Merry Christmas and a happy new year!
I need the following:
Super Mario Galaxy 2 (case and manual)
Rayman Origins 360 (case and manual)
New Super Mario Bros. Wii (case and manual)
EDIT: All sold.
Last edited by FanOPants; 03-12-2013 at 07:56 PM.
I have some Sega Saturn manuals and inserts for trade:
Akumajo Dracula X manual+back insert
Aquazone registration card
Detana Twinbee Deluxe Pack back insert
Dragon Force map
Gundam Gihren no Yabou spine card
Jissen Pachinko Hisshouhou Twin manual+back insert
Samurai Spirits Amakusa Kourin manual
Sega Worldwide Soccer 98 manual+back insert
Slayers Royal manual+back insert
Xmen vs Street Fighter manual
Bug Too manual (creased)
Off World Interceptor Extreme manual
Robotica manual (creased/missing back cover)
Sega Rally b/w manual
Virtua Fighter 2 b/w manual
Looking for these Sega Saturn manuals/boxes:
Super Real Mahjong P7 manual
Sonic Jam manual
Myst manual
Theme Park manual
Virtua Cop + Virtua Gun boxset cardboard box, inside cardboard boxes, Virtua Gun manual
Virtua Cop 2 manual
Virtua Fighter Remix manual and cardboard box
standard PAL plastic case
I also need any Saturn console boxes/manuals/inserts.
I also need the cardboard insert that goes inside a Dreamcast console box and holds the console in place.
Last edited by SaturnHST; 02-03-2013 at 03:49 PM.
Looking currently for any and all boxes manual and inserts to any and all atari 8 bit games and or systems / accessories ( minus 800xl and 1050 disk drive ).
Current Collection Stats As Of 12/10/2013 : Cartridges - 206 ( 182 unique titles 24 label variations ) : Cassettes - 21 :
Currently in the market for :
+ Atari 8 bit game cartridges ( all brands and most titles )
+ Atari 8 Bit Prototype and Demo cartridges
+ Atari 8 bit manuals and boxes
PM me if you see anything above that you have doubles or interest in getting rid of.
Check out my
Atari 8-Bit Museum Site at http://www.a8museum.com
Atari 8-Bit Museum on Facebook http://www.facebook.com/groups/392317377550512/
And on Ebay under the handle ThePaperVault
Hello everyone. I am looking for many boxes and manuals, but mainly:
Legend of Zelda (Box and Manual)
Metroid (box only)
Super Mario Bros. 2 (Box only)
Dragon Warrior 1 (Box only)
Super Mario Bros./Duck Hunt (Box and Manual)
Castlevania (Box only)
Super Mario World (Box and manual)
F-Zero (Box and manual)
Monopoly (Box and manual)
Sega Game Gear:
Sonic 2 (box and manual)
Defenders of Oasis (Box and manual)
Ax Battler (box and manual)
Jurassic Park (Box and Manual)
T2 (box and manual)
Ninja Gaiden (Box and manual)
Gameboy Color
Pokemon Blue-Crystal (box and manual)
Sega Genesis:
Sonic 2 (Box and Manual)
NBA Jam (Box and Manual)
The Immortal (Box and Manual)
Ranger X (Box and manual)
Super Smash Bros. (Box and manual)
Super Mario 64 (Box and manual)
Pokemon snap (Box and manual)
LoZ OOT (Box and Manual)
Goldeneye 64 (box and manual)
Star Fox 65 (Box and manual)
Super Smash Bros Melee (Manual only)
If anyone has any of these items send me a PM or something to let me know!
Last edited by ZP3; 03-13-2013 at 12:43 AM.
Looking for a manual for Parasite Eve 1. If you've got a spare one, PM me. Thanks!
My YouTube channel:
Hey guys. I'm looking for PS1 manuals and inserts so I can complete my disc only copies. If you have some available or a list, please send me a PM!
I have a slipcover for the Compton's Encyclopedia disc that came with the JVC X'Eye, like the one in this auction:
got it with an X'Eye...with a Cliffhanger disc in there, my favorite. I'll send it off for $3 to cover shipping.
I just picked up some Saturn games which are missing Manuals
Im looking for:
Sega Saturn
Command and Conquer - Manual
Clockwork Knights - Manual and Insert
Command And Conquer - Manual
if you got any of these beyond, PM me and we'll talk.
Nintendo: NESx3, SNES, N64x2, NGCx2, WIIx2, GB, GBP, GBCx2, GBASPx2, NDSLx2,
Sega: SMS, GENx3, SATx2, DCx3
Sony: PS1, PS1 moddedx2, PS1 Jap, PS1 Slim, PS2x2, PS2 Slim, PSP Go, PS3 Fat, PS3 Slim
Others: XBOXx2, XBOX w/ hard mod, XBOX w/xbmc and 80gb HDD, X360, X360 Slim MW3 Edition, TG16, INTV, COLV, 2600 JR-broken, Wonderswanx2
I'm looking for cases+manuals for the following:
Pokémon Mystery Dungeon Blue (DS)
Road Rash (Genesis)
Spyro the Dragon (PS1-black label)
The Need for Speed (PS1-longbox)
Toe Jam and Earl (Genesis)
These are for US region. If you have any of these available, please PM me with your price.
