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Thread: Sonic x Shadow Generations - Official GameCube-era "Shadow The Hedgehog" Game Sequel from SEGA

  1. #1
    Nz17's Avatar
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    Cool Sonic x Shadow Generations - Official GameCube-era "Shadow The Hedgehog" Game Sequel from SEGA

    Sonic x Shadow Generations, from the mad minds at SEGA (including probably Aaron Webber), is announced! Looks awesome to me, however, I liked the original! This one might not include the guns and vehicles neither, what with it being an original story campaign. Also includes a remake / remastering / reboot / "whatever the game publishers call these games these days" of Sonic Generations. Platforms / shops include PS5, PS4, XBO, XBS/X, Nintendo Switch, PC / Windows, Steam, and the Epic Games Store!

    Web site:

    Announcement trailer:

  2. #2
    ServBot (Level 11) Tron 2.0's Avatar
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    It's just a remaster with shadow being added with his own levels still i see nothing wrong having this game being released again for modern platforms.

  3. #3
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    This pretty much sums it up

    Will they release that game where we get characters like Sally, Ground, Scratch, Breezy, RObotnik Jr,
    along with there adjacent stages/worlds? Nope
    Will they release that NDS, 3dS, Wii, stage variant ? Nope
    Will they actually Just forget 3d ( SA ) Sonic and allow us to play a scenario with 2d ( MD ) Sonic ? Nope.

    Shadow is basically the Modanna Sonic that was canned and we got in the order Amy -> Sally -> Tails
    and so forth. That is what this is really about. In fact we could reskin this entire game ( mod/hack ) and
    just do Sonic and Sally and the Badniks. No SA Sonic, No deformed nonsense. Everything fun and happy.

    But then again having to sign a $R#$#@$$@ agreement in grade schools is when this world got lame.

    Same with

    Double Dragon Advanced
    Rockman Zero ZX Playstation collection
    River City Whateve...

    Are you kidding me ?

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