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Thread: Wrestle With Gaming History of the Neo-Geo

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    ServBot (Level 11) Tron 2.0's Avatar
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    Default Wrestle With Gaming History of the Neo-Geo

    Any other fans of the system here ? I linked this video since i like how WWG cover this system.Sure it was a very expensive console on it's release but in the 90's it brought the arcade experience home.The likes of the genesis,TG16 and snes couldn't compare to it in terms of power.Sure it was saturated with fighters but it did it very well.For any one else i like to hear if you have fond memories of the system.Either playing it on the aes or in the arcades for the mvs.

  2. #2
    Pac-Man (Level 10) mailman187666's Avatar
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    I actually owned an MVS for a few years. I had Metal slug, Baseball Stars, Samurai Shodown 1 + 2, and Sengoku. I would have kept it but having to move and not being able to afford the games, especially when the recession hit, made it hard to hold onto. I think I still have the manuals and whatnot for some of the games. I now just started using the neo geo mini. Nothing beats the 4-slot that I had, and it was a fun machine.

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    I knew one person that had one, and we largely felt he wasted his money, and a lot of it. This was in the 1993-94-95 range. There were so many systems out and coming back then, my circle of friends just largely ignored it. I was not big on fighting games, either. Good thorough review though.
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    Pac-Man (Level 10)
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    199.99 for a cartridge in 1990 is equivalent to about $402 today. no video game is worth over $400 in my opinion.

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    I was barely, if at all, aware of the existence of SNK and the Neo Geo (MVS or AES) in the '90s. I was introduced to it all after the turn of the century, when I first met my husband. He's a big fan and consolized an MVS himself. I still have never played an AES, but I don't really see a point in doing so. A consolized MVS is cheaper, and so are MVS carts versus AES carts, and I think it's really dumb that they made this high-end home console and yet limited it to composite straight out of the box. We have universal bios for our consolized MVS, so we can play any game in home mode if we want, along with changing the region and such, and you can plug AES and Neo CD controllers into an MVS. And we've bought shockboxes for most of our MVS carts, so they look impressive on a shelf just like CIB AES games do. It's all pretty bulky, though, so we admittedly don't set up the MVS much anymore. It was more worthwhile having in the early '00s, back when Neo Geo emulation was still pretty iffy.

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    Strawberry (Level 2)
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    Wow nice to see a Neo Geo thread here. Haven't posted here on digitpress in eons. I'm THEMAN, the annhialator of worlds over at the neo geo forums. I'm sure there might be some peeps here who are members there as well. Nice vid about the Neo Geo.

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    celerystalker is a poindexter celerystalker's Avatar
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    I remember seeing that video, it was a good look at the system! I still have my MVS cabinet with a bunch of games and my AES with 30 something games. That thing was like a myth to me as a kid, and I finally got my own when I was I think 23 years old... god, that was almost 20 years ago now. I have a lot of stories with that thing, and now I enjoy playing it with my sons. That reminds me... I'm still waiting on my Kraut Buster AES pre-order from, like, 5-6 years ago. I had a whole different career and less kids then, and I'm still waiting. Never again for ngdev for me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by gbpxl View Post
    199.99 for a cartridge in 1990 is equivalent to about $402 today. no video game is worth over $400 in my opinion.

    1. You might as well quit videogames all together if you not willing to put out a mere $400. Because yes it is worth it.

    2. If you have not realize the value of our money dropped. AKA inflation.
    A. 2001 war
    B. Housing bubble ( based off the above )
    C. Ignoring Al Gore
    D. Covid
    E. Civil-Rights, Religious bias, etc ( which could be solved if people took the time to understand but most pass away without understanding ).

    3. The games did not cost that much but depends on the dealer and location. The flat fact it was cheaper then purchasing the arcade unit itself. That is why you would purchase one.

    4. What killed the NEO-GEO was not the price but the same reason with the Atari Jaguar and SEGA32X.
    There was no real reason to purchase one. SEGA pulled that Knuckles Choatic thing instead of actually making Sonic 4, worth the time. They knew how terrible the game was going to be so they relabel it KC.
    At the time it was

    Nintendo v. Sega

    It was hard to break out of that bubble. Sega got parents on board early, but Nintendo had people from Atari ( which again the 5200 ) had barely any reason to play at all.

    .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ..............

    Nintendo is sitting on gold. All they need is an app to distibute to people. That would end it. They are still playing the "Buy our hardware game" and the sad part it is not backwards compadable.

    What is stopping Nintendo from making new Super-scope games??? Nothing

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