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Thread: Christmas 2024 - Games and Gifts (Photos of Your Haul are Encouraged)

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    Nz17's Avatar
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    Cool Christmas 2024 - Games and Gifts (Photos of Your Haul are Encouraged)

    Some of my highlights include:

    Chocolate Pocky.

    Sonic Prime Series 2 action figure set featuring Black Rose.

    Sonic Classic Collection for Nintendo DS.

    Greeting card.


    Wireless shower speaker.

    Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for Nintendo Switch.

    Splatoon 3 for Nintendo Switch.

    Sonic and Kirby socks.

    What gifts did you get for Christmas or your chosen holiday?

    Which video game or video game themed gifts did you give to others this year?

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    Nz17's Avatar
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    Here they all are:

    Chocolate Pocky.

    Sonic Prime Series 2 action figure set featuring Black Rose.

    Sonic Classic Collection for Nintendo DS.

    Greeting card.



    Wireless shower speaker.

    Mario Kart 8 Deluxe for Nintendo Switch.

    Splatoon 3 for Nintendo Switch.

    Sonic and Kirby socks.

    3 gnomes Christmas coloring mini tote bag with markers.

    Super Mario Bros. - Piranha Plant with Question Mark Block toy.

    Super Mario Bros. - Blue Shy Guy with Coin toy.

    Puzzle Vision card game.

    Black slippers.

    Orange and gray colored slippers.

    Reese's Pieces candy.

  3. #3

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    Great Puma (Level 12) Steve W's Avatar
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    I don't get things nowadays, my birthday was December 23rd so I bought myself an Atari 7800+. Once it came in, I plugged it in and tried it out, and found I really don't like the pack-in game, the Bentley Bear game. I then realised that I have no idea where my 7800 games are. I haven't played them in a couple decades, and they've gone into storage somewhere. Damn. I was wanting to try the old games with the new Euro-style controller.

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    I get more excited about putting "stocking stuffers" in my friends Steam and GOG accounts every Christmas than I do getting stuff for myself. Have enough stuff - especially physical things...don't need more board games, cartridges, etc. We have a little girl arriving in February, so that's kind of my focus right now...that's the real "Christmas present" for me this year and I couldn't be happier about it.

    Gave a bunch of people the original Thief from the '90s, For The King, and Mystic Vale (digital adaptation of a board game). Some of the regulars, also bought Heroes of Might & Magic III for cheap on

    Some of them I buy on the Steam summer sale for < $5 (I think Thief was $.97) and then just schedule delivery for 12/24 at night, 6 months later. I play games every Friday with a group of friends and sometimes it's fun just to get a multiplayer game for us all to try - it rarely sticks but if it doesn't cost a lot, a few Fridays of fun is worth it. It's a little tougher to buy on because they don't let you schedule a gift, and if you've given a game once they kind of make you wait 24 hrs to give it again.
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    Crono (Level 14) Custom rank graphic

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    Quote Originally Posted by Steve W View Post
    I don't get things nowadays, my birthday was December 23rd so I bought myself an Atari 7800+. Once it came in, I plugged it in and tried it out, and found I really don't like the pack-in game, the Bentley Bear game. I then realised that I have no idea where my 7800 games are. I haven't played them in a couple decades, and they've gone into storage somewhere. Damn. I was wanting to try the old games with the new Euro-style controller.
    My birthday is December 31, and if your parents were anything like mine, you only got gifts on Christmas because your birthday was close to Christmas. As a kid, I wish I was born in a different month, now I don't even care. Sometimes I think of being a Jehova's Witness just so I can tell people I don't celebrate holidays so I don't get gifts which that I usually don't like.

    As a kid I got clothes most of the time, something I didn't want because I wanted new games, now days I'd prefer clothes because I want to buy my own games and/or already have them and I now don't get clothes. So I'd rather just not receive anything.
    Everything in the above post is opinion unless stated otherwise.

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    Gifts that I received. I got canned cat food and treats for my cats. Also I love my cats so them just being around is a gift.

    I got a shirt.

    Then everything gaming related was purchased by me, which I purchased PS4, PS5, and Switch games.

    Granblue Fantasy Relink, great game.
    Watch Dogs Legion. Paid $3, played 10 hours, game is meh, typical 4/10 Ubisoft game. I'd recommend the first Watch Dogs actually, but the Watch Dogs 2 and Legion are meh.

    Final Fantasy 16

    Demon Gaze PS4 version. The only game by Experience RPG that I'd recommend picking up. Their entire catalogue is a list of one trick pony dungeon crawling RPGs and why get all the others when this one is the best. Basically instead of cross classing you get artifacts which allow you to gain all the skills from another class up to a point since each class gets a one trick pony skill their entire class is based around and in this game you just remove the grind and just get the artifact. Stranger of Sword City is jaw dropping in graphics and monster design, but the way you get new equipment is painfully slow and then the Tokyo ones have a unique mechanic where these super bosses will randomly attack you within a dungeon, so that's kind of cool, but also there's no cross classing or artifacts and again, same exact gameplay.

    Tales of Symphonia, the bad port. I already own the game on PS3 and Gamecube so this purchase was rather pointless. I do think the PS4 is the best console though so I more so did it to increase the size of my library here.

    Balatro, great game worth buying. If you're a fan of playing card games with friends and family, Rummy, Spades, Hearts, etc, pick this game up, even if you're not a procedural fan, if you're a procedural fan, pick this game up. Card games in general are just that, procedural, so this game works. The problem with the game is that on the higher stakes only the best builds will work and it's straight luck whether you can get past the 7th and 8th bosses. I got to the 8th boss on the yellow stake once and it was the wall, meaning that the blind was three times higher than it normally would have been. The only time I had a chance at beating yellow stake and it screwed me. Yellow stake is the last one before gold stake. But playing different card decks is cool. Red deck you get one additional hand, blue deck you get one additional discard, yellow deck you start with $10(I feel this one is practically worthless and you kind of don't get any real benefit.) There's a deck that removes all face cards. A deck that evens out your chips and multipliers, and then you get cards to make your builds. I like to find builds to run straights all game long, I generally don't like full houses or three of a kinds on this game because the amount of times I've had three pairs, you have to get rid one locking yourself out of a potential three of a kind of full house with another one of those cards. So when you play a lot of the game though, it gets super repetitive and some people have apparently played hundreds of hours, I got burnt out at 50.

    Eiyuden Chronicles Hundred Heroes.

    Triangle Strategy.

    Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney Trilogy

    Romancing SaGa 2 Revenge of the Seven

    Ys10 Nordics. This is a pretty trash game. I'm never buying modern day Falcom again. Every five minutes there's a 30 minute text dump and when there's important stuff to hear there's always 30 minutes of nothing at all. It's the most extreme case of padded text I've ever seen in a game. When there's an actual game to play, it's worse t han Ys8 and 9, and a new mechanic was guard breaking enemies. Now every boss has armor so you basically knock off several armor health bars which the boss will gain back multiple times in order to damage their HP. This game isn't just a bad Ys game, this is a bad game period. It goes out of its way to waste your time which is par for the course for Falcom games since Trails of Cold Steel 2. Each game just wastes more time than the last. Falcom is a trash company now, but that's most modern AA and AAA developers.

    System Shock Remake.

    Batman The Animated Series. The complete series on bluray. I got this on DVD already in this giant long box set, figured I'd get the bluray version in a smaller normal sized box set.

    I got others but I don't remember them.
    Last edited by kupomogli; 01-06-2025 at 12:11 AM.
    Everything in the above post is opinion unless stated otherwise.

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