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Thread: Metroid Prime 4 Beyond

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    ServBot (Level 11) Tron 2.0's Avatar
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    Default Metroid Prime 4 Beyond

    This was in development hell the original build was scrapped then it started over again at retro studio's.Still it's finally coming by next year.

  2. #2
    Pear (Level 6) Gentlegamer's Avatar
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    Looks like I still have time to finish MP2 and 3 first.

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  4. #3
    Great Puma (Level 12) YoshiM's Avatar
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    I'll probably check it out but I'm not sure if I want to go through Prime 2 and 3. Trying to think back with my aging foggy memory, I do recall I liked the first one (after apparently bashing it when I was on a 2000's FPS kick, ending in an apology post but in the end my memory of the first was that it was "a good game". A title I do have on Switch but haven't gone back to replay fully yet.

    Doing a "memory search" here I talked about Prime 2 in another thread for Prime 3. What I remember of the game is I played it for a while but just didn't care anymore. That much I remember but apparently, me of 2007 said that it "felt like work" and that feels pretty true to the memory. Prime 3 I said it was "like a combo of a poor man's Halo that now has "30% more Metroid!" in it. The early puzzles (like the morph ball segments on the first planet and Bryyo) to me seemed a bit tacked on, making me wonder "why is this here? Did the inhabitants roll into balls to open up segments of their domain?" The motion controls just didn't jive either, which then really did "make it or break it" for me.

    I'm hoping Prime 4 is the culmination of what was good of the past.
    Last edited by YoshiM; 06-20-2024 at 10:10 AM. Reason: Updated after forum searching my original thoughts on the games.

  5. #4
    Crono (Level 14) Custom rank graphic

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    Switch 2 launch title. Tbh, I was disappointedi n the Switch, but Xbox killed their brand last gen and Playstation did the same this gen. To me since I already owned a PS4, the Switch was yet again, grass is a bit greener on the other side sort of thing until you actually get there and realize there's a few big trees and nothing else(Nintendo games.) So I bought the exclusives and everything I still buy on the PS4/PS5.

    I'll be buying the Switch 2 day one though, there's no reason to bother waiting when I paid the same cost for my Switch as if I bought it day one anyways. "Nintendo." With how few games I own that are on the PS5, I'm considering switching over to the Switch 2 for multiconsole titles provided the vast majority of them run 60fps. At the very least I'll start buying all the indies on the Switch 2. Again, Playstation has pretty much become a dead brand. There's little reason to use PS6 as my main console when AAA at this point offers me nothing I'm interested in and aside from Astro Bot which I'm super excited for, Playstation pretty much no longer offers anything I'm interested either. Sony's just chasing all these shitty trends and making no reason to even own a Playstation anymore. Broooooooooooooooooooooooo

    PS5 is the best and worst Playstation console. On its own, it's by far the worst Playstation console aside from the Vita, a portable system. However it's only the best when you consider backwards compatibility with the PS4 and that the best reason to own the PS5 is because many of those great games have 60fps capped framerate even as 30fps games, making a lot of games run at 60fps, or games that had issues running like Just Cause 3, Until Dawn, BroForce, Lichdom, and many others run at 30fps, 60fps, or in some cases like Lichdom, pretty close to 60fps(unpatched this game ran in the 10-15fps on PS4 but was capped at 60fps.)
    Everything in the above post is opinion unless stated otherwise.

  6. #5
    Great Puma (Level 12) YoshiM's Avatar
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    If Switch 2 (Switcheroo?) is truly backwards compatible, I'll probably bite sooner than later. I was a late comer to the Switch, buying a Lite for a good deal and I've enjoyed it. I haven't dipped into the Playstation or Xbox arena since the PS3 and 360 respectively. It seems like the big hitters of those systems are going PC (which I have a couple options for play, if I actually WANTED to play those games), so I don't have any real reason to dive back into either pool.

