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Thread: What game/s are you Playing? Daily check :)

  1. #14401
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    Sorry about the multi-post that happened the other day. Tried to leave a comment, the site told me it didn't work, but I guess it just posted it 4 times :-S

    Anyways, beat Prince Of Persia, am now playing:

    Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts (360)
    Hexic HD (360)
    Castlevania (GBA pirate cart)

  2. #14402
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    Ok who ever mods here please fix the issues of this forum not loading half the time and in some topics I post things and never goes through.

    It's so annoying to have forums not usable more than half the time. This is the 15th time I tried to just post in this topic all day. Fucking annoying.
    It's not as easy as you make it out to be, and people have been working to maintain and improve this board's functionality for years. Things are much better now than before, when the board was down for weeks and when errors were much more frequent. And this topic is more troublesome than others because it contains a huge amount of posts, which seems to increase errors.

    Anyway, as for my playing, I like to keep a list (sometimes mental, sometimes typed out) of games I'd like to get to in the near future (although sometimes "near future" turns into a couple years), but right now my list is down to just a few RPGs. Since I just completed an RPG, I'm not ready to dig into another right away. While I can pick out games to play just fine on my own, sometimes I like to plop my game list into this: It helps bring games to my attention that I might otherwise gloss over. Granted, I won't necessarily go with what comes out at number 1. A lot of my games are stored at my mom's house, others I've already beaten (and don't feel like replaying just yet), some are just too awful, and I'm usually looking for a specific style of game. I wanted something relatively short with next to no text this time (AKA the opposite of an RPG), and the randomized list inspired me to start up Croc: Legend of the Gobbos on PlayStation. I'm just about always up for a 3D platformer.

    Back when I first tried this game out, my impressions weren't so great, but, honestly, it's not half bad. The tank controls are kind of annoying and the camera is herky-jerky, and it's definitely not a remarkable game. I can see it nicely filling a need, though, back before, say, the superior Spyro came out, which I played for the first time too earlier this year. Spyro itself isn't particularly remarkable either, it's definitely no Super Mario 64, but, hey, if you were stuck with PlayStation, you had to make do. I can see why Saturn fans seem most fond of Croc, since they had even slimmer 3D platformer pickings. Granted, I actually don't think the N64 platformer library is as good as some make it out to be, since I'm not wowed by the Rare ones to the extent that most other platformer fans are. Getting back to Croc, I'm glad that it at least has some sense about it. I appreciate that the areas are relatively small, so as to keep the frame rate and draw distance under control. It's also nice because it feels like a real platformer, rather than other 3D platformers with wide open areas that you need to explore. Here it's just straightforward action, from the beginning of a stage to its end, and then one stage to the next. It does have item collecting, but they didn't go overboard. As opposed to Spyro, where the game feels like nothing but collecting gems (and dragons, eggs, etc.). In fact, I don't think you even need to exit via the warp gate at the end of most stages. So, so far so good in Croc. I've beaten the first stage of the second island and I'm at 18%.

  3. #14403
    RACES MINI MOTORCYCLES Videogamerdaryll's Avatar
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    Messing around with; XBOX Debug Unit..inner contents..the way it came when bought at a flea market..

    I have no idea on how to use emu things so if it loads or not,I’m just hoping the games do or I retry.. as many of these games I never played and will never be able to obtain.
    Also there are MVS,Neo Geo Games that I used to own and am enjoying again on this system..

    I have no idea how to play Diggerman..
    but Nightmare in the Dark is sweet..

  4. #14404
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    There was a problem with the resource you requested. That happens sometimes.
    Problem: The server encountered an unexpected condition which prevented it from fulfilling your request. This can happen if a database is too busy or if bad arguments were given in the request. Please verify if your wanted result took effect; if it did not, please try again later.
    Gamer translation: Somebody set up us the bomb.
    You might want to try visiting the Digital Press home page. Then again I'm not the boss of you. You can do as you please. Perhaps even fire up a classic console with your favorite game. Get a nice drink. Invite a few friends over. Plug in the extra controllers, get some multiplayer gaming happening. You know - the good times.
    Technical information: ERROR 0xPEBKAC

  5. #14405
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    Playing some Import Nintendo 64 Games with the help of a Japanese to US adapter..

    though I don’t know what the Import baseball game is called.

  6. #14406
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    Hey, this topic is semi-working again, hurray.

    Nice imports, Daryll. The baseball game is Famista 64, which is short for "Family Stadium" as it's a long-running series that started on the NES/Famicom (AKA "Family Computer"). It's also linked to the World Stadium series, which is the title that Namco uses for the non-Nintendo systems.

    Anyway, as for my own playing, I have, I believe, 90% in Croc: Legend of the Gobbos on PlayStation now, but it was no walk in the park getting that high. The game starts off pretty easy (and all of the bosses are easy), but, man, it really picks up. This is some serious white-knuckle platforming in many stages, since the game gives you progressively less and less safe, solid land to walk on. By the later stages, it's practically nothing but platforms barely bigger than Croc himself over a huge abyss. I guess it wouldn't be so bad if you harvest lives, but I wasn't really interested in doing that. I've mostly been trying to get through stages on the default 2 lives. And it definitely wasn't easy getting all of the Gobbos, especially with the ridiculous mini-games that have me cursing plenty at the TV. I finally got all the gobbos and jigsaw pieces, though, so I just opened up the secret island. I completed its first stage, which was surprisingly easy, but we'll see how the later stages go. I wonder how tough the real final boss will be too. The previous "final boss" was definitely tougher than a typical boss since he took more than three hits and had multiple attack patterns, but I still beat him on my first try (actually, I had a tougher time with Neptuna, since controlling Croc in water sucks, go figure for a crocodile).
    Last edited by Aussie2B; 10-05-2011 at 10:33 PM.

  7. #14407

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    Default End of the Line


    I'm sorry, you are out of lives. Please press start to continue.

    (This thread is too populous with posts to persist in properly prospering. A new thread has been created to continue the chat.)

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