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Thread: Share your pickup loot and finds

  1. #161
    Insert Coin (Level 0) Capybara554321's Avatar
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    It's been awhile since I've posted but I found a sealed copy of the primal rage board game. 8 can't seem to find much info on it or even ebay listings. Thinking someone here might be able to enlighten me on it.

  2. #162
    Alex (Level 15) Custom rank graphic
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    Quote Originally Posted by Capybara554321 View Post
    It's been awhile since I've posted but I found a sealed copy of the primal rage board game. 8 can't seem to find much info on it or even ebay listings. Thinking someone here might be able to enlighten me on it.
    I could only find a used one listed for sale at $300, I'm not sure what actual selling prices would be but it is an expensive board game. No idea on sealed values as it looks like only used ones occasionally turned up for sale years ago.

  3. #163
    Insert Coin (Level 0) Capybara554321's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gameguy View Post
    I could only find a used one listed for sale at $300, I'm not sure what actual selling prices would be but it is an expensive board game. No idea on sealed values as it looks like only used ones occasionally turned up for sale years ago.
    Hmmm. Maybe I should toss it up on ebay.

  4. #164
    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    Yesterday I went to a store called Retro Madness in Arlington, TX and picked up Shantae and The Flame in The Flood (sealed) for the PS4. They were $30 each but he made one half off, pretty damn nice of him. There's no screenshots on The Flame In The Flood so he pulled up a YouTube review of it, which again, was pretty damn nice of him.

    The day before I ended up going to a GameXchange and a Movie Trading Company store up in Denton, TX and picking up a few games. I've never watched Game of Thrones since I haven't had HBO in a couple decades, but a YouTube video about rare PS3 games mentioned it was by Atlus so I decided to grab it since it was only $10. Operation Warcade looks like it'd be cool, as long as I don't start vomiting from motion sickness after the first minute. Pac-Man Championship Edition 2 + Arcade Game Series was a letdown.One of the best things about Pac-Man is its simplicity, and yet they've added a bunch of game mechanics that make it clunky. Kind of like all the sequels that Namco made after the popularity of Pac-Man, like Baby Pac-Man, Pac & Pal, or Super Pac-Man. It took a bunch of college kids to make a true sequel to Pac-Man by not adding extra crap but by making it better and smoother. Sigh. I wish companies would learn.

  5. #165
    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    I took this week off work, and capped it off with a flea market trip. Didn't find much at the flea market (one vendor that used to have loads of retro games there doesn't seem to have a stall anymore) so all I picked up there was Bayonetta, region 3, with Japanese and English language options. That was only $5. The rest of the games were bought in the past couple days at game or movie stores. I don't recall ever seeing Summer Stars 2012 anyplace before, and it was only $2.99 at a GameXchange (bought with Gran Turismo 5 XL and Virtua Fighter 5 because of their 'buy 2 games under $7.99 get 1 free sale). That same GameXchange also had, shockingly, three boxed APF MP-1000 games. I've only ever seen one bare cartridge for that system in my life, I've never seen one boxed let alone three. I didn't pick any of them up since (a) I don't have an APF MP-1000 Imagination Machine to play them on, and (b) they were $25 to $30 each and I can't justify spending that much on a novelty.

  6. #166
    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    I ordered some import PS3 games off Amazon - Captain Morgane was UK only (and factory sealed), Siren Blood Curse came in a cracked case and the disc is in terrible shape (I haven't tried it yet since it has to be installed and turns out I don't have enough room on the HD) and The Last Guy is the Japanese version. There was an Asian version that was in English, Japanese and Chinese but that one cost too much. It looks like a fun game but it's kind of hard to play since it's mostly in Japanese (but oddly a few things are in English that don't need to be, like credits of the Japanese programmers - you'd think they would just write them in Japanese). It looks like you round up survivors on a Google Earth-style screen and avoid zombies and monsters while leading people to safety. I just don't understand the controls or any of the warning messages.

  7. #167
    Banana (Level 7) incubus421's Avatar
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    Local pick up for $80. An older couple was selling off the things their son didn't take with him when he moved out. A whole lot of general, low value games. Still well worth the price. That off-brand PS2 controller caught me off's wickedly huge and ugly.



  8. #168
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    Were they showing signs of dementia?

  9. #169
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    not pictured is the Genesis 3 with 6 controllers. got it all for $200

  10. #170
    Great Puma (Level 12) YoshiM's Avatar
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    Now that Covid is behind me, I stopped at a local Goodwill for a quick bit. I picked up a 19" or so ProScan TV with a ton of connection (composite, component, HDMI) remote and manual for $15.

  11. #171
    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    Other than a game or two, I thought that I'd bought everything for the Playstation 3 that interested me. I went waaaaaaaaaaay outside town to hit a game store and found a bunch of stuff I didn't have and later hit a Movie Trading Company store for two more. I've never seen Fist of the North Star: Ken's Rage in any store before, Leisure Suit Larry is one I almost never see in shops, Port Royale 3 isn't too uncommon but I still don't have it, and World Snooker Championship 11 is a UK release (this store does something I love, they separate all their useless sports games to their own shelf section where I found the Snooker game tucked in at the end) based on something I know nothing about, so I grabbed it just for the weirdness. And on the drive home I stopped at the movie store and found Venetica and Golden Axe - Beast Rider (it's supposed to be a lousy game which is why I put off getting it for so long).

