Anyone ever given this much thought to this? I'm in the midst of updating Japanese gaming. Part of it is updating the list of unreleased games (it will span across more systems, and be a bit more complete). I see a lot of games on there that I'd love to take a look at. There are quite a few pamphlets and whatnot of some of them, and I just can't help but think that the sources are sitting somewhere collecting dust.
Now, before you jump on the "Yeah, let's buy the rights to Propeller Arena!" let's try to keep it a bit realistic.
Dreamcast: Nobody's going to sell the rights to these (cheaply) b/c the game, in theory, could easily be ported to another system and sold for profits. (Case in point - Innocent Tears for the DC, which later came out on the X-box). Of course, they might sell it, but the costs would be high. The flip side to this, if you actually bought the rights, you could (technically, but not legally) release the game without it being licensed by Sega. Just make it self-booting and viola! Dodgy, yes, but they probably won't give a shit in 5 years time. Development kits aren't that hard to come by these days, so you could essentially fix up any lose ends in the game.
N64: There's a lot of games, but I think the cartridge thing would be the deterent here if you were looking into sell the game. Also a lot of the unreleased games are Nintendo stuff, and you know they're not going to let it go.
Saturn: There are quite a few of these, and unfortunately, these would yield you virtually zero dollars. Dev kits are hard to come by (and hard to use if you don't know how already). Very little English documentation doesn't help. The only way anyone could play the game well is on a modded Saturn (which are pretty rare when compared to modded PSXs). The other option is emulation, but Saturn emulation at the moment is not really good. This is sad, because I assume if someone had the connections, some of the no-name franchises might be acquirable (with the software as well) for a reasonable price (under $10,000 -- maybe I'm dreaming).
Megadrive, Mark III, Super Famicom, Famicom
These might be hard. The rights would presumably be cheap, but you have to work with Eeproms and whatnot. Basically, you'd be buying it as a collector, b/c you couldn't make much dough selling a ROM, at least as far as I know. Dev kits would probably be cheap if you could find them, and the programming is probably not that hard these days if you had to finish something up.
PC-Engine / Turbo Duo
Turbo Duo stuff would be easy to "sell". I doubt NEC would care if you released an unlicensed game at this point (other people seem to be doing it) and the system has absolutely no piracy check on it. PC-Engine -- you're in the shitter with the eeproms again.
Any thoughts?