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Thread: Share your pickup loot and finds

  1. #561
    ServBot (Level 11) Slate's Avatar
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    On Thursday, May 30 2024, I had quite a day. My wallet was just wide enough, too. It doesn't look very impressive for the first 2 finds.

    1st Games Purchase:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Late May Find 1.jpg 
Views:	39 
Size:	132.5 KB 
ID:	11144

    Various Sonic Figures - $1
    Bootleg Game Boy with NES & Famicom Games - $1

    The handheld's battery's dead, but the system works if plugged in. Its quality's not too bad, either; the buttons seem responsive. I can see myself playing Contra on it, since I have a copy.

    2nd Games Purchase:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Late May Find 2.jpg 
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Size:	129.0 KB 
ID:	11145

    I paid $2 for this lot.

    Nintendo DS games:

    18 Classic Card Games (with case and manual, but the case plastic's broken on the side)
    Solitaire Overload (with case and manual)
    Sega Casino (with case)
    Sega Casino (with case and manual and other booklet)

    3rd Games Purchase [the big star here:]

    This lot (there are many photos) was $200.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Late May Find 3 (part 1).jpg 
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Size:	126.4 KB 
ID:	11146

    Pics 1, 2, and 3 with the Super NES & Genesis:


    Loose Games:

    Frank Thomas Big Hurt Baseball
    Ken Griffey Jr. Presents major League Baseball
    Madden NFL 94
    NHL Stanley Cup
    Ryne Sandberg plays Super Bases Loaded
    P.T.O. II
    Star Trek: Starfleet Academy
    Super Return of the Jedi
    WWF Super Wrestlemania
    WF Wrestlemania: The Arcade Game

    Games with and Manual (unless otherwise noted.)

    Contra III: The Alien Wars (no manual.)
    NCAA Basketball
    Tecmo Super Bowl (with Tecmo Super Bowl paper that shows off teams and helmets.)
    Spider-man X-Men Arcade's Revenge (with game poster/ad for other Nintendo games.)

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Late May Find 3 (part 4).jpg 
Views:	39 
Size:	133.0 KB 
ID:	11149

    The Super NES wasn't in the box - instead, I found a N64 and copies of both Banjo Kazooie, and 007 Goldeneye.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Late May Find 3 (part 5).jpg 
Views:	38 
Size:	124.9 KB 
ID:	11150

    There's evidence that the previous owner may have had a Sega CD. It's not pictured, but there's a SCD Metal Clip on the bottom, and the EXT Port Door is missing.

    Sega Genesis:

    1991? Sega Genesis 1 Console (Sonic pack) - This is a "High Definition Graphics" version with the EXT port, but it's still the later BIOS version.

    Inside the box:

    Console's missing the manual.
    Red background button controller (with a break in the cord casing,)
    Genesis 1 Power Adapter
    Genesis 1 / Master System Coax Cable
    Genesis 1 mixing cable
    New SEGA brand Coaxial RF to Coaxial Pitchfork adapter
    New SEGA brand Pitchfork to RF adapter (for reasons I'm uncertain about.)
    Sonic 1 ("not for resale") in Box with Manual
    Advertisement for different Genesis items

    Again; console is missing the Sega CD Door, and has the Sega CD metal clip on the bottom, so there's a good chance I'll find a Sega CD at the same house.

    I also got 2 other controllers with it:

    1 extra Red Button "3 button" controller
    1 SG "Pro-pad 6" 6 Button Controller

    Genesis Games:

    Loose ones:

    John Madden Football
    NBA Action 95 Starring David Robinson
    Phantasy Star II
    Star Trek: The NExt Generation

    With Box and Manual (unless otherwise noted: )

    Mario Lemieux Hockey
    Sonic the Hedgehog 2
    Super Off Road (with unusual cardboard box.)
    Spider-Man (no manual)

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Late May Find 3 (part 8).jpg 
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Size:	128.5 KB 
ID:	11154


    Loose Titles:

    Shinobi (Tengen cart)
    World Class Track Meet (with anti-dust sleeve.)

