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Thread: The Last Spell - a metal Tactics / tower defense / Rogue-like mashup

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    Thumbs up The Last Spell - a metal Tactics / tower defense / Rogue-like mashup

    Been playing a decent amount of a new(er) game called "The Last Spell" lately. Had my eye on it for a while but I don't buy Early Access games as I don't dig paying for the privilege of beta testing a game. But it released sometime in the last six months (I think) and it was on sale, so I picked it up.

    Loving it so far. You play a group of heroes defending a town against hordes of undead while some mages try to "seal" magical rifts. Isometric grid-based combat, very much like the "tactics" type games of the PS1 era (FF Tactics, Tactics Ogre, Vandal Hearts, etc.). Tons of stats, perks, and equipment - lots of different "builds" you can try, but it's also fueled by a bit of randomness in terms of what you get. You can build up your town, hire more heroes - but you have to manage resources carefully (hint: build three gold mines and upgrade as soon as you can). Survive enough nights of assaults and you'll win.

    Only on the second town so far (there's a series of three or four, with a boss fight on the last of 7+ nights or "rounds"). You gradually unlock more weapons, options, and benefits that slowly increase your power (ex: all heroes start with a consumable item, like a potion), so you'll probably fail one or more times before you succeed. The game has definitely hooked me...and made me want to go back and play those PS1 games that inspired it.
    You are startled by a grim snarl. Before you, you see 1 Red dragon. Will your stalwart band choose to (F)ight or (R)un?

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