I searched the web, but could not find any concrete information about that. This week I have been in a hotel in Germany which had the usual TV set on each room, with cable programs, some pay tv programs (2 movies and 2 pr0n movies, and NO, I did not watch them :P ), AND, eight SNES games!!!

There was a grey control pad attached to the TV set, and when you press the "Info" button on the TV remote control, you would have a menu where you could select one of the eight SNES games. The games were Tetris, Dr. Mario, F-Zero, Hole In One Golf, Super Punch-Out, Super MKetroid, Wario's Woods and The Legend Of Zelda.

Unfortunately the games did not work - no matter which game I selected, I could only see a screen of Super Punch-Out, but there was no reaction, no matter which button I pressed on the pad.

Unfortunately I was too fainthearted to take the controller with me but I have a picture of the pad and the instructions.

Does anyone have more info on that system?