    With Box, Manual, Styrofoam, and Anti-Dust Sleeve (if not a Tengen cart, or unless otherwise marked: )

    After Burner (Tengen)
    Bionic Commando
    Castlevania III: Dracula's Curse (manual's dog-earred)
    Cobra Command
    Double Dragon II (still has the registration card, the plastic that the box would hang on, and a K-Mart price tag of $44.97.)
    Jackal (with two other cards)
    Megaman 3 (no manual)
    NFL / National Football League
    NES Play Action Football (also has the 4 player play card.)
    Platoon (with the text on the box going the wrong way, so the box has to be upside-down no matter which side it's on, ugh)
    P.O.W. Prisoners of War
    R.B.I. Baseball 2 (Tengen)
    Rolling Thunder (Tengen, with paper anti-dust sleeve)
    Silent Service (manual is dog earred)
    Sky Shark
    Street Cop
    Tecmo Super Bowl (manuals' dog earred more than others and the anti-dust sleeve has more finger oils on it than others, I guess he played this one a lot.)
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (box is a bit squished, and the manua's worn.)
    Thundercade (manual's dog earred.)
    WWF WrestleMania Challenge
    Wizards & Warriors

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Late May Find 3 (part 8).jpg 
Views:	42 
Size:	125.6 KB 
ID:	11153

    This pic's a mish-mash.

    Atari Controller: Spectravideo 318-101 Joystick Controller (not sure what this is to, was it for the Commodore 64?)

    Commodore 64 Games (with box and manual, and other things where noted.)

    Ikari Warriors (Floppy. Also with various papers including a "please note this C64 version is a 1 player game only" card.)
    Jupiter Lander (Cartridge.)
    RoboCop (Floppy. Manual's worn. Also has other various advertisement papers for other games, and has the back ends of 2 boxes for other C64 titles inside, though those are cut up. Those two titles are 2 packs.)

    Coleco Telestar Marksman Pong Console

    Game Boy Color System (Translucent Purple)
    All-Star Baseball 2000 (GBC, Loose)
    NBA Jam 99 (Loose, with anti-dust case)
    R-Type DS (GB, Loose)
    Other Companies:

    Nintendo 64 with Power Cord + Banjo Kazooie + 007 Goldeneye (the games are in a different photo.)

    Sega Dreamcast:

    OEM Controller
    Performance Astropad Controller
    Performance Memory Card
    Sega Sports NFL 2k (Box and Manual only)
    Generator Vol. 1 (Demo disc, was in the NFL 2k case)
    Sega Sports NHL 2k (With Box and Manual)

    Sony Playstation 1:

    4 Player Adapter
    Official Memory Card
    Crash Bandicoot 2: Cortex Strikes Back (Loose, was in the case for Madden)
    Madden NFL 2000 Case (no manual)
    Metal Gear Solid (with Box)

    Microsoft SideWinder 3D Pro (New, in opened box) - Still has an Electronics Boutique Price Tag on it. This was designed for Windows 95.


    So in total for this 3rd lot, I'm a bit surprised that not everything the previous owner bought was in the lot. There's evidence of a NES, a Sega CD, a Super NES (I got the box,) maybe a N64 system box, maybe a Saturn (but I'm stretching it on that,) a Playstation 1, and a Dreamcast.

    I might not have bought this next lot if everything was in the 3rd lot, though.

    4th Games Purchase:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Late May Find 4.jpg 
Views:	38 
Size:	125.3 KB 
ID:	11152

    Nintendo NES, 2 Controllers, 1 Zapper, Power and RF Cords
    Control Deck Manual
    Zapper Manual

    Blaster Master (with Box, Manual, Anti-Dust Sleeve, and Styrofoam)
    R.B.I. Baseball (with Box, Manual, Anti-Dust Sleeve, and Styrofoam)
    Pinball (with Box, Manual, Anti-Dust Sleeve, and Styrofoam)
    Pac-Man (Tengen) (with Box, Manual, Anti-Dust Paper Sleeve, and Styrofoam)
    Top Gun (with some shrinkwrap still on the bottom end) (with Box, Manual, Romstar Newsletter Card, Anti-Dust Sleeve, and Styrofoam)
    Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt (with anti-dust sleeve.) (not pictured here, I put it in "Find 3" photos by mistake.)
    NES Cleaning Kit (Brand New, sealed)

    I think there was probably also a copy of SMB / Duck Hunt with the manual, but I accidentally put it in the photos with the other lot.

