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Yeah, right here. You watch 10-20 minutes of a video and you literally see nothing, if you want to do research to see if you're interested in a game now days you've got to sit there for hours so it's either actually doing WORK to see if you'll like a game or you just go out and buy it. It's ridiculous. The largest fanbase in gaming are people who are happy to just play anything regardless of quality and most publishers want the biggest potential userbase they can get so we just end up getting these games that developers know people will play for no other reason than they exist as games rather than games that are actually good.
I don't really get where you're coming from about the current Xbox is better than the current PS5 because it's really not. Playstation still has better first party titles than the current Xbox and the mixture of AAA from both western and Japanese third party developers still keeps Playstation ahead of even the Switch which has mostly indie games and Japanese third party games at half the framerate with the one caveat that Nintendo games are atleast better than Sony first party studios and Nintendo seems to go after a lot more of the exclusives that people actually want from third parties, something I can't say for Sony or Microsoft except for Final Fantasy 7.
Xenoverse 2 doesn't even have an open world but the game has fetch quests in this hub world out the ass. It's hard to even want to continue because I do like the storyline they've added but it takes forever to get anywhere because they want you running all around this damn hub world. I've been saying this for a long time but I think developers have started purposefully developing games that waste your time.
Persona 5 is a good example of one that receives a massive amount of praise. Now if you've played Persona 4, the dialogue between characters each day is often different, but Persona 5 day in and day out has so much text that is constantly the same thing every single day based on what's happening at the time, the fact that every character needs to get a response in after each character says something this shit drags on and on and on. I don't even like Persona 5 because of how much bloat it has in text, it's like a game that is potentially amazing but the amount of time it wastes is unbelievable(same with each new The Legend of Heroes game.) People apparently love the idea of spending more time than the idea of that time being just filler content and developers that have no respect for the time you're spending.