesh.

  18. #417
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    I’d almost feel sorry for her, but you reap what you sow.

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  20. #418
    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    I dropped by the GameXchange today and picked up the two games they wouldn't take in trade from the first batch, the Japanese Godzilla game and the Euro game The Cube. I'm lazy and stressed out over this, so I just offered to reimburse them the $19.55 they paid her for my games just so I could get them back. But they wouldn't let me, I have to complete the police report on her first and all the paperwork has to be traded between the cops and the store. There's also a pawn shop down the street that I stopped into, wondering if she tried selling the rest of my games there, but she hadn't been there yet. I think it's because you have to use an I.D. for that kind of transaction, and she doesn't have one. She still has all the games from my March 31st post here except for the one on the bottom of that stack, and the Cotton Fantasy PS4 game from the April 1st post. Along with the PSP games and the Atari Starfox game. She might have grabbed more and I haven't realized it yet, she did grab a bunch of duplicates that were on the shelf that I only found out after I saw her bagload at the GameXchange.

  21. #419
    ServBot (Level 11) Tron 2.0's Avatar
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    I finally have a PS5,i sold off a valuable game from my collection to fund for one.Still i don't mind that i did i replace it with a burn so no problem for me.It was the right time to now that the console is easy to find at retail currently plus i needed to upgrade over my base ps4.

  22. #420
    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    Well, here's an update on the theft... I have almost all of my games back. My brother's been communicating with the woman who stole my stuff, and got her to give back all the stuff she hadn't yet tried to sell in order to get me to drop the police charges. So, other than the games she had already sold to the GameXchange, everything's back (except for my copy of Cotton Fantasy for the PS4, she said there was no disc inside - which makes me wonder if somehow she lost it someplace, one of her scummy friends took it, or did the game store I bought it at last month accidentally not include the disc?). I hope to convince the manager at GameXchange to let me reimburse them for what they paid out to her for my games and get the rest back. I also wanted to replace my copy of Cotton Fantasy, so I ordered another one off Amazon. And while I was there, I ordered Umihara Kawase Bazooka and Cotton Reboot for the PS4 as well.

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