    This last lot was $100. It was still well worth it, but not as much as the previous lot which I'll post more photos of in a bit.


    Other items not pictured:

    Harry Potter Sorting Hat - $1
    Harry Potter Wand - $1
    Harry Potter DVD Wand - $1
    PS1 Memory Card (belongs in the 3rd lot)
    Old Moldy Washboard - $3 (so I may make a guitar out of it.)

    - Austin
    Last edited by Slate; 06-25-2024 at 02:16 PM.

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  3. #562
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    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	6 13 Edit.jpg 
Views:	46 
Size:	125.4 KB 
ID:	11143

    Yard Sale Find for Thursday, June 13, 2024:

    NES Console, 1 Controller, Power Adapter

    Official Nintendo Game Cartridges Case, Leather, with Gold-ish Nintendo Logo

    Barker Bill's Track Shooting (with Manual)
    Bases Loaded II
    Ice Hockey
    R. C. Pro-Am (with Manual)
    Pinball (with Manual)
    Tetris (with Manual)
    Super Mario Bros / World Class Track Meet / Duck Hunt
    The Untouchables (with Manual)
    Wheel of Fortune Family Edition (with Manual)

    $10 total.

    (Also, I have to edit my previous post, the photos were off-site, and they died.)

    - Austin

  4. #563
    Great Puma (Level 12) YoshiM's Avatar
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    I stopped by a local retro toy store as I was in the mood for some old comic books. I've been reading the recent Iron Man comics and I've been a bit disenchanted with it. I went back to the first volume and got some issues in the early 200's along with a few issues of ROM for about $20. As I was leaving, I walked past one of their game cabinets (which was revamped, along with the rest of the store) and they finally have their loose 2600 games out. In there I saw a copy of Pitfall 2. I hastily sold my copy a couple years ago in my "hasty sale to make room" phase, which I regretted. I am thinking of getting a 2600+ and that likes using real cartridges, so I got this loosey goosey for $25. Not a huge steal but better than the 'Bay.

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  6. #564
    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by YoshiM View Post
    I am thinking of getting a 2600+
    I've been thinking off and on about getting one for myself. I have hundreds of 2600 games from all over the world, I'd like to be able to play some of the weirder releases (I have a couple Argentinian pirates that I think are PAL-M for example) and not have the screen rolling. But then I can also get an Atari Gamestation for $30 less and just throw in ROMs for all those games. I'm kind of frozen in place, trying to decide which one to support. But only one has a European 7800 controller available for it. Sigh.

    I haven't been going game shopping very much lately. A week and a half ago I bought Evil West for the PS4 at a GameXchange while in the middle of running errands. And Saturday I finally had the day off without having any other things to do, so I picked up Vengeful Guardian Moonrider and then a sealed copy of The Swords of Ditto: Mormo's Curse for the PS4. I'm not sure when my next chance to game shop will be.

  7. #565
    Great Puma (Level 12) YoshiM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve W View Post
    I've been thinking off and on about getting one for myself. I have hundreds of 2600 games from all over the world, I'd like to be able to play some of the weirder releases (I have a couple Argentinian pirates that I think are PAL-M for example) and not have the screen rolling. But then I can also get an Atari Gamestation for $30 less and just throw in ROMs for all those games. I'm kind of frozen in place, trying to decide which one to support. But only one has a European 7800 controller available for it. Sigh.

    I'm in a holding pattern myself. I modded my 2600 with a composite board that goes onto the video chip, which gave my aging system a great picture. Kicker is I know eventually that system will give up the ghost, so a modern replacement would be nice.

    Speaking of Atari, I stopped by that same toy shop to see if they had any 3DS power supplies as a lot of mine seem to have either disappeared or died. I picked up a couple along with an old Pac-Man horizontal patch for $7 and an almost CIB Star Raiders for the 2600 for $20.

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  9. #566
    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    I haven't had too many opportunities to go game shopping lately, the other day fairly late in the evening I decided to drive to the far side of Dallas to go to a GameXchange. That's where I picked up Override 2: Ultraman Edition and Date A Live Rio-Reincarnation for the PS4. Then I ordered Little Witch Nobeta from Amazon, it's the German release (because it was cheaper and had an English option) and I didn't know it was a collector's edition.

