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Thread: LUNAR Remastered Collection announced

  1. #1
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    Default LUNAR Remastered Collection announced

    FINALLY, they decided to remake Lunar 2 Eternal blue, and it took them almost a quarter of a century to do it to boot, as well.

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    Crono (Level 14) Custom rank graphic

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    In an alternate universe, Lunar would be where Beyond the Beyond is. Lunar was archaic even during its own time and the game is an absurd grind regardless which of them you've played. The GBA version isn't a grind, but the gameplay shows just how boring the game actually is if the game wasn't grindy that you spend so much time walking through battles like cutting through paper just to get to the story. I mean it's not like it's some masterpiece of a novel, it's a "good" cliche video game storyline. But how much time are you going to waste to get through to the next minute of dialogue or couple minutes in some cases? 99% of the game is gameplay and the gameplay just isn't very good.

    No joke I'd rather have had a Beyond the Beyond remaster. Atleast they could have fixed the issues the game had with its mechanics and the high encounter rate to change what's a pretty solid game. Beyond the Beyond isn't a bad game, its biggest flaw was releasing on the PS1 where 80% of the RPGs on the system are some of the best in the genre. It's not a bad game, it's a good game, it was just it was one of the worst RPGs on a console where almost every RPG was great. I find Lunar where Beyond the Beyond is though, except lower than Beyond the Beyond.

    Here's the thing though, you spend so much time grinding on Lunar. And Beyond the Beyond you don't have to grind nearly as much but you have a super high encounter rate. I mean personally I'd rather have the high encounter rate than sitting around the same spot for hours leveling up because the next boss just one or two shot you.

    *edit* Also another remaster. They need to start calling it the Playstation Portstation 5 at this point. It's pretty ridiculous that this year alone has had more remasters released or announced than any other console generation. Even the PSP had less ports on the entire history of the console than we've seen this year alone.

    I say this while you see Grandia 2 on my PSN ID. But that's the thing, if I wasn't playing ports I wouldn't be playing anything as the console has no games.

    Which is also a funny coincidence that I'll add. Grandia has a charming storyline of Justin and Feena while having one of the best combat systems in an RPG. Grandia 2's storyline is worse, but the gameplay is better simply because it's a harder game and allows for the mechanical depth of the combat system to really shine. Grandia Xtreme has an even worse story, unlikable characters, but is the very best game in the series because of just how good the combat it is on that game. The reason why I say Grandia Xtreme is better than Grandia 1, is you don't exactly get as much out of the first game if you already know its storyline compared to Grandia Xtreme's more gameplay heavy mechanics.

    Anyways, reason why I brought Grandia up is that, the gameplay is actually great. Of course it was based on what they've initially did in Lunar and then turned it into what we've got with Grandia, but doesn't change the fact that the original combat lacks any depth and is archaic even in its own time. You defended on the first turn because if you attacked you'd move first and the enemies would then attack you, so to get the first turn in you'd defend, or when you got items that cast spells you'd use those items the first turn and then all turns afterwards you'd attack. Just a very by the numbers rote RPG.
    Last edited by kupomogli; 09-27-2024 at 01:50 AM.
    Everything in the above post is opinion unless stated otherwise.

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    I just want to know about the localizations of these remasters. If they got all-new, not-Working Designs localizations, that would be very welcome.

    I can't say I ever found the PlayStation version of the first Lunar grindy. When RPGs have battles triggered by visible, on-screen enemies, I just fight each battle once as I first come across it, and then I try to avoid the battle if I have to pass through the area later. That was more than enough for me to be sufficiently leveled in Lunar. And don't bosses scale with the player anyway? There's no point in grinding for those. You just need a better strategy if you lose, though I don't remember losing much in the game in general. If I remember correctly, almost every boss is best defeated the same way, by powering up Alex and then using whatever move of his is strongest.

  4. #4
    Pear (Level 6) Gentlegamer's Avatar
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    I played the original Skies of Arcadia, with a random encounter every two steps, where each battle had a 30 second intro, where every spell or ability had a 20 second or more animation.

    Nothing fazes me now.

    I have the Un-Worked Lunar games on my Mega Everdrive Pro that haven't played yet, so I think I'll add them to my "queue."

