The Nintendo Switch 2 is now official. Seems interesting, yet will it be "Wii U 2" by public perception and sales wise?
The Nintendo Switch 2 is now official. Seems interesting, yet will it be "Wii U 2" by public perception and sales wise?
I haven't read anything about it yet. Will it be backwards compatible?
I've been wanting a Switch for a year or two, if a new console comes out that'll mean the old one will drop in price after everybody gets rid of their old system to buy the new one. That's when I get onboard, when I can pick up piles of dirt cheap games everywhere. Lots of physical media out there waiting for me to grab it.
My biggest disappointment was they still didn't include a regular d-pad. I get the whole deal about detaching the controllers for 2 players, and that's fine and dandy for the tiny fraction of a percentage that might be used, but to me that is totally insignificant. Old man eyes combined with a crappy control scheme makes the portability function not a big appeal to me.
I think Nintendo Switch 2 is going to be succuessful, Nintendo has been cultivating their fanbase for years. Whether it's the brainwashed fanboys of their their first party titles or it's everyone who just likes to play games. While it's true that Nintendo has always pushed profitability, Nintendo has done so without pushing away the people who make them money. Nintendo has released some microtransactions, but even wihen all companies are desperate to make that big live service game, Nintendo has been plucking away with single player or single player but also couch co op multiplayer games. When Microsoft and Sony have abandoned exclusives just so they can make a quick dollar, Nintendo has not only maintained all of their exclusives they continue to pay for more third party exclusives, to get people interested in playing games that can only be played on their console.
It's like Nintendo is the only console publisher now days that gets it, the only one that's being competitive when the others aren't, the only one that realizes physical media is a big reason to own a console, the only console publisher who realizes that they don't want to just be another box, they want to be a box that says they're Nintendo, they're unique, something Microsoft and Sony have lost.
I'll be getting a Switch 2 day one, when the PS6 releases with an optional disc drive, I won't be there and by the time PS7 dies, Sony and Microsoft both will be third party, Microsoft a lot earlier than Sony.
Ratchet and Clank, Spiderman 2, and Returnal. These games are on PC meaning there's literally no exclusivity on the PS5 and now that we know every studio has been working on cancelled live service games, the only other two games that will release before PS6 are Wolverine and Ghost of Yotei. A generation full of ports and a brand that has ran itself into the ground by porting everything over to PC and chasing digital only. Playstation is a brand that's been pushing away the meaning of its existence. There's been no reason to own a Playstation and as I cotinue to state, the platform is done because just over half a decade of the worst decisions they could have ever made.
It's unfortunate because there will be no reason for Nintendo to remain competitive when all their competition dies out. Is Nintendo going to really spend money to fund more projects when they don't need to, and by that I mean purchase first party exclusives? Maybe, I mean there's still PC so getting people interested in jumping on Switch is stilll going to be the goal.
The Wii was the last Nintendo console I bought. I don't see myself getting another.
At some point the Pokémon games got old for me (took a good decade) and the same old jumping plumber or sword-wielding elf just didn't do it for me. I'm all Steam and GOG all the time now. Aquaria, FEZ, Braid, Bastion, and Terraria were turning points for me sometime around 2010 - I realized that the real innovation was happening on PC and I didn't really look back all that much.
I've got Wii and Nintendo DS games I'll finish, some day...but it's just easier to play on the PC.
You are startled by a grim snarl. Before you, you see 1 Red dragon. Will your stalwart band choose to (F)ight or (R)un?
I'll get one as long as they announce Mole Mania 2.
This has never been remotely true. I mean, has anyone actually believed it beyond the most willfully ignorant PC gamers? Innovation is not exclusive to any platform.
What IS true that the increasingly homogenous nature of the game industry has left Nintendo with fewer exclusives beyond their own domain, but that didn't seem to bother the Switch so much.
Last edited by Kid Fenris; 02-02-2025 at 02:34 PM.
i wonder why some games wont work on the 2nd console.
I'm honestly a bit sour about the wii u and waited a very long time before getting a switch and its kinda just easier to play at the moment in my setup than any of the other consoles. i could see this going the way of wii u
if they do pull this off i cant see using joy cons as mice sticking around long, seems like one of those gimmicks that gets dropped at a hardware revision.
I also wish they would do some sort of just a console version that could be cheaper since it wont have a screen and battery and charging circuit. i never take mine out of the dock. i started with a lite but found some games, a lot of games, were devloped with "tv mode" in mind so it makes it hard to do in handheld mode, and no its nothing to do with the screen size. i have the same problem with my oled switch.
and frankly i just got my OLED switch as an investment so it'll probably go as long as i still have something to play the games i have on a tv at some point in the future
I don't think this will be a "Wii U" situation as it's not unlike going from a DS to a 3DS. However with that comparison, the 3DS probably sold about half as many units as the DS did, so will the S2 mimic or do better? It's hard to tell.
Will i get one? Maybe, depending on what exclusives there are that grab my fancy. If Animal Crossing comes out, then it's a definite purchase. I sometimes moan about playing the same formula of game but now with crafting, which I typically dislike in games. Then I get the ability to cook and I unlock a couple minor things I typically don't even use and I squeal like a school girl with delight. Watching the animals meander and just do their thing just gets me giddy. I don't know why exactly as you'd think one would get burned out after playing the series for like twenty three years. If the next version of AC allowed you to actually make items you buy in the game actually DO stuff you'd think they would (like being able to play ping pong on a table or any of the arcade games) i'd be there flippin' day one. Day one, gar-un-teed.
I'll be getting one day one if it comes out at a reasonable price, but with all of these price "leaks" from these fake insiders who are just throwing out some really shitty predictions and everyone is jumping onto these really stupid ass prices, I probably won't be getting one. Nintendo isn't blind to community speculation, the 3DS launched overpriced because of all the initial impressions. People talking about how the Nintendo Switch 2 couldn't be less than $450 or $500 just because the Switch OLED is $350. The Switch OLED is $350 because the Nintendo Switch hasn't received a price drop once since it launched, even though the Switch is using the exact same hardware as the Nvidia Shield back in 2012 which was priced at $199. The reason these consoles are priced the way they are it's because not only the hardware and what the publishers think they can get for them, and Nintendo will definitely overprice it if thinks the fanbase will pay these outrageous prices.
There's a problem though if Nintendo does this though. These console publishers are all doing business practices that are overall just hurting their business, and while Nintendo is the only one that actually has exclusives, a saving grace for the company, an extremely overpriced hardware is not a way to entice people into buying a console. Sure, your die hard I'll only ever buy Nintendo products and your hardcore collectors will buy the Switch 2, but are people going to be willing to pay as much as a PS5 to buy last gen tech again?
I just really hope this fan speculation doesn't drive up the price because console gaming is already in a rough place as it is with Sony and Microsoft already running their businesses into the ground, ruining console gaming by not even trying to be competitive in the gaming space. NIntendo could very well cause their own and the complete collapse of console gaming and collecting as we know it if they don't remain successful.
I'll add a little bit more to this as well. The Steam Deck OLED which is the revised Steam Deck is as powerful as a PS4, like the Switch, it has an internal 512GB SSD which knowing Nintendo is likely not going to be the case, Nintendo is going to go as cheap as possible. So just with this information alone, you're talking about hardware that should be $300 at most for sale to the consumer, not even price per unit for Nintendo because they're probably paying $150 or less per unit.