    Cut to yesterday, I'd worked 6 days in a row and finally had time off so I drove to the Dallas headquarters of Half Price Books, a place that usually doesn't let me down. It let me down. I left empty-handed and went to the Dallas headquarters of the Movie Trading Company a few blocks up the street, hoping they'd have more Japanese import games like my last visit there. They didn't. But I did find a European copy of Le Tour de France for the PS3, too bad I didn't find any PS4 games that interested me. But then I saw the Taito Edition Hyper Mega Tech handheld in a case. It was labeled as a Gameboy clone with 400 games on it, they didn't know what it was. It was only $29.99. So I snapped that up. It's nice, but the interface is clunky. It doesn't show you any Evercade games that you have on cartridge in the main menu, you have to back out of the menu and tell the machine to access the cart slot. Weird.

    That GameXchange had these beauties for sale, sitting on their countertop. $45 each. Neither had a battery door, sadly. I don't have a Galaxian, but I just couldn't spring for it at the time.

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  11. #567
    ServBot (Level 11) Slate's Avatar
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    I've been behind on updating here for weeks.

    Thursday, June 20:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_2479 edit.jpg 
Views:	35 
Size:	125.1 KB 
ID:	11165

    Animal Crossing: New Horizons
    America's Greatest Game Shows: Wheel of Fortune & Jeopardy!
    Bass Pro Shops The Strike
    Clubhouse Games: 51 Worldwide Classics (Sealed)
    Dr Kawashima's BRAIN TRAINING(tm) for Nintendo Switch
    Just Dance 2021
    New Super Mario Bros. U Deluxe
    Professor Rubik's(tm) Brain Fitness

    As if it wasn't enough, I paid $4 for this lot (yes, $4.)

    (Not pictured) - I also got a cheap portable wireless PA Amp from the same sale for $2, and the same sale had a probably 60+ year old banjo at it that I left my number for. They weren't sure if they wanted to sell it.

    On the same day, I met up from Facebook Marketplace for a Painted Vintage 1950 - Early 1951 Kay Acoustic Guitar for $45 that needs a neck reset.

    Friday, June 21:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_1134 edit 2.jpg 
Views:	33 
Size:	125.4 KB 
ID:	11166

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_1137 edit 2.jpg 
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Size:	127.7 KB 
ID:	11167

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_1135 edit 2.jpg 
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Size:	127.9 KB 
ID:	11168

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_1136 edit 2.jpg 
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Size:	127.0 KB 
ID:	11169

    Bought Rock Band stuff for Xbox 360:

    2 Wireless Guitars (1 black, 1 sunburst.)
    1 Drumset
    1 Microphone
    1 Ottoman "Band Box" storage cabinet / foot stool for the game controllers

    1 LEGO Creator Set of a Parrot (not pictured)

    $30 total.

    What's the story with this Ottoman "Band Box" in which you can store the Drumset and Guitars? I hadn't heard of one before, and it seems to date to 2009. I saw a few of these on eBay, but there's not much word on it.

    I have more things to post, but I can't post about them right now.

    - Austin

  12. #568
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    Thursday, June 27, 2024:

    I had a feeling I should go to one particular Goodwill, so I did, and I found a cheap 1970s Kay Guitar Amp (a starter amp) for $9.99 + tax at Goodwill.

    Friday, June 28, 2024:

    While trying to find yard sales in one town and not finding much, and with Dad having concerns that Traffic was going to be bad in the town we were in, I followed a feeling that I should go to another more rural town on our way home. Then when I saw a sign going to yet another town I recognized, I went that route because I thought it would be a better way than what the GPS was telling me - and I just happened to find that this latter town was having their community sales day of the year. After maybe 5 sales, I kept asking if there were any chances of Atari, Sega, or Nintendo games and it worked out very well.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_1131 edit 2.jpg 
Views:	33 
Size:	128.4 KB 
ID:	11170

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_1129 edit 2.jpg 
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Size:	127.2 KB 
ID:	11171

    This entire lot was $120. They had N64 items too, but decided to keep those.

