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Thread: Dragon Quest 3 HD 2D "Fake reviews" controversy

  1. #1
    Crono (Level 14) Custom rank graphic

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    Default Dragon Quest 3 HD 2D "Fake reviews" controversy

    I thought I posted this, either it got deleted or I just didn't post it.

    Dragon Queset 3 HD Remake has a few reviews not circle jerking over the remake, pointing out everything that's great about it, but pointing out that Dragon Quest 3 HD is still a complete grind. Many gamers including Happy Console Gamer are attacking these journalists stating that they don't like the games because "they're not good at them." Level grinding does not require skill, and the fact that Happy Console Gamer said it himself, he likes to level grind so he can feel overpowered.

    Level grinding in RPGs is a dated mechanic that was used to do nothing but pad the game time out. Oh hey, it takes 40 hours to beat this game because you're level grinding for about 30 hours of it, etc. Now back when I was a kid, I beat Dragon Warrior, Dragon Warrior 3, The 7th Saga, I even beat the GBC Dragon Warrior games which have double the experience points when they released, but level grinding is not fun, it is not an enjoyable mechanic, and it's not difficult, it's just how much time do you want to waste to be able to progress. So if journalists are calling out Dragon Quest 3 HD 2D Remake and giving it a 6/10 review, I complete agree with them because no matter how much is good in the game, level grinding can ruin the experience.

    I think Dragon Warrior 1 and 2 are shit games for example despite Dragon Warrior 1 being the first RPG I've ever played and way back then I actually really liked the game, it only took one game for me to see how mediocre it really was, and that was the original Final Fantasy. Fast forward to Dragon Quest 11 which I have my complaints about just how much dialogue is in the game, it takes two hours straight of moving back and forth and dialogue from the end of act 1 to when you go to a dungeon from The Last Bastion. It's two hours of moving back and forth and talking to people in the one section you start in on act 2 and in The Last Basion. Despite the padding when it comes to text, I think everything else about the game makes it one of the best RPGs ever made. I especially think the combat and the balance for that combat is just perfectly balanced and I mean "perfectly." Now of course, this is not the normal "babies first RPG difficult" this requires the draconian quest modifications Super Strong Monsters at the very least. I'll include images below to show that I have two characters in act 1 and act 2 that I am lower level when I got them in my party, and the levels are based on the normal game, they don't change because you added the Super Strong Monsters modification.

    Yes, I'm a collector, but I don't much so care if a game is a product of its time. I don't think a game is "a better game" because of its influence to gaming. Of course I respect the games that influenced the games we've received, but when you rate a game you rate that game against all other games, you don't rate that game against all other games but give it a free pass or raise it above all others because it revolutionized an industry. And btw, what did Dragon Warrior 3 revolutionize, the class system? No, because sevaral games had this prior, including the game that defines what "JRPGs" are, which btw are American and European games, Wizardry and Ultima.

    I got into a bit of a rant there, but Dragon Quest 3 is a grind, and that's not a gameplay mechanic, it is padding, it is there to waste your time, and if I'm having to level grind for hours on end even if I can have a button to fast forward through it all, I'm still level grinding hours on end, and I'm going to not only criticize but cruficify. It's not fun and staying true to the original source material isn't going to make it fun. Bad design is bad design, no matter if it's accurate or not. They could have easily made the game difficult without requiring a grind and for those people that do want to grind for 40 hours, that's still an option no matter how easy the game was. You can even level grind on Final Fantasy 8. Not that it's going to help you when enemies level up with you, but you can still do it.
    Everything in the above post is opinion unless stated otherwise.

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    Nobody would delete a topic for no reason. I see no indication of anything being deleted in this section recently.

    So what exactly is "fake" about these reviews? What's the controversy? Sounds like reviewers giving their honest opinions. Some love the remake, some don't. Nothing wrong with either kind of review. No game is for everyone. Level grinding isn't objectively bad either, nor can anybody claim that the only reason developers use it is to pad a game's length. Some players like it, as already pointed out. Some like feeling overpowered, some like to grind because they find it relaxing in a meditative kind of way, some like the customizability of being able to do a very weak low-level run versus an overpowered run, rather than a game that doesn't need grinding because the difficulty is moderate at any level.

    I can't say I have ever rated a game against all other games in existence. I rate a game based on how much fun I personally had with it, and if I compare it against other games, it's games that are contemporary to it or older. It would be moronic to say, for example, that Pac-Man's graphics are trash because it's not realistic 3D on the level of PS5 graphics.