    It makes me happy to still be able to find PS3 titles I want. It's turned into a really enjoyable console to collect for. I think I only really want two or three games more and I can call it a day for the PS3.

  12. #172
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    The town I went to high school in had their annual town wide garage sale this weekend. I prayed I didn't get a call as I'm on call for one of my clients (we have 3 techs that we rotate the 24 hour service calls each week). There was absolutely nothing game wise at these sales, which wasn't too shocking as games were drying up for the last few years out there. Vintage wise I picked up a computer tool kit from Radio Shack for $10 complete (hard vinyl case with the logo, instructions, two nut drivers, four screw drivers, a small bit extractor, an IC puller and the tool to install them, a driver with a flippable T15/T10 head and tweezers). I hit up a couple thrift stores afterwards but that was bupkiss game wise (at least, what I wanted-one had a DS Lite for $40 when about two years ago they sold them for $15).

    It was nice to get out to garage sales as that's something I used to do a lot but haven't had the chance to even pre COVID. The downside was that I only saw 3 people wearing masks not including myself and there were a decent amount of folks around 8:30 in the morning. But whatcha gonna do?

  13. #173
    Great Puma (Level 12) YoshiM's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by incubus421 View Post
    Local pick up for $80. An older couple was selling off the things their son didn't take with him when he moved out. A whole lot of general, low value games. Still well worth the price. That off-brand PS2 controller caught me off's wickedly huge and ugly.


    Dang...sweet haul for $80, low values or not that's a pile of fun to be had. Sad those Dreamcasts didn't come with controllers (that I see in the pics anyway).

  14. #174
    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    Went to a few places searching for games today, one of which turned out to be located in a Mexican bazaar that had a live band performing there whose speakers might have been louder than actual jet engines. I found a few more PS3 games to fill in my collection, the Tekken Hybrid one looking particularly cool since it's in 3D and it has some kind of 3D movie bundled with it? I've got to get the most out of my Playstation 3DTV, after all.

    You know how you might drive through an intersection and somebody's set up a makeshift store on a corner selling watermelons and vegetables, or blankets with the Harley-Davidson logo or the band Kiss on them? I drove past a lady selling Japanese Bonzai Trees. I've never seen that before, that a new one on me. So I turned around and stopped. My brother's got cancer and he can't do much because of his health problems, so I bought him a cheap Bonzai Tree. It was $25, that's about all the cash I had on me since I hadn't stopped at an ATM earlier. These things have extremely specific growing conditions, needing just the right amount of sunlight, plant food, and pruning. It would give my brother something to do since he's homebound so much and he likes gardening. I gave it to him a little while ago, as it turns out he's always wanted one and now he's super excited about taking care of it. I'm so glad I stopped and bought it.

  15. #175
    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    I started out on a short game store trip and ended up spending hours on the road. The Japanese titled game is Gundam Extreme Versus (or that's the most I can read on the cover) at a really good game store that had both the Sega Astro Mini arcade cabinet and the fighting stick controller unit - I don't really need one, but seeing them in their display cases I found my hand was reaching for my wallet outside of my control. I had to fight myself to not do something so stupid. Attack on Titan 2: Final Battle is the UK version of the game, and I can't resist grabbing imports when there's no region lock, NTSC/PAL incompatabilities, or chipping/modding to deal with to get a foreign game running on a US console. I bought Afro Samurai because I almost never see it any more, so I picked it up for $25 and at the next game store they had one for $18. Damn. The black PS3 controller next to that stack of games is also new, my controller started acting up last night.

  16. #176
    Great Puma (Level 12) Niku-Sama's Avatar
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    ok i feel i have finally gathered enough to warrant posting here.

    in march the only game store within miles of me in the next town over opened up a second location in my town so i hit them up every now and again to just give them some business and hopefully keep the flow of decent stuff going.
    some of this is from that, some is from yard sales some is from online...

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	PXL_20210507_040937556.jpg 
Views:	6303 
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ID:	10832

    Namco Museum Vol 1 $1
    M&M's Shell Shocked $1
    Rad Gravity $15
    Built to Win $20
    Mystery Quest $10
    XEXYS $12.50
    Mike Tysons Punch Out!! $1
    Bases Loaded II $1
    Tecmo Super Bowl $1
    Scooby Doo Unmasked (GC) $1
    MoJo! (Ps2) $1

    The follow i bought as a PS2 lot earlier this week from a coworker
    Fatal Frame
    Cold Fear
    The Bouncer
    Resident Evil Code Veronica X
    Resident Evil Outbreak
    Clock Tower 3
    All these PS2 games were $75 its more than i would usually spend on these types of games but she needed a bit of help

    the following are my ebay "finds" for the past few months

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	PXL_20210507_041800225.jpg 
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ID:	10833

    Japanese Panasonic 3do FZ-1 loose no acc $75 shipped "junk"
    US Ballz 3do $15 (to test FZ-1)
    Exhaust Heat II $6
    "same game" super famicom weirdo tall expandable cart $6
    Archon Apple II (Not Pictured) $15

    The 3do has the progressive scan switch on the back, video mode A and B instead of channel 3 and 4. look it up its pretty neat. any way it would read discs, took the lend assembly out and found that a plastic pin had shifted and put too much pressure on that long corkscrew gear thing that the lens slides on and it wouldnt move one way but would another, loosened it up a bit, regreased everything and now its working. cleaned up well too. I got Ballz to test the 3do, i needed some too.

