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Thread: The Best Console Exclusives for Nintendo Switch (No Ports)

  1. #1

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    Default The Best Console Exclusives for Nintendo Switch (No Ports)

    I guess Nintendo called its console the "Nintendo Switch" because they and everybody else are busy "switching" their games to run on the platform, A.K.A. porting games over to it. Seems like Switch is just a haven for endless ports from PS3 to X360 to PS4 to XBO to 3DS to Wii U and old PC game ports... and "enhanced re-releases" of cell phone games.

    Yet there are so few (retail) console exclusives for it! So let's make a list of our favorite (or at least the good) Nintendo Switch exclusive games.

    • Super Mario Odyssey
    • Animal Crossing: New Horizons (although I believe this game originally started life as a Wii U game and was switched to Switch after years of dev.)
    • Splatoon 2
    • Super Mario Maker 2
    • Paper Mario and the Origami King

    What else are there?

  2. #2
    Pac-Man (Level 10)
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    Only a few for me:

    - Marble it Up!
    - Blaster Master Zero
    - Yoshi's Crafted World

    I haven't gotten too deep into the Switch library yet but those are a few I have enjoyed so far. BMZ and Yoshi I only have the demos for but theyre fun

  3. #3
    ServBot (Level 11) Tron 2.0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by gbpxl View Post
    Only a few for me:
    - Blaster Master Zero

    I haven't gotten too deep into the Switch library yet but those are a few I have enjoyed so far. BMZ and Yoshi I only have the demos for but theyre fun
    Blaster Master Zero also has a release for PS4&PC so that's not exclusive to the switch.

    Note Nz17,luigi mansion three for switch is a worth while exclusive.
    Last edited by Tron 2.0; 03-24-2021 at 03:56 AM.

  4. #4
    The Gentleman Thief Custom rank graphic
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    Right now, the system is $300+ $60 a game for the right to play WiiU games with joycons that drift, pay a yearly fee to play online, and pay $40 for Neo Geo Pocket Games. The Switch has nowhere near the same Virtual Console library that the Wii, WiiU, and 3DS have. And yet the thing sells like hotcakes and you can't find one for cheap at all, and it never goes on sale, even on Black Friday. I wanted to pick one up at the height of the lockdown last year to play things like Luigi's Mansion 3, Mario Kart 8, and Super Mario Party after playing them on friends' consoles so I had something to play online. Instead, after not having had any video games outside my PC and 3DS for a good 3 years, I picked up a Wii and Nintendo DS, and have gotten a surprising amount of fun from both.

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    Going through my Switch collection and suddenly I realize most everything I own is a port or multi-platform release...

    I did enjoy:

    Nicely fluid controls, creative character design and catchy music. A good amount of post release content was added to this arena fighter, including 360 collectible badges (achievements) that yield points to unlock various weapons to customize your character with. You don't need to use motion controls here, pressing buttons is also an option. It's a fairly simple/casual title, I'd equate it to Power Stone or Dissidia Final Fantasy.

    Cadence of Hyrule: Crypt of the NecroDancer Featuring the Legend of Zelda (whew)
    Interesting concept/crossover where you have to move and attack enemies to the beat of the catchy remixed Zelda music in a traditional overhead Zelda view. Takes some getting used to, but the charm of the pixel graphics and soundtrack definitely keep me coming back to try again. Honestly, I really suck at this, but it's just so dang cute. Watching tektites wiggle back and forth to pumped up LoZ anthems slightly lessens my longing for the grim reaper's touch.

    Xenoblade Chronicles 2: Torna - The Golden Country
    Single player MMO-style of RPG where combat is largely automated much like Final Fantasy 12, and selectable attacks are cool-down based. This is a stand-alone prequel to Xenoblade Chronicles 2, which I have not played due to it having a bit of a creeper vibe with the "little boy surrounded by slave harem of melon maidens" theme. Colorful and creative landscapes to explore, interesting monster design, excellent voice acting, great music and a somewhat more balanced and relatable cast (from what I've seen of vanilla XC2 anyway) have made this DLC a worthy investment of my time. It's not nearly so long as the base game, according to, coming in at around 1/3 the playtime as XC2.
    Last edited by SpaceHarrier; 03-28-2021 at 02:33 AM.

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