    Nintendo NES:

    3-D Worldrunner
    Bart Vs. the Space Mutants
    Bases Loaded
    Bible Adventures (Black Cartridge)
    Captain Skyhawk
    Chip 'N' Dale Rescue Rangers
    Circus Caper
    Danny Sullivan's INDY HEAT
    Dick Tracy
    Disney Adventures in the Magic Kingdom
    Double Dragon II
    Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde
    Dr. Mario
    Fester's Quest
    G I Joe: The Atlantis Factor
    Gilligan's Island
    Hogan's Alley
    Karate Champ
    Kirby's Adventure
    Knight Rider
    Kung-Fu Heroes
    Low G Man
    Mickey Mousecapade
    Operation Wolf
    Rad Racer
    Silent Service
    Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt
    Super Mario Bros. 2
    Super Mario Bros. 3
    Super Sprint
    T&C Surf Designs
    Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
    Top Gun The Second Mission
    To The Earth

    40 Games.

    1 NES System
    1 Grey Zapper
    2 Controllers
    Power Adapter
    RF Adapter

    Sega Genesis:

    Manuals (in the pic with the NES lot since I took the Genesis pic first but forgot to put them in there.)

    AAAHH!!! Real Monsters
    Beavis and Butthead

    Games in Case with Manual (except where otherwise noted)

    Alien 3
    Batman Forever (manual's worn)
    California Games (manual's torn)
    Desert Strike: Return to the Gulf
    Dynamite Headdy
    F22 Interceptor: Advanced Tactival Fighter
    George Foreman's KO Boxing
    Jurassic Park (with manual missing front and back)
    The Lion King (manual warped and case a bit messed up)
    NBA Jam T.E. Tournament Edition
    NBA Live 96 (((No Manual.)))
    NHLPA Hockey 93 (manual cover's torn)
    Primal Rage (((Loose.)))
    The Ren & Stimpy show presents: Stimpy's Invention
    Rocket Knight Adventures
    Quackshot (((No Manual, and the Cartridge says "Sega Mega Drive" on the label.)))
    Sonic the Hedgehog (Not for Resale)
    Sub Terrania
    Wiz 'n' Liz
    Zero Tolerance (manual was written on.)

    21 Games.

    Sega Genesis 1 / Sega CD Power Adapter (x2)
    Sega Genesis 2 System
    2 Controllers
    1 Genesis 1 RF Adapter
    1 Genesis 2 RF Adapter


    The extra Genesis 1 Power Adapters help out since I was missing one for a Sega CD unit.

    I'm also pretty glad to find a copy of Zero Tolerance, since it's the only Genesis game (that I'm aware of) which has System Link capacity. Of course you need two TVs and consoles and two copies of the game, but with the right cable, you can actually play the game with system link if you plug the cable to each system's 2nd controller port and choose the right thing in the options menu.

    I still have yet more to post, but that's planned for the next reply, and it's not as much as the June 28 lot in this post.

    - Austin

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    Friday, 5 July 2024:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_1221 edit 2.jpg 
Views:	38 
Size:	130.5 KB 
ID:	11173

    Retro-Bit "RetroDuo" System (plays NES and SNES titles) + Cables + 2 RetroBit Controllers
    1 Yellowed SNES Controller

    SNES Titles:

    Contra III
    Super Mario All Stars + Super Mario World Combo Cart
    Spider Man X Men (edit - this one didn't work.)
    Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3

    NES Titles:

    Dr. Mario
    Friday the 13th (edit - this one barely worked.)
    1 NES Cart Sleeve

    $35 total.

    This lot was shown in a picture for a yard sale on Facebook Marketplace. There wasn't much at that sale.

    Other sales:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_1222 edit 2.jpg 
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Size:	132.2 KB 
ID:	11172

    Xbox 360 Wireless Controller, Black - $1

    PS2 Titles, Complete in Box:

    Jaws Unleashed - 25 cents
    Red Faction II - 25 cents


    Non-Gaming Items:

    1950s? "Electric Golden Pipe Organ (catalogue 200)" - $4.
    Vox DA15 Guitar Amplifier - $20.


    So, in total:

    Not the biggest haul, but not horrible, either.


