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Thread: Share your pickup loot and finds

  1. #601
    Great Puma (Level 12) YoshiM's Avatar
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    I too, got myself an Atari 7800+. Picked up "Xenophobe" and "Choplifter" loose from a local retro toy store with some "Chamber [of commerce] Cash". I ordered "Fatal Run" from Atari, which is just a weird game now that I've played it.

    At that same toy store on the same day I picked up the above two 7800 games, I also got some magazines. A while ago (I don't remember when), I went through another purge of my magazines. My "Game Players" mags along with my entire "Nintendo Force" collection (the first two years I think followed with a few more issues after) got traded in to said toy store for store credit. Didn't think about it for quite awhile but as time wore on, I got some sellers remorse. I never saw the mags again and I just figured "oh well, my mistake".

    On the day I got the 7800 games, the store had bins of old magazines. As I walked by, I saw a familiar issue sticking up out of the stack. It was a "Nintendo Force" issue. I have no idea how many people in my county would have subscribed, so I dove in and found pretty much all the "NF" magazines I traded in. Searching the stack some more, I found all my "Game Players" as well (the cat bite holes in the magazine protector flaps confirmed they were mine). I asked the clerk what the prices were for the mags in the bins.

    "Free. Take as much as you want."

    I took my old mags and returned them to my collection, never to trade or sell again. Talk about sheer, dumb luck and ranks up there with my two greatest (and cheapest finds) ever (TG-16 in box for 50 cents and a bunch of Sega Saturn and Sega CD stuff, systems and complete games, for probably less than $50 YEARS ago).

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to YoshiM For This Useful Post:

    Steve W (01-16-2025)

  3. #602
    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    A TurboGrafx-16 for 50¢? I'd be crowing about that one all the time if that was me. My best deal was getting my first Vectrex for $5.

  4. #603
    Great Puma (Level 12) YoshiM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve W View Post
    A TurboGrafx-16 for 50¢? I'd be crowing about that one all the time if that was me. My best deal was getting my first Vectrex for $5.
    It was back in July 2010. I had it but sold it later for very personal reasons.

  5. #604
    Great Puma (Level 12) jb143's Avatar
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    My only find in quite a while was a Wii Remote Plus for $3 at a thrift store the other day.

    And I thought my TG16 was a great deal. I technically got it for free when my mother in law gave me the "box of video game junk" she bought at a yard sale for $5. It included several accessories and add-ons but I don't recall if it came with any games.
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  6. #605
    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    I ordered Dungreed and Samurai Maiden for the PS4 off Amazon. Samurai Maiden is in Japanese - I haven't opened it yet, I'm not sure if it could possibly play in English. Probably not, but every once in a while I get lucky (mostly with Capcom games).

    I'm taking a week of vacation time, so I'm hoping to get out and go game hunting this week.

  7. #606

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    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    I keep sleeping too late to get out of the house before everything closes. I really use vacation weeks to catch up on my sleep, since I work evenings except for one midnight to eight AM shift and that screws up my sleep patterns. Yesterday I managed to get out and go to a GameXchange. All I bought was Persona 3 Reload for the PS4. Today I managed to go to two GameXchange locations, picked up Thimbleweek Park, Among Us Crewmate Edition, Subnautica, and Puyo Puyo Tetris 2 for the PS4. When I got home tonight I found Atomic Heart for the PS4 on my doorstep from Amazon. I only ordered that one about 5am this morning


  9. #608
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    I had a lot of plans for this vacation week. Slept late so much that the first half of the week shot by, and the last part of the week was spent running a fever and shivering under a blanket.

    The only thing I bought after my last post was Epics of Hammerwatch for the PS4 from Amazon. This version was a bit cheaper than others, turns out it might be entirely in German. Whoops.

  10. #609
    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    Managed to go to a GameXchange today... I ended up buying 3D Billiards, Lovers in a Dangerous Spacetime, XIII, Power Rangers: Battle for the Grid, all for the PS4, and a loose Victory Run for the TurboGrafx-16. This location tends to get in cool hardware (Japanese Saturn and 3DO and a Magnavox Odyssey in its original carrying case with 6 games/accessories) and today they had an Atari Video Pinball console. I've actually got two of them, so I passed. And Rocketbirds came in from Amazon on Monday.

    Down the street from that GameXchange was a Half Price Books, but I found out that they just closed down. That sucks. To feel less sad about another physical media store closing down I went to the Dallas headquarters of Half Price Books, and didn't buy anything. Their glass cases containing their rare games gets emptier each visit, they don't seem to be getting in anything worth going in there lately.

  11. #610
    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    I managed to go to my favorite game store tonight, I picked up Thomas Was Alone and Costume Quest 2 for the PS4, and a free spare controller for the Emerson Arcadia 2001 that doesn't work properly, so I could take it apart and try to fix the bad controller on my own console. Driving home I stopped at a Half Price Books and picked up Oxenfree for the PS4. And Konosuba came in from Amazon.

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