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Thread: Fixing an old SNES PowerPak

  1. #1
    Insert Coin (Level 0) Yukima's Avatar
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    Default Fixing an old SNES PowerPak

    Hello! I'm an old member of this forum from several years ago, and revived my account to ask a few questions...

    I have a SNES PowerPak that I bought roughly 15 years ago (yikes) that I accidentally bricked while trying to a firmware update that failed, and it no longer boots up. I did some research, and according to this forum post it looks like it can be fixed by removing the boot ROM chip (if socketed) and reflashing it with the updated firmware. I opened up the cart shell and looking at the PCB, it looks like the boot ROM chip is socketed?

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	PXL_20240324_182313158.jpg 
Views:	33 
Size:	95.4 KB 
ID:	11131

    Is there anyone here who has the equipment needed to reflash the firmware onto this flash cart and get it working again? Alternatively, can anyone point me to where I can get the equipment needed to do this myself? I admit, I have no experience with programming and other similar stuff, so if that knowledge is required, I'm hopeless.

    Of course, the best solution would be to just get another SNES flashcart. I bought an original Super EverDrive some years ago to replace the PowerPak, but it can't play any enhancement chip games. The PowerPak could play DSP1 games, at least. If it turns out I can't get the PowerPak fixed, I'll probably just save up to get an FXPak Pro. I wanted to at least try to get the PowerPak fixed first!

    Sorry for the rambling, and thanks in advance!

  2. #2
    Great Puma (Level 12) Bratwurst's Avatar
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    The square chip in socket is a 32-pin PLCC. Look up a how-to video on Youtube on how to remove such a chip, there are dedicated tools but it can be done gently with a thin jeweler's flathead screwdriver. It's hard to read the markings due to the picture resolution but it looks like a 29F010A? This would be rewritten with an eprom programmer. I recommend the GQ-4x4 through MCUmall but you could probably find a cheaper alternative elsewhere through Amazon or Aliexpress/eBay.

    I might have a suitable chip on-hand or you could just send me yours and I could program it for you, shoot me a PM if you want to go this route.

  3. #3
    Cherry (Level 1) fpbrush's Avatar
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    Wish I knew more, but hopefully someone on this forum can help. All the best on your quest.

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