  7. #6
    Insert Coin (Level 0)
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    Lets break it down
    0) Lets be fair. Retro-Studio is a fail. They were good being Nintendo's alternative lap-dog to Rareware ( which should have never been brought by Microsoft ) but in reality when it comes to there own ideas and actually executing anything financially on there own, they messed up. The lawsuit for the fact they made complaints and then fixed those problems in advanced was stupid. What did they make? Nothing.
    That one PSX demo was probably as original of a product they wanted to make. Beyond that all they made in there name was probably
    A. Metroid Prime 1-2-3-4-5-6-7....
    B. Metal Gear Remake port original etc

    That is sad. It is like if Nintendo was married to Rare, broke up and then Nintendo just got a look a like.
    Like when the Monarch had a prostitute run around his maze leaving her screaming out of her mind like that girl from "Toxic-Avenger part IV", or "Attack of the Killer Tomatoes". Retro-Studios is an over-worked, under-apreciated, "horse" of a woman, broken inside. Straight out of "Titus" tv or stand-up comedy.

    Retro-studios:" Ahhh that hurts. "
    Nintendo: "You know you like it"
    Retro-studios: "Well I found something better with Microsoft"
    Nintendo: "You will be back $#@$"
    " A few months later"
    Retro-studios: "..........."
    Nintendo: "I told you"

    That is what Retrostudio is literally right now. Like I was walking outside and saw an older-man with a younger woman who look nothing like him. Slow driving his car, while she walked a way only to get
    back in the car. We all knew what was going on in that moment.

    1) It is generic. The moment I saw that "preview" is the moment I knew what was comming around that corner.

    2) It is going to be fun

    3) You literally have to play "Hunters" and "Federation Force" to get the full gist of this "episode"

    4) Prime series was suppose to take place after Metroid before Metroid 2:Return Of Samus. So my question is how is this going to actually take off? Nintendo seems desperate after the last game in my opinion.

    5) They messed it up ( Konami/Team Ninja ) with the "Other M-other" /"other-M" Wii game. Just that one character "Adam", so I would not be suprised if it was Adam again, but he was turned into an A.I. (like that guy from Iria Zeraim ). Again have not played the wii game ( partly because I am still trying to figure out how to install the "Codes" via the emulator. I have a physical copy, I have a digital copy, and as far as I am concerned I just want to
    A. Play the game with as little Ad#$@#$am as possible.
    B. Play the game with the suit mod ( which is way better then the Wii official suit ).
    Other-M is unplayable at this point despite being a fun game.

    6) I have just been able to play MP3. I admit I have not finished MP2. MP2 is actually extremly good
    from start to finish. I am looking forward to all the suits, twists and what-nots. MP3 from what I have been experience was possible a step in the right direction.

    I really miss the Wii controllers. ( the Wiimote + Chuck + Sensor-pad ) because being able to play a game and do a workout is a benifit because while yes MP3 is more or less a "Starfox-"Toy at this point.
    The game actually made me wave a controller just to press a button in Samus Ship. Yes we actually get to do some navigating and stuff in her ship. Along with exploring with the Wii-chuck as well.

    If anybody remember "Batman Beyond", "Lawnmower man", or "Might Max" there was this virtual game
    toy unit where you utilize an anti-gravity field, or a thread-mill-sphere ( like a trackpad mouse but you walk on it ) . I beleive that would be the next piece of gaming equipment I would need right now.
    We have virtual helmets, with controllers we could use a paint-brushes, in fact if I could use a wacom-tablet-airbrush pin in virtual mode it would be all the better experience. All we need is a thread-mill/trackpad for our feet that allow us to turn, or even more extreme would be anti-gravity censor area.
    Like a low-powered turbine that would lift the human body which is under a censor array, while wearing
    3d glasses. It would work in Space ( outter-space ) but on Earth we would have to utitlize fans or even
    anti-gravity tech to even a hellium-suit. Just ideas.

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