Several neat homebrew projects for the Sega MD/Genesis/32x just came out this week!
First we have the fan "port" of Batman Returns to the MegaDrive/Genesis. Yes, that console DID get a Konami beat 'em up originally, but it's often considered a letdown in comparison to the SNES version. This group, led by the terrific homebrewer Brazil's Gabriel Pryon, has put out a demo. Unfortunately, while it's quite impressive, not sure they intend to progress to a finished state. The goal is to use the work to foster future homebrew.
Master Linkuei, who you may or may not know as the originator of this terrific MKII 32X mod from last year...
Well he's at it again, with Super Star Wars Holiday Special, a hack of SSW for the Genesis which loosely follows the 1978 Televised spectacle.
Then we have the UK-based Pigsy, who is leading the charge to port Castlevania: Symphony of the Night to the Genesis/MegaDrive. There's a new demo of that out.