  5. #5
    ServBot (Level 11) Tron 2.0's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aussie2B View Post
    I just want to know about the localizations of these remasters. If they got all-new, not-Working Designs localizations, that would be very welcome.

    I can't say I ever found the PlayStation version of the first Lunar grindy. When RPGs have battles triggered by visible, on-screen enemies, I just fight each battle once as I first come across it, and then I try to avoid the battle if I have to pass through the area later. That was more than enough for me to be sufficiently leveled in Lunar. And don't bosses scale with the player anyway? There's no point in grinding for those. You just need a better strategy if you lose, though I don't remember losing much in the game in general. If I remember correctly, almost every boss is best defeated the same way, by powering up Alex and then using whatever move of his is strongest.
    It's getting a redub as for the text it might be the same as well.Given that victor irelend has the rights to the translations to games that wd localize.This goes back to the genesis mini II sega made a offer for the english version of lunar sss and eb,popful mail and victor decline.
    Last edited by Tron 2.0; 09-28-2024 at 03:59 AM.

  6. #6
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    I've always said that Vic was a real dick....

    ....And it lead to Working Designs downfall by sticking exclusively to one company (First NEC; then Sega; then only Sony).
    Last edited by Highwind Dragoon; 09-30-2024 at 07:05 PM.

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    Vic on a recent podcast on what he thinks of the remaster with joe from gamesack and coury from MLIG.He tells his side of the story believe him or not is up to you.
    Last edited by Tron 2.0; 11-04-2024 at 03:08 AM.

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    Default Going to be a Retcon

    Lunar being remastered is kind of sad................They are going to Retcon it.

    If you want a Lunar translation, you might as well patch the original Lunar SEGA CD game, without the Dubb. There is literally SEGA CD and other games with translations
    that are being corrected and perfected by random people. Like the "Breath Of Fire" release.

    1. Censoring is my greatest fear. Why? Take Shooters from PC-98 -> PCE. Censored despite well drawn displays. "Dragon Knight" is a great example as it has been
    censored cross versions into the SFC game.
    1. Valentina ( Margareta ), Rouge breasts and figure animatins
    2. Pauline being absent in later Mario v DK games. Having her Cocktail dressed replaced, and making a her a singing Mayor of a made-up town.
    3. Amy-Rose being less head-over-heels over Sonic in "Generations" game.......
    4. Mario RPG Geno fire-cracker / Megaman Arm being replaced with soccer balls, Martial-arts removed, and any reference to Jackie gone ( the game has a character named ).
    5. Even knowing Bowsers alternative win stance was edited out. The colors of the intro when the castle falls, and the dynamics of Bowsers Keep.

    They are CCP washing everything just like in that SouthPark episode featuring Winnie-The-Pooh. Makes me sick to my gut.

    The worst part is that we are not going to get anymore Working Design Logos or artwork. Just going to be another DLC release.


    They say or do whatever they want, it is going to be retcon.

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    These are remasters, not remakes like Switch Super Mario RPG is. There's no indication thus far that any script or visual changes would be substantial. And if you want something faithful to the original Japanese release, then you wouldn't want the Working Designs versions to begin with.

    Dragon Knight is a literal hentai game series, so I don't know what you expect when those games were ported to home consoles like the Super Famicom. Most home consoles don't allow explicit content, and even the ones that do (PC Engine, PC-FX, Saturn, etc.) generally don't allow the same level of content as computer versions. So it's either edited content or no port at all, and having retro games exclusive to long-obsolete, Japan-only computers doesn't exactly make them particularly accessible these days. With series like Dragon Knight, a lot people appreciate them for the gameplay more than the erotic content, so plenty of people don't care if that content is removed as long as they can play the game itself. Furthermore, when it comes to Japan's PC game market, it's common for explicit content to be added just because it boosts sales, not because the developer feels it's an intrinsic part of the experience. It's not unusual for an all-ages version of a visual novel (often with more story added compared to the adults-only original) to be regarded by a developer as the canon or definitive version, rather than the original adults-only version.

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    Cherry (Level 1) fpbrush's Avatar
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    What do y’all think of this remaster? It should have some new gameplay elements, though I don’t think they will change the core premise of the game. I mean, it’s a solid title remaster for Everywhere.

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