    Exhaust heat II and Same Game werid expansion things were random buys to get a percentage off when i was buying archon for Apple II. I was looking to dump my Apple II stuff but decided to look a bunch up online and found that its become quite valuable for what ever reason. I had everything EXCEPT the disc for Archon, its worth a considerable amount more complete apparently than loose. I also found Castle Wolfenstein, the mail in verson in my Apple II stuff too and it might be worth more than any other game i own right now.

    I got luck and managed to snag this:

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	PXL_20210507_042816005.jpg 
Views:	6689 
Size:	77.6 KB 
ID:	10834

    Analogue NT Mini Noir Final $ MSRP Direct from Analogue.
    its so cool

    I also found this megaman doll on amazon thats seriously seen some shit

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	20210405_123341.jpg 
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ID:	10835

    some star wars wheels for my 280zx $240

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	PXL_20210313_222745091.jpg 
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ID:	10831

    and a new keyboard

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_20210217_173139.jpg 
Views:	6144 
Size:	131.0 KB 
ID:	10830

  17. The Following User Says Thank You to Niku-Sama For This Useful Post:

    Steve W (05-07-2021)

  18. #177
    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    I went to a Movie Trading Company store, only to find out it's no longer there. It was in orbit around a mall that was recently demolished, and everything in the area is dying. It's really sad to see. I ended up going to a couple other locations before they closed for the night and picked up Alone In The Dark: Inferno after watching a YouTube video about how it's shot up in price on eBay. I paid $7.99 for it. The DuckTales Remaster was $24.99 and Red Faction Complete was $32.99. I've only ever seen one copy of this game in the original box in any store, I ended up grabbing it this time because I think I'm getting close to the end of collecting for the PS3. I am rapidly running out of titles that look appealing. I passed on an Australian rugby game because I can't motivate myself to spend money on a sports game. I would never play it, I'd buy it more for the novelty. I just couldn't do it. I love grabbing import games when I come across them but my hatred of sports games overrides that.

  19. #178
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    I did another game store search for Afrika for the PS3, a game I used to see everywhere but once I decided to cough up the $40 to $50 for a used copy I couldn't find it on any game store shelf. I ended up going to two game stores, a retro toy store, and a Half Price Books. Dead or Alive 5 Ultimate seems to be the Mexican version of the game, Champion Jockey: G1 was bought at a toy store that had a life size Hulk statue (and it was seriously life size, it was gargantuan - I have no idea how they got it into the building), and next door was a Half Price Books that had "we buy games" signs on the windows. They didn't have many games, but they had a Japanese copy of Battle Fantasia for $19.99. I've been wanting a copy of the European version of Battle Fantasia, but it's hard to find. Maybe I'll get lucky and it'll be like the Japanese copy of Okami I bought that, when updated, had downloaded an English copy of the game.

  20. #179
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    There's a retro game store north of Dallas that I haven't been to in years, so went through constant traffic jams to get there... and they didn't have anything remotely interesting. I'd really gotten my hopes up. So I ended up bouncing around like a pinball across the area looking for games. Guilty Gear Xrd - Revelator - and Portal 2 were bought at a dedicated game store up in Wylie, TX called Game Trade, they're always good for games that no other game store has. The next stop yielded nothing, and I ended up at the Dallas flagship location of Half Price Books and bought Sniper, Ghostbusters, Flint Hook (PS4) and Dead Synchronicity (PS4, apparently UK only?).

    If I hadn't found any games at that Half Price Books, I would have bought something else. Something special. They had a model of the NX-01 from Star Trek: Enterprise. Right after Star Trek The Motion Picture's refit Enterprise would be the NX-01 as far as favorite starship designs goes. I absolutely love it. Although I think these model manufacturers tend to overdo it with the "aztecing" of the hull plating, that kind of patchwork plating was barely even noticable on the TV show. Sadly I'm not made of money, so I left it behind. Sigh. Hopefully I can get back there in a week or two with a paycheck or two in the bank and it'll still be there. I'm such a nerd.

  21. #180
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    I took a vacation last week, I ended up driving all over the place hunting games. Picked up a few more PS3 games - I'm starting to check out Half Price Books a lot more for old games. The PS4 games were mostly bought there.

    I ended up buying a bunch of PS4 games at a Movie Trading Company late last week, a few of which were new, it's the ones poorly re-shrinkwrapped by the store.

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