Hi All. I'm looking for the following:
Xbox Original
Fatal Frame
Playstation 1
Bust-a-Move 4
Jade Cocoon: Story of the Tamamayu
Professional Underground League of Pain
Playstation 2
NFL Blitz 20-02
Wild Arms 4
Playstation 3
Playstation All-Stars Battle Royal
Ratchet & Clank Collection
Playstation 1
Dead Ball Zone
Playstation 2
EvergraceSuper Monkey Ball Adventure
Looking for the following:
Shenmue: Case, Manual (Dreamcast US)
Heart of Darkness: manual and 3-d glasses (ps1)
Final Fantasy VII: manual (ps1 black label)
Chrono Cross: manual (black label)
Prince of Persia-Sands of Time manual (original XBOX)
Oni- manual (ps2)
Lunar: Silver Star complete- cloth map
I have a Crusin' USA box that I don't need. Anyone that want's it is welcome to it. All I ask is that you pay for shipping. No, it's not in the best shape but it is free.
Atari: 2600, Jaguar
Microsoft: XBox, XBox 360
Nintendo: NES, GB, GBC, SNES, N64, GameCube, GBA SP, Wii, New 3DS, Wii U
Sega: SMS, Genesis, Game Gear, Nomad, Sega CD, 32X, Saturn, Dreamcast
Sony: PS1, PS2, PS3
Wanted: 7800, Neo Geo CD
looking for some SMS manuals:
After burner
Black Belt
My Hero
Double Dragon
Spell Caster
Looking to do the biggest trade deal I can so shipping is worth it
Here's what I have -- happy to trade any of it for parts I'm missing to complete some of them
Need Disks ( have manual / case / back)
01442 Big Bash Fishing
01271 NBA Live 2001
01360GH FF IV (no manual)
01089 Cesars Palace 2000
00790 Championship Motocross Ricky Carmichael
00379 Command & Conquer D1 (no manual)
00410 Command & Conquer D2
94358GH Cool Borders 2
94154GH Crash Bandicoot 2
00530GH Croc
00507 Monopoly
00507GH Monopoly
00416 Namcomuseum Vol. 4
00805 NCAA March Madness 99
00619 Diablo
94167 JetMotto 2
94309 JetMotto (worn)
94188 Hot Shots Golf
01418 Gundam Battle Assault 2
00555 Golden Nugget D2
00528 NHL Powerplay 98
01419 Tony Hawk 3
00885GH Tomb Raider The Last Revelation
01188 Woody Woodpecker racing
00487 Test Drive 4 BL
00706 TENCHU Stealth Assasins BL
00000GH Twisted Metal
00292 Suikoden (no manual)
94228GH Spyro the dragon
00005GH Rayman (worn)
00190GH Oddworld
Need Manual (have case, back and disk)
Harry Potter Sorcerers Stone BL
Dukes of Hazard BL
007 Tomorrow Never Dies BL
NCAA Game Breaker 98
Guardian Crusade
Star Wars Master of Teras Kast
Nascar Rumble
Kurt Warners Arena Football Unleashed
Newman Haae Racing
Frogger BL
Formula 1
Need back (have disk case and manual)
FIFA 2000
Have disk only
Namcomuseum Vol3 BL
NHL Faceoff 99
Command & Conquer Red Alert Retaliation
01248 Action Bass
00974 Medal of Honor BL
Have Manual Only
94425GH Spyro Riptos Rage
00254 Pitfall 3D
01473 Rainbow Six Lone Wolf
Anyone have spare Turbografx-16 manuals, boxes, sleeves, or plastic cases?
All gone.
Last edited by vintagegamecrazy; 09-18-2014 at 12:13 PM.
If they made a movie out of your top five worst sins, what would it be rated?
Check out my list of trades on GameTZ Link
Free PS2 orphans - just pay shipping!!!!!!!!!!!
I have a number of PS2 manuals as case artwork laying around that I need to get rid of. If I can't get rid of them here by the end of the month, more drastic measures will need to be taken. They are:
Wild Arms 4 - case & manual
Kingdom Hearts II - case & manual
Grandia II - case & manual
Grandia III - case & manual
Evergrace - case & manual
Prince of Persia Warrior Within - case
FF XII - case & manual
Xenosaga III - case & manual
Radiata Stories - case & manual
Valkyrie Profile 2 Slimeria - case & manual
Magna Carta - case & manual
Nanobreaker - case & manual
Yu Yu Yakusho Dark Tournament - case & manual
Future Tactics The Uprising - case & manual
Chaos Legion - case & manual
La Purcelle Tactics - case
Legaia 2 - case
Zone of the Enders 2nd Runner - case
Phantasy Star Universe - case & manual
Someone PLEASE take this stuff!!