For whatever reason, I've just never been a fan of Turn Based role playing games. Games like the Final Fantasy series. I just abosolutely hate it, that when you encounter a monster you switch to this battle screen, where you aren't actually in control during the battle.

I just can't get into that.

Am I on a island by myself here? Or does anybody else dislike these types of RPG's. I have no problem with the action oriented Zelda type RPG's. The ones where you can swing your sword at the monster yourself, in real time, and then can damage you in real time, and there isn't any pausing or going to a special battle screen or whatever.

Yes, I know that action/RPG's aren't really the "TRUE" type of role playing games, but still, that's the type that I like.

Just curious if anybody else shares my same feelings regarding Turn Based RPG's.