    Earlier purchase I forgot to mention from late June:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_1128 edit.jpg 
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Size:	131.1 KB 
ID:	11174

    Atari 400 / 800 Copy of Mountain King - $15 - eBay

    - Austin
    Last edited by Slate; 08-03-2024 at 02:34 AM.

  14. #570
    Strawberry (Level 2) ncman071's Avatar
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    been months since i've posted...i've gotten quite a bit here lately..a couple of fairly new retro game stores both opened up within an hour of my house and this summer i've visited both quite a bit. some of the main things i've gotten lately...Heimdall for Sega CD complete for $40...a bunch of SNES games but the big one was Sunset Riders...$90..ouch...but i've wanted that game for many years and its always expensive and that's the main system I tend to collect for. several vita games including freedom wars, ffx/x2 HD collection, soul sacrifice all for around $20 fight 2 recently for $50...threre's others i'll post on them another time

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    I bought my 700th PS3 game. Shin Koihime Musou - Otome Taisen Sangokushi Engi. It took me so long just to get the name of it - I have two translation apps on my phone and they gave me different answers on the spine text. And when you search for anything online, you always end up with everything but what you're looking for.

    Couple days ago I went to my previous favorite game store in the area and ended up picking up the Japanese version of Ghost Trick, and a game I'd never head of before called Metal Dogs, both for PS4. The copy of Ghost Trick was a long shot, Capcom tend to be really good about putting multi language support onto all versions of their games, and sure enough, Ghost Trick has it. Metal Dogs didn't, even though there was English at the very beginning up until any real in game text appears. You play as a dog with a bunch of guns attached to you. Since you're a dog, all enemy fire is a one-hit kill. So you need to learn how to dodge and evade. It seems fun but frustrating, especially with the language barrier.

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    Dang....some good fun finds here. I have not had the opportunity to find much of, well, anything. When I see garage sales, I'm usually needing to go elsewhere or I used my pocket cash for lunch.

    I did a "catch and release" of a JC Penny's boom box that had a LOT of audio inputs on it. It worked but needed some contact cleaner in the sliders to kill the static. It was something like $7 but I couldn't justify buying it. However, I DID decide to get a $6 Phillips component CD Recorder. I haven't had a chance to hook it up yet to replace my circa 1989 CD player. I want to record my records onto CD and well, this would be the easiest way to do it.

    Finally in the "not game related but retro electronic genre" I bought something like 10 or so new/sealed VHS tapes. My wife wants to watch the Paris Olympics but won't be able to catch them when they are on. The VCR/DVD Recorder combo I found in our basement has a digital "HD" tuner, so it will tune into the digital channels to record OTA content. Now I can set a timer and pretend like it's the 1990's all over again. I'm also doing some, uh, "time shifting" (yeah that's it, that's the ticket) using a streaming box and its component output. Nothing like recording an 80's themed show onto an SLP set VHS tape.....

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    I just bought a copy of Super Robot Wars V for the PS4. In English! This is the 25th anniversary game. It's a Singapore release, so it's been translated into English, which is the first time I've ever come across any Super Robot Wars that has ever been translated. I've got several that I've randomly bought here and there, mostly on the PS3, but I couldn't play them with the language barrier. But now I can. That store also had Super Robot Wars X for the PS4, but I chose this one because it had Space Battleship Yamato on the cover (although in the credits they refer to it as Starblazers which I found odd).

    I bought a new Duke Nukem Collection 1 for the Evercade to replace my bad cartridge. And then I played it. I wish I had saved the money. Holy crap, what bad controls. It makes the game almost unplayable on the HyperMegaTech handheld.

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    Quote Originally Posted by YoshiM View Post
    I did a "catch and release" of a JC Penny's boom box that had a LOT of audio inputs on it. It worked but needed some contact cleaner in the sliders to kill the static. It was something like $7 but I couldn't justify buying it. However, I DID decide to get a $6 Phillips component CD Recorder. I haven't had a chance to hook it up yet to replace my circa 1989 CD player. I want to record my records onto CD and well, this would be the easiest way to do it.
    Just wanted to mention that many stand alone CD Recorders require Music CD-Rs to work and won't work with regular CD-Rs, just something to keep in mind when trying to test them out. Still that's a really great price as stand alone CD Recorders are usually expensive.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gameguy View Post
    Just wanted to mention that many stand alone CD Recorders require Music CD-Rs to work and won't work with regular CD-Rs, just something to keep in mind when trying to test them out. Still that's a really great price as stand alone CD Recorders are usually expensive.
    That I did recall and I do have a spindle of Sony Music CD-Rs I've had forever. My ex-brother in law had the dubbing deck version of what I picked up years back and we found a brand (Sony) that worked best. I haven't had the opportunity to sit and actually record anything yet.

