I just got this game recently after a LONG period of wanting it but waiting for the price to drop (got it for 15.00). Anyways, while the story has to be one that is probably the BEST EVER for a game...the execution sucked.

and heres why.

1. Sloooooooooooooooooowdoooooooooooooooown. While I never complain about this, cause usually i can overlook it, but when 75% of the time your character is running in slow motion, and your non-gaming brother comments on "whys he going so slow"....you gotta think something is wrong here.

2. Sound - ever heard a guy run in slow motion....with TAP SHOES ON? Well, thats what his footsteps sound like and its fucking annoying. Everything else is done soo well, except for this which ruins a lot of the game

3. Ok, you're in an earthquake riddles island....im pretty sure there'd be more than ONE way to get out of there, and im pretty sure that in real life, there wouldnt be oh so many "wow, im SO lucky that building fell and made a bridge for me" coincidences. Normally I don't complain about this either but when it happens a dozen times in the first hour of gameplay you begin to get annoyed.

4. The girl you rescue is a whiny little dumb ass bitch. Hmmm, the Island's in ruin's and everything around you has gone to shit...we're almost off the island and....what? what is that you say? you WANT TO GO CHECK ON YOUR DOG? Luckily you have to option to go ahead or go with her, I went on ahead and shortly after met another girl....hope that whiny bitch dies. Too bad I'll never know being I cut the game off shortly after refusing to ever play it again.

Does anyone else have any other complaints or compliments about this game? I suggest you buy it if you see it for 5.00-8.00 just to check it out, other than that...stay away, is pretty sad.