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Thread: Antstream Arcade - Opinions?

  1. #1
    Nz17's Avatar
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    Question Antstream Arcade - Opinions?

    Antstream Arcade has a cross-platform lifetime subscription for $80 USD. To paraphrase, Antstream Arcade is the world's largest retro gaming platform with more than 1,300 licensed games, tournaments, and challenge modes. The retro game service from Britain is for Linux, Mac, Windows, Steam, Android, iOS, modern Web browsers, PlayStations, Xboxes, and Nintendo Switch. Pricing plans range from free to yearly to lifetime. The platform offers retro games from the 1970's to the 2000's.

    Tried Antstream Arcade yet? How is it? Your opinions?

  2. #2
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    Looks interesting. I'm just not sure how often I would use it.

    Arcade games were something I loved back in the '80s and '90s; these days I hardly play 'em. Maybe it's because I'm getting older and the adrenaline-fueled button-mashers focused on slashing and shooting don't quite hold the appeal they once did? Maybe it's because most games these days save "progress" of some sort and it's nice to revisit knowing you're not starting at the ground floor?

    They do have some Amiga and other games on here...saw some LucasArts games (ex: Monkey Island), but would probably want to review the full games list to make sure I'd get use out of it.

    I am a little bit concerned about how "lifetime" the lifetime pass would be. It's a streaming service and a one-time fee means that some day the funds could dry up and they shut it down. I'd almost rather pay $.25-$.50 per "session" from a set of credits that I'd need to renew at some point...put $25 in, slowly use it up...rather than pay $99, probably never use all that.
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