    Months ago I did see a Philips dubbing style recorder at a thrift and they wanted $100.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve W View Post
    I just bought a copy of Super Robot Wars V for the PS4. In English! This is the 25th anniversary game. It's a Singapore release, so it's been translated into English, which is the first time I've ever come across any Super Robot Wars that has ever been translated.
    The two GBA "Original Generations" games were localized by Atlus. It was believed to be the only games that could feasibly be localized without licensing hell. (Reportedly named as they only used IP Winkysoft created themselves.)
    Though Atlus had to keep the title unlocalized "Super Robot Taisen" for trademark reason.

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    Last week I went to a GameXchange I haven't been to in a couple months, and picked up Portal Knights, Maglam Lord, and My Hero One's Justice 2 for the PS4. A couple days ago I went to my favorite game store and picked up Blacksea Odyssey collector's edition, and strangely, an Atari 2600 flower centerpiece that the shop owner had at his table at a friend's nerdy wedding. He brought it home and put it next to the store register, I remarked on it, he gave it to me. Nice. Superepic - The Entertainment War Badge Edition and Hades came off Amazon.

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    I managed to get around to game shopping this week, I decided to go to a place called Geektopia where I've picked up Japanese PS3 games in the past. They were closed - even though their hours were posted on the door saying they were open until 8pm, and it was only 6pm. So I drove even farther out to a Half Price Books where the first thing I saw was a copy of Taiwan High Speed Rail Railfan for the PS3, the rare Hong Kong version that was translated into English. It's been a bit of a holy grail game for me, so I grabbed it quickly. I also picked up a copy of World Snooker Championship 2007 for the PS3 at the same time, just for novelty's sake. Then I went to a Movie Trading Company location nearby where I bought Biohazard Zero HD Remaster for PS3. I assumed since it was a Capcom game it would play in English, so I fired it up, and yes it does. I really like that.

    Last edited by Steve W; 08-02-2024 at 02:05 AM.

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    As I've been pretty neck deep in "Nintendo World Championships-NES Edition" on the Switch, I bought the NES controllers from Nintendo on sale. I basically saved shipping plus a buck or two.

    I've got three issues of "The Rainbow" magazine that were around $6 a piece on eBay (provided the seller does combine on shipping-they said they would). One is the August 1986 issue (which is typically the "Games" issue) which I wanted for the instructions for the Adventure Creation program. Granted I could use a download off but I like to have the book next to me rather than yet another screen. I still have not gotten around to typing in the printout of my Dad's adventure game he put together (a "mad bombet" type game) using that program, so that's my goal this year. The other two looked pretty interesting and I never read them (July 1989 anniversary issue and then the January 1988 beginner's issue). It's really something to delve back into these mags as they get pretty dang technical which still makes my head swim as I've always been a casual user of the machine.

    Non game/computer related-the local St. Vinnies had a pile of film cameras left over from their big "vintage camera" sale. I found the very first camera I ever owned: a Polaroid One Shot 35mm. I already have a one-shot camera I bought that I still need to use so this was another catch and release. It DID take good pictures back in the day (I had this around the early-to-mid 90's), but nah.

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    The day before yesterday I went on a game hunt, looking up some shops that I thought might have video games for sale but turned out to not to sell them any more. So the only place I found any games was at a Half Price Books. Fist was one that I keep seeing pop up when looking on Amazon for "PS4 games under $20", so glad to find one here. The Council looked interesting and I've heard of Broken Age but never played it.

    Stopped at another game store, wanted to buy Battletech 5 for the PS4, but the employee couldn't find the disc anywhere. That happens way too much to me. It's always a game I know deep down that I'll never find another copy of and that it hasn't doubled in price.

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