So it happen. Screens of new PD. She is puglier then the 360 game.
If you remember "Reboot" with Dot-Matrix and her past-self and present Self.
She had "high-lights in her hair". That is what they did to the 360 game.
Now moving forward rather then just keep the team small and make more of the same
game from the N64/GBC era, they did not.
They burnt time, money, and tons of hours to create something that is pug.
I really do not understand why do they try to pull this "Last of Us" bs with original game titles?
Why not just keep practice with something like Megaman 1-6.
Do not change what works
Do not recreate the wheel.
Make things better gameplay wise.
Not everything can make it into the __ so we use it for ___.
It is like "Super Mario Bros. 3". Did you know the Wii U version have all the GBA e-reader card levels unlocked and modes?
Only bad point is the lame N64 voices.
The characters all inherit there traits from Mario Bros II ( which was a dream ).
You can pull up vegetables, use the flying cape, and Yoshi is somewhere around.
Tons of flying ships and odd bosses that throws back to even the original SMB.
Super Mario Bros 3 ( including the animation ) is probably the apex of Mario and with all the additions featured in the game itself just aniliates all. "Mario Oddessy" is ruined by the wedding creeps which are not even original. Might as well just use the Koopa Kids. "Mario Land 3d" is as close to SMB3 but seems to be over-shadowed for some reasons. It is like that open action of Mario 64 is never to be seen again.
Now we all could day-dream and get-high/hard/drunk to "Perfect Dark" on the N64.
From the Skedar Levels, to the AI, or the flat fact like "Metroid" it is a girl and nobody cares.
Why do the "Old Man Logan" bs? Why attempt to give a perfect character more faults?
Think about "Kirby". He can fly, he can fly, ( like Peter Pan song ). But then because of Smash brothers they decided to limit him with the N64 and every game afterwards.
Same with TMNTs and how Mikey had the rope grappling hook in place of his Chucks.
Oh noes kiddies might immitate him with real Chucks. They are Ninjas and all of them should have the grappling hook. Only after seeing a youtube article about the history of the series, only then you could appreciate the 2000's animated series and it's movie.
Just use the same game engine ( reverse it ) and make an supped up N64 emulator and be like to the team "We are going to make Perfect Dark 2-6 as if it was running on N64 hardware to it's limit and beyond. Same code, same game but released for the PC via pre-orders and then the Android and finally Steam. We are Mircrosoft who is going to develop an actual N64 release of the game limited in numbers, and have network play without a network service.
Our heads would be scanners exploding with infinity joy, just to get a proper release.
You know that sad part is? You literally can download a playable fully upgraded graphics of
"Golden Eye" for the 360. Yet all other releases of the same game bomb with the Wii having the most features but Bond being replaced by whichever actor who is playing him in real life.
A real Golden Eye true to the original N64 never released. You can download it for free.
Like Aeris hook-bill-nose, Laras hanguras, and Jills pug ( which is complete reversal of the original Box-art ), just do not look at Joe directly. It is literally Indiana Jones here on out.
But I am sure some brave soul will make a patch you can apply without any tools and we will have our N64/GBC Joe again, in her stylistic outfits. Looking like a thick sounding British boss.