  3. #3
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    If you ask me, its review scores are due to its recent popularity as a franchise. It happens with every series that becomes incredibly popular. Look at the Final Fantasy 13 reviews. Journalists somehow unanimously praise the game because it's Final Fantasy while the gamers unanimously trash the game because it's a mediocre game. You know why journalists do this bullshit though, because they know that the fanbase are a bunch of psychopaths and the second they give their actual opinion and offend a group of these gamers, they'll be the target of harassment. Well what do you know, a journalist gave their opinion about everything about Dragon Quest 3 being great and then rated it a 6/10 because how grindy it is and the psycopaths harass the reviewer.

    That being said though, it's padding. Yes, people may level up enough to do challenge runns, how many people actually do this? Infact, how much time do they have to level up to do these challenge rusn? I remember every single version I've played of Dragon Warrior 3 and the Super Famicom fan translated version of Dragon Quest 3, there's one boss just before going to the dark world. Every single time I've hit this point, this part was more grindy than every other part in the game combined. I leveled up my party, I attempted the boss again, I leveled up again, attempted the boss, again, attempted the boss, etc. Going through a challenge run is one thing, but I guarantee those runs still require a lot of grinding for even winning to be possible. As I pointed out, I'm good enough at these games to play in Super Strong Monsters under leveled on Dragon Quest 11. I didn't try 8000 times to get lucky enough to complete it on level 9 as this low level Youtube video, which in this day and age, how valid is that run anyways, is it even legitimate or is it a mod running save states on PC and edited together like tool-assisted speedruns. People can argue against it, but go watch the Beyond the Beyond world of longplays video, where every single level up in that run gains maximum stats. But I can specifically say is that "I" did the battle underleveled without level grinding, but not intentionally avoiding all battles as people would in a low level run. Again though, how many people do that, how many people are going to either mod the game to avoid all battles except bosses, or avoid every single battle they can except mandatory battles so they can defeat all bosses at the absolute lowest level after either thousands of attempts and getting lucky or using save states. Again, not many.

    This is a fraction of a sub set of people who would even consider this. I don't see Square Enix padding the game out with level grinding because of them. I also don't see Square Enix padding the game out because some people like Happy Console Gamer like level grinding to get overpoewred, which they can do even if the game is easy, you can battle for the hell of it if that's what you want to do no matter the difficulty. Most people don't even play Dragon Quest 11 on Super Strong Monsters. What I do I see Square Enix doing, is padding the game out because if they don't keep the absurd level grinding, this 80 hour game is only about two hours long and that's a fact. Without all the level grinding, Dragon Quest 3 is an small game, hell even Final Fantasy 1 can be completed in 5-10 hours by a gamer who's not the reincarnation of Jesus Christ.

    The same goes for Dragon Quest 1 and 2, if each weren't an absurd level grind for these games, they'd be hour long games. That level grind was specifically padding. How often did you read on the back of RPG boxes, over 100 hours of gameplay, blah blah blah blah, bullshit. Level grinding as padding to promote the length of the game. That is a fact.
    Last edited by kupomogli; 11-19-2024 at 10:06 PM.
    Everything in the above post is opinion unless stated otherwise.

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    Seriously........there are different ways to play the same game. Yes DQ3 does have a 3d remake but it does not mean you have to play it. If you want then play the GBC or SFC remake. Yes leveling up makes the game more doable, then level up, which bring me to the topic I wanted to write about.

    In some of these DQ games if you are missing a certain item or task no matter how good your gear is, or level is you will fail no matter what.

    FF8 you have to level-up your weapons and suck Magic ( abilities ) from enemies and equip the esper ( whatever ) and then apply Magic/Ability you have taken from enemies and avoid using those abilities. That is why FF8 looks hard. They made it so the enemies all level up at the same time because people would not get the fact mentioned

    It is like in "Far East of Eden IV" where you have to sell animal-parts, and item drops via bartering in order to get better equipment otherwise the game would be a terrible experience and extremly harder then it should be.

    Phantasy Star does the same exact thing. Rather then leveling up you will be sent on wild-goose-chases
    just to have a conversation, purchase an item. Oh wait that gun weapon you could purchase from a store does a better job then whatever relic, holy, item, legendary boss drop you need to proceed. Oh wait
    Lassic was a just a slave with some weaknesses and the true baddy was the kind _________ all this time.

    Same with PS2. You can save Nei, by talking to all the characters ( all of them ), and collecting a specific item from somebody ( who you have to talk to over and over and over before they say the correct phrase ).

    or via the PS2 game. She dies and you can revive her in another version of the same game that uses the same save file.

    Then the game leaves you with the idea that every time your character died and was "cloned" your character was never really revived at all. We have just been playing with clones all this time,...

    Third game literally makes it clear that hundreds of pods are hundreds of variants of PS3, happening again and again, creating infinity results of the same game. Which is why Universe would be logical to some extent.

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