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I do sort of respect this if it stays limited, making the game as a collectible for collectors rather than to keep profiting endlessly on it. That's basically the issue I have with WaterMelon and their Pier Solar game. Originally the game was created by fans of the Genesis to show off the console for having a great RPG, as they were annoyed how SNES fans kept bashing the Genesis for having far less great RPGs than the SNES. They wanted to create a console exclusive made as best as possible to show off the Genesis hardware, and originally wanted a small print run to have it special for Genesis collectors. But once the game came out they saw how profitable it could be and kept reprinting the game so it wasn't really too rare anymore, and then they ported the game to the Dreamcast and Steam as well as other platforms so it wasn't a console exclusive anymore. These other releases had improved graphics and added content, so now the Genesis version was the worst version of the game. This game was created specifically to show off the Genesis and now the Genesis has the worst version of the